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David Spanish Teacher

Life is a great mystery,a question each one of us should answer, something that will end without even starting... and yet it´s beautiful to struggle throughout it. Who will win and what will happen.. who knows.And within life, HAPPYNESS is the greatest mystery, what is it? Does it exist? A question I haven´t yet answered. Who can help me?

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Hello David Spanish Teacher and welcome to the forum :)

Yes my friend ... Happiness does exist ... each one of us has got to look for the things that makes him/her happy.

It is up to us to find the ways and means to achieve that happiness each of us seek and long for.

However, it is essential to recognize that there is no one absolute way to achieve happiness; People may have different ideas with regard to the ways of achieving happiness.

Happiness can be found easily on a smile you draw on somebody's face, or among your family and friends, or in wealth, or in career advancement or in fame or in being satisfied with what you have got in hands; I'm sure there are a lot of other sources of happiness but at the end, it all depends on you ... its your choice :)

You are the owner of you own happiness :)


David Spanish Teacher

Hi my friend!!!
Thanks a lot for your repply!
Let us be realists. These are two of the characteristics of our human existence: Suffering is inescapable and none is right now thoroughly happy. We would be tempted to say like the apostles: "Then who can be saved ?"  But the next verse gives us the answer: "For human beings it is impossible, but not for God. All things are possible for God ." Is it possible to desire something that lacks existence? Can we be attracted by nothingness?

    Perhaps in the last century more than ever we could discover that anguish of man in search of happiness to the extent of making nothingness an absolute, a kind of idol to adore. Somehow they strove to give some meaning and happiness to their lives, even the meaning of preaching the meaninglessness. And even if existence is equal to absurdity, very few escaped committing suicide. Not even Sartre its main promoter. We already know the end of this road.

    The question for happiness is universal and essential because it touches the very core being of men. You will find nobody who does not ask for it. Yet it is as well personal and existential because it touches the very being of this man and each one answers it with his life. We can say about it what Dr. Frankl says about the question of meaning: “Ultimately man should not ask what the meaning of his life is. But rather he must recognize that it is he who is asked.”  Sorry for my bluntness but my answer is still in Mark 10, 27.

That´s something I WROTE LONG AGO!

David Spanish Teacher



Hello again My Friend,

I'm just looking at life from a pure personal prospective that might be right or might be wrong; and trying to make it as simple as I can.

You have got to live your life, and you live it only once so you have got to enjoy it ... If will spend the rest of our lives looking for the meaning of a lot of things we do on a daily basis, I'm sorry to say that we might end looking for the nothingness you mentioned.

I believe that things happens in life for a reason ... Things will happen in your life that you can't stop, but that's no reason to shut out the world. There's a purpose for the good and for the bad.

"You can give in to the failure messages and be a bitter deadbeat of excuses. Or you can choose to be happy and positive and excited about life." AL Williams quotes

MAKE EVERYDAY COUNT MY FRIEND! Appreciate every moment and take from it everything

And as they say in Spanish "Quien lo vive es quien lo goza" ... "Who lives it is, who enjoys it"

Have a Lovely Days :)



Hi happy people! I think the question is a way to start to look for what make you happy. Only love can make us happy. When we love or when we feel we are loved. It can happens suddenly, during a nice evening knowing positive people, in a place and during an event that feed your soul. Yesterday I admired a wonderful singer who made us to sing together '..I don't know how, I don't know why, but the life begins now, right now..'. A magic atmosphere where we felt, let me say, happy, thanking God. It was easy to talk about that song with the artist, at the end of the show, and we shared the warm feeling to be full of hope, appreciated, understood, even loved.. It was an extraordinary even. It ended :( but I can still look for positive place, events and people ...:)
Peace and joy, a shower of blessings!


Tealm wrote:

Hi happy people! I think the question is a way to start to look for what make you happy. Only love can make us happy. When we love or when we feel we are loved. It can happens suddenly, during a nice evening knowing positive people, in a place and during an event that feed your soul. Yesterday I admired a wonderful singer who made us to sing together '..I don't know how, I don't know why, but the life begins now, right now..'. A magic atmosphere where we felt, let me say, happy, thanking God. It was easy to talk about that song with the artist, at the end of the show, and we shared the warm feeling to be full of hope, appreciated, understood, even loved.. It was an extraordinary even. It ended :( but I can still look for positive place, events and people ...:)
Peace and joy, a shower of blessings!



Hi happy people! I think the question is a way to start to look for what make you happy. Only love can make us happy. When we love or when we feel we are loved. It can happens suddenly, during a nice evening knowing positive people, in a place and during an event that feed your soul. Yesterday I admired a wonderful singer who made us to sing together '..I don't know how, I don't know why, but the life begins now, right now..'. A magic atmosphere where we felt, let me say, happy, thanking God. It was easy to talk about that song with the artist, at the end of the show, and we shared the warm feeling to be full of hope, appreciated, understood, even loved.. It was an extraordinary even. It ended :( but I can still look for positive place, events and people ...:)
Peace and joy, a shower of blessings!



David Spanish Teacher

I really thank you for your comments! And I agree with most of them. I think love renders meaning to our lives. We are to love and be loved. Anyhow, happiness conceived as total self-fulfillment... do you think that it exists on earth? I must say that I am really ambitious and never fully satisfied... I think man is always a project, he struggles trying to perfect him/herself. But he never ends. At least I´ve never met anyone who told me that had reached the insuperable summit in this travel of ours....

David Spanish Teacher



Hola David. If I may I would like to comment about your topic. I agree with VidoDido. I think happiness is a short experience and very individual.What might make you happy it doesn't necessarily mean that someone else would feel it! I believe we should grab that moment and enjoy it deeply because we don't know when we will have it again.It is a choice though...I prefer feeling happy no matter what.Keep smiling and be happy. Kind regards.Carolina.


the happiness depend of you, for the things that you do, for the type of life that you want to have, only us do more difficult.

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