

Last activity 12 July 2012 by Adim

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hare krishna

Hello friends,
                   can somebody tell me that the true love is there still or it doesnot exists now.?
                                             THX ALOT.

Lady A

the true love exists but the humain B want to be togheter for something else than true love. i think. very pety.


Yes, true love exists. But the thing is that we do not find true person so easily. I have been looking for one, but still very far from that true love.


..i don't think so..It depends to the person,

with his/her feelings,as we know Love is an emotion,a feelings!
Nowadays,some people are just having fun,not serious,,
..taking love just for pass time.. mad.png


True love exists.

It is not a myth, I know it is real.

Where to find it? I do not have a clue.

But what you gona do, give up?

No, you just have to go create your dreams and goals.

Seems to me if you are focused on expressing and being who you are, the right person will show up, eventually.

That is my theory.


I think true love exists, but rarely you can find it from internet dating sites.


This is just like finding new friends.  The more you're out in the world doing what you love, the more you'll meet similar people.

Nobody ever found love or friends sitting in a room alone.


Hey True loves still exist now our day ,it's just difficult to make a difference between true love and love by interest.We live in an era where most of those virtue of love have given place to materialism and so it becomes very difficult to find true love.Personally true love exist and when it comes your way,you will feel it.


If you really matter to that person, he will find a way to be with you. No lies, no broken promises and no excuses.

Nathan Calouro

[Moderated: Off topic]


I do know that when you find it, you sure as hell feel real good inside and out.You walk on air, big problems become small ones.The feeling of contentment is overwhelming...Mind you I am a single man and can't help falling in love evertime I hit the early fresh market here in Phnonm Penh......LOL. The women in Cambodia are drop dead gorgeous.

Cao Mỹ Dung

Someone must have the same thought with you


True love is like the mafia when you owe them money.  They're hard to find when you're looking for them, but like it or not, they'll find you sooner or later.


Love is, as the song goes, all around.

Love can be a husband and wife; a baby with mummy and daddy or a random act of kindness to a stranger.
I saw a rich man stop his car and give a large bank note to a poor blind man.
No one would ever have noticed if the car has simply driven past and ignored the old guy but the driver showed love is in the world.
Makes you smile to know there are good people out there.



I don't know what you've gone through but no matter how bad the world is Love still exists. Because Love transcends any kind of barrier, time, space. and Love can conquer any world.

From: Hericles with Love

ani devi

Hello Mas Fred, I agree with you.

I believed true love is exist, but we have to know the reality, then we can go together, True Love and the reality of world.


true love does exist,  even i can say my love life aint always smooth :-D sometimes chaotic, ups and down, but the time will come for me, i gotta wait and open my self and believe it, believe in love again. simple example if i just look at my parents they just celebrated their 29th years together, man can u imagine 29 years together and they are still passionate to each other still holding hands, seems celebrating love each day..even though i see some arguments ups and downs in their marriage but thats the point if you can hang on together for years to accept, to respect, to care and be honest to each other,  thats what i called love.
good luck man to find your true love, is just the matter of time


True love exists.

I waited 15 years to find it and i was not even looking.
Been married 16 months, but apart 2 years.
Everyday i phone my husband my stomach still flips it's lid and gets butterflies. I love him more than the first day i met him. heart.pngheart.png


It really became confusing , if it exists or not , or if love itself can't exist unless a part of it is not "unconditional" or "true" .  For me , i believe that no matter how true love is , at some point it's conditional . I personally prefer to blame it on our "modern" , "enhanced" world . Although it takes a lot to change Auto-emotions we're grown up with , but it isn't impossible.


Hey as 4 me true love never exist because both sex r after something.the lady is after his money while d guy is after her beauty or to get her on its self is just a gamble u either win or loose.


money,  beauty , this is the world that we r living cant deny that, for some people oh yeah maybe thats important , but still many  people who value love more than that.
and love is nothing to do with win or loose, its not even a game, but if you wanne win, you have the right to fight
honest with your feeling, loving someone without expected something in return and do your best and all the good things will come back to you automatically
and i gotta  say falling in love is the best feeling words cant even describe yiiiyyyyy


I'm 10 years older that my husband. I love him more today that i did when i first saw him par.png


I miss him so much at the moment.sosad.png
trying so hard to save up the money to go over but when i do save....the unexpected bills arrive mad.png.
I was with him 15 days after we got married then i had to come home.sosad.png


Love .

