Getting married in Romania
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Hi just a little question, both my partner and I are british but we would like to get married in Romania, is this possible as we would like the cerimony in one of your fantastic castles
TRUEMANN wrote:hai jai,
never marry to a romanian lady..ok..
they are very much greedy and not even a single euro they ll spend on their marriage..
it seems that you would be paying to be a male escort husband for them
The OP is asking about whether 2 British citizens can get married there, not about marrying a Romanian lady.
Sounds like someone who has been dumped, maybe more than one time.
And with a rather large chip on his shoulder....
I have a medical condition, which my partner knows about. Could this cause any complications on the medical for getting married in Romania?
It probably depends on what your medical condition is.
Its best to get advice from a doctor,
Hi everybody,
Do note that some off topic posts have been removed from this thread.
expert i m from pakistan -my girl friend is from romania -i m illagel - so how can i married ? pls reply
gooddeal39 wrote:hi
expert i m from pakistan -my girl friend is from romania -i m illagel - so how can i married ? pls reply
If you are living illegally in Romania then you have no chance of getting married. There is paperwork you have to supply and forms to fill in for marriage.
If you are looking to get married so you can become legal then forget that.
Anteeka wrote:I just got married to my Romanian husband. I am Indonesian. We found out that getting married in Romania was a lot of hassle, so we decided to get married in Copenhagen, Denmark, with a tourist visa. It was just a 5 minute process. We got our marriage certificate from Copenhagen city hall, then we registered it in Romania. After the registration, they made a Romanian marriage certificate for us. That was it. We are now officially married according to the Romanian law. I currently live in Romania with a spouse visa.
If i get married in Copenhagen, Denmark , and want to register my marriage in Romania, then what document should i need.
Thank you.
My Romanian girlfriend is visiting me on a tourist visa in the US. We want to get married here and then she will register it when she returns to Iasi. I will move over in a few months. Does anyone know what documents are required just to register an existing US marriage? She claims it doesn't require the same as if you get married there, but I can't find info on what the procedure is exactly to prep the documents. Any help is appreciated!
Your Romanian GF couldn't find this info from the city hall websites??? It's pretty easy to find with a Google search....
To register the marriage in Romania you need (I'll let you translate it, it's too early in the morning for me to do it ).
Certificatul/ extrasul de căsătorie, CU APOSTILLE, emis de autorităţile competente din străinătate, original şi copie legalizată (la notar);
Traducerea legalizată a certificatului/ extrasului de căsătorie, făcută în România, la traducător autorizat şi legalizată la notar original;
Cărţile de identitate ale soţilor (paşaport/ act identitate pentru soţul cetăţean străin);
Certificatul de naştere al soţului/ soţiei (emis în România/ străinătate tradus şi legalizat - dacă este cazul) - original şi copie;
Declaraţie notarială privind numele soţilor, după căsătorie (dacă este cazul);
Taxe 50 + 2 lei = 52 lei
It's also a good idea to have a notarized statement from you that you've had no previous marriages, or be ready to furnish divorce decrees and more translations/apostilles.....
One more thing, just a word of caution....what your Romanian GF is doing could easily be construed by CBP as visa fraud, and they could deny her up on it if you haven't already just to be safe.
Thanks for the response Romaniac. No need to translate; a link even would have been fine. As I stated she believes she knows everything that is required, but I was just double checking. As far as visa fraud and denied entry...she is already here, and it is only visa fraud if she came with the intention of marrying and staying. Neither of which are the case. The only questionable legality would be if she were attempting to overstay her visa in the US.
Even if we marry, she is a medical student and will return to Romania per her CBP declared entry, hence the need to register the marriage in Romania so I can join her there. We will then apply for green card status while living there through an IR1/CR1 or a DCF after I've been there for a while.
I see that you are married and living in Iasi, what route did you take or will take to get your spouse a green card?
here_not_there wrote:I see that you are married and living in Iasi, what route did you take or will take to get your spouse a green card?
I can't help you or relay my experience in this regard. I'm a permanent RO resident now and we have no intention of going to the U.S, so it's a non-issue for us If anything we may move to a western EU country.
I see. Well thanks for the feedback anyway. I appreciate your help and wish you the very best. If everything works out and I end up in Iasi maybe I'll buy you a coffee or something.
hi ,i would like to know when m gettig married in romania what are the requriements ..i am zimbawean ,and are there any probl;ems when a foreigner is getting married in romania,with a romanian man.
I am indian and want to marry with my romanian bf need help...where can we get marry easily in india or romania...need help
Im indonesian, wish to get married with romanian, if there's anybody who experienced same situation, i'd like to know how and what i need to prepare ?? Thank u...
eliprayitno wrote:Im indonesian, wish to get married with romanian, if there's anybody who experienced same situation, i'd like to know how and what i need to prepare ?? Thank u...
