Anyone in Pune

Is there anyone on this site staying in Pune.

I stay in pune... Any help needed ??

Yes , I stay in Pune.....Welcome to Pune

no1browniegirl wrote:

Is there anyone on this site staying in Pune.

hi i am andrea from argentina and i am going to mumbai 6 oct maybe i settle in pune because i like much this city than mumbai but i dont know yet i give you mail you can add me if you want see you bye

I am from Pune...

Hi ,

I am in pune .. you can write me at for any kinda help.. you most welcome in my country!! :-))

hey where in USA re you from?
I have worked and lived there for 5 years
are you still in pune?

Hi. We will be moving to Pune next month.

Write if you wish.

I am in Pune ask if any help  needed :):)


Welcome to Pune.
Do you need any help?


no1browniegirl wrote:

Is there anyone on this site staying in Pune.

Yes Mam.

Good evening.

How are you ?

I am in Pune.  Tell me  What can I do for you ?
Pl contact without prejudice.

Have a nice time.

fir milenge,


yes I am in Pune
drop email for help needed :)

Hi no1browniegirl and everyone else!  I just recently joined this forum.  I moved to Pune last month from the US. Pleased to meet ya'll!