True love you say !!

Love isnt a thing you are looking after it !!?  love is a lot of thing and im sure to some of us its every thing !! . love is when you feel worm inside just when you see that person . you literally feel like you are capable of fly . Love is the cold rain in the hottest desert . Love is the soul of the life . its the beautiful colors that painting can never finish without it .

But , it can also destroy your hear and rip of your soul if you fall for the wrong one . I promise you , it will feel death itself when your partner disappear after you loved share so much , sometimes you can swear she is the one . you will spend nights crying for your lost . its like you feel empty , burn and crashed all at once .  sometimes I used to cry in the darkest night . just missing the worm that she left me . same times I miss that someone who can fell my heart with happiness just like that she left me .  when eva I do remember her I cry without even acknowledge why !? am I that weak , that even that someone left me and domed me I still feel her inside  . I spend a year till I have forgotten about her , and now you say true love !?

What true that I go through something have riped my heart ? or play with my soul and wasted my time ? will you give me that nights I spend alone in the dark ? will you ask about me if I had a heart attack ?  so I swore that I will never love again till im really sure this time will have a true love  . . .

Now what do you think of true love ?

Peppy Song

True love exist for those who believe in true love.

Don't say you believe true love but it never appear/happen on you, becuase u just haven't believe it much enough.

try HArder and good luck.


true love is always there


imagine that true love is between all human kind?


but where to find the true love?, this is the question!!!!



For the last 25 months i have cried every night, being apart from the man i husband. sosad.png
I have been his wife for 17 months but we were only together 15 days after we married before i had to come home.

True love is out there, you will find it when you least expect it. I did and i love my husband more each day.

haggishunter wrote:


For the last 25 months i have cried every night, being apart from the man i husband. sosad.png
I have been his wife for 17 months but we were only together 15 days after we married before i had to come home.

True love is out there, you will find it when you least expect it. I did and i love my husband more each day.

i agree its there dont get me wrong but , its hell on earth when your partner do stuff bad for you or end it , or even hurting you . its like riping your heart off .

im not sure if there someone there for me anymore . atleast not soon . and it kills me when i know that one day it will be dark for me again or ending up alone in this life , or with someone can not understand me but just want to share with me ....


if true love never exist? then we are not here at all? people lives on love, and hatred is also product of love? if love does not exist we are all gonna be just a part of nonsense life.

AbsoluteBlue wrote:

if true love never exist? then we are not here at all? people lives on love, and hatred is also product of love? if love does not exist we are all gonna be just a part of nonsense life.

Mate Slow down , i said love do exist , however its very rarely to find you are more than luck to find someone who love you and look for you . ask for you and be there when you need to .

its just more pain for me than joy . that's the case i'm more like not believe in it cause i had so many bad memories pain , awake at night for no reasons , tears in middle of no where just cause i missed her .

now after im over you want me to be in love again , sorry brother, i already had like enough . im enjoying my life for the time been till i feel its the right one .


I meet the only person that I've loved 18 years ago, until today I am fighting to find anyway to be with him, im hitting 30 next month and I couldnt believe that I've loved him these whole years I swear to GOD 18 years and I still love him and will always do till I die, even though we cant be together


fr33 bird, loving is also letting go of someone you love and had found a new love, if your still not letting go of this feeling and not finding someone to get you moving? your love for the guy for the last 18 years is not love at all? it is obsession! and selfish acts of love? if that guy will know that your love for him still lingers? he will be not happy as he will feel guilt and mercy for you? so let it go it is beyond your hands now, you might have lose someone who can give you happiness and contentment while you still lingers your love to former guys! now start looking and find a new!

jasmine hold

a good person can love and be in love and be loved by any other good person


Haggishunter: awwwwwwwwwwww I know that feeling but no we're not yet married( but I hope soon LOL)

Yes, I believe that there is true love. I have found it myself through the love of my man, my family and friends.

Keep the love burning!


I just want my husband home with me again. I miss his snoring and blowing on his ice cream before he eats it lol.pngheart.png


why are u asking question like that, in the first place?
had a bad experience in the past?

but don't lose hope..
yeah, true love exists smile.png


people, people, people...Love is an april rose that only grows in early springs....meaning love happens anywhere, everywhere, anytime to anybody and when it does grab it well, take it seriously, grab it for good for it might blown by a strong wind and fall from another backyard hihihi.....


Well i said it once i say it agan true love excists.
I found it without looking. big_smile.png

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