Any Romanian? Or you have a particular person in mind already? If you read this thread/topic you'll find a lot of information already posted, and your prospective Romanian partner can easily get more information from MAE (Ministry Foreign Affairs) in their country/city.
thank u romaniac, actually i'd like to know in details, where it'll be easier for us to get married, i heard that we can also do it in other country, then register it in that possible ?? well i'll try to find the hint... ...have a good day..
eliprayitno wrote:thank u romaniac, actually i'd like to know in details, where it'll be easier for us to get married, i heard that we can also do it in other country, then register it in that possible ?? well i'll try to find the hint...
...have a good day..
The details you seek, are listed in this thread, read through it again more closely and you'll find your answers.
i am living in portugal,my girl friend from romania i want do marry with her,so where i do in romania or portugal where more easy
Hi everyone,
For info, some inappropriate posts have been removed from this thread.
Thank you,
iam ahmed and iam gonna to marry my romanian gf in 5 of june and i want to ask you some questions can i ?? i would be happy
We, the members of expat-blog are considered to be knowledgeable on many aspects of being an expat in RO, but surely we would not know if you will be happy with the union you plan to enter on June 5.
Kidding, ya man. Fire away! Do tell, what boggles your mind?
hello.. iam sorry if i annoyed you with my mssg but i see many answers about my question but still didint get the final point now how long it takes to finish marry papaer there in romania and then how long and what to do to have the residence card .. i would be thankfull if u answer me
You seem flustered with all the non-responses, but as you can guess not everyone here fell into to bear-trap and has married a Romanian. Why don't you get your soon to be Mrs to ask at the local RO embassy in Cairo, or if you are getting married in RO, then ask her to check with the town-hall at her home town. If you really need to hear it from the horse's mouth then give a call to the Dept of Immigration in Bucharest.
I read somewhere that it can take 60 to 90 days to get the permit in hand after your have filed for it.
Hello. Me and my fiance want to get married in Romania. He is British. Can you please tell me what documents did you need from the British Consulate and how long did it take to get them? If you remember, of course. Thank you in advance!
his birthcertificate and paper of him as not married ... or the devorce certificate,,, and all this leglised fron minister forgnieraffais of his country ,, then come to u and make a test blood and then u will know exactly what u need in ur country .. ))
I need to know if we need a certificate of no impediment or with the affidavit is enough! But thank you very much for you reply.
You will need the Cert of Impediment.
hello, is this blog still active? i am a Zambian citizen, my bf is romanian citizen living in uk. we have a one year old child. we are planning to get married in Romania in a few months. is my tourist visa enough and will me and my daughter be be able to stay in Romania once I marry him?
I am from the USA and getting married to my Romanian fiancé in Bucharest. I have obtained all the documents with the Apostille, and now need to get them translated. My fiancé tells me it is better to get them translated in Bucharest, but I am not sure what type of translations services to hire. How do I tell if the translations will be accepted and official, and what is the expected costs? Anybody have a recommendation which services to use? There seems to be a lot of choices listed on the internet, and it is confusing.
profwiggy wrote:I am from the USA and getting married to my Romanian fiancé in Bucharest. I have obtained all the documents with the Apostille, and now need to get them translated. My fiancé tells me it is better to get them translated in Bucharest, but I am not sure what type of translations services to hire. How do I tell if the translations will be accepted and official, and what is the expected costs? Anybody have a recommendation which services to use? There seems to be a lot of choices listed on the internet, and it is confusing.
If you're getting married in Romania and the documents are translated in Romania, the translations will be accepted with no problem as long as an authorized translator does it and stamps it and the notary legalizes them. It won't cost a lot at all usually 20-25 RON a page or document plus the notary fees. Once you get here, you have your pick of places to do it, it's not hard to find a place that'll take care of it in a day. Get your fiance to do this legwork if it's too confusing for you.
romaniac wrote:
If you're getting married in Romania and the documents are translated in Romania, the translations will be accepted with no problem as long as an authorized translator does it and stamps it and the notary legalizes them. It won't cost a lot at all usually 20-25 RON a page or document plus the notary fees. Once you get here, you have your pick of places to do it, it's not hard to find a place that'll take care of it in a day. Get your fiance to do this legwork if it's too confusing for you.
Thanks. I think my confusion is being able to distinguish between translation services for companies and for individuals by looking on the internet. The pricing estimates varied greatly. Knowing that I will have a pick of places helps when I get there. Will they accept a copy of the documents for the translations, so I can hold onto the originals, or do they need the original documents?
At this point we are all set except for the processes that require me to be in Romania to complete (blood test, translation, hiring of a translator, and the Embassy visit for the affidavit - already scheduled). I have given us 21 days for this, so I feel we will be able to accomplish this without issues.
Again, thanks for the information.
profwiggy wrote:Will they accept a copy of the documents for the translations, so I can hold onto the originals, or do they need the original documents?
At this point we are all set except for the processes that require me to be in Romania to complete (blood test, translation, hiring of a translator, and the Embassy visit for the affidavit - already scheduled). I have given us 21 days for this, so I feel we will be able to accomplish this without issues.
Again, thanks for the information.
They usually need to at least see the original, but often they'll make a copy to keep while translating if you don't want to leave the originals with them. It's not a big deal, just talk with the translator. I've never had a problem with documents being lost or damaged by the translator, though I usually ask to hold the originals if it's something that's really difficult to replace.
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