
getting married to a local


Hi there,

So on top of moving to Bali in July to live with my partner. we are now engaged... as all of this is very new to us we have no idea which way to turn now please HELP! :) we have plans to have a Hindu wedding but I also would like to have a small simple western ceremony but we want all this in Bali and at the same time we want it all to be legal in AUS we need help big time the other thing I have no idea about is does this make it harder or easier to live in Bali with regards to visas etc if you have any info please get back to me either here on this thread or by message (message is better).

thank you in advance :)

Nyoman & BJ  :)

See also

Getting married in IndonesiaTraveling to IndonesiaPension request in ItalyBusiness managementSpouse kitas.

Hi, search for a wedding organizer and also checkout as well as your embassy website for more details.


thanks for that we'll try both :)


You must be of the same religion.
You'll need a certificate saying you're not married in your home country.
Soon as you get wed, you can start the application of a spouse KITAS. Starts with a SOSBUD unless things have changed.
An Indonesian marriage is a legal entity in the UK; check, but probably Australia as well.
I can't comment for Bali but in Java weddings are sorted out by the family for the most part.


For Bali it seems to be cheaper and easier. You need to find a good wedding organiser who will sort a lot of the things you need to out for you and take some of the pressure off.


Dear BJ,
Great advise from Mas Fred

[b]You must be both of the same Religion[/b] If your Hindu Fine Go for it.

If not, a dear friend who lives in Ubud an expat US citizen 10+ years in Bali who is aged in her late 70's nothing to do with marriage decided she would take a new Hindu Religion, It took her 18 months of study with the local Holy Man with donations all the way along and she speaks the Lingo Do you? Best talk to Nyoman and his family about this topic maybe. 
Good Luck


Hi Again BJ
I just had a thought there is a Book called "Fragrant Rice" Written by Janet De'Neefe  A  girl from Melbourne who fell in love with Ketut a Balinese It relates to their meeting, Marriage Child bearing  Cooking & traditional life in Bali.

They are now very successful family in Ubud owning 3 Fabulous restaurants and a Hotel in Ubud "Honeymoon Hotel  which also has cooking classes. I recommend you search Google to discover more !! Janet is a marketing Wizard and now 3/4 almost grown up children
Check out Fragrant Rice by Janet De Neefe
Food for thought suggestion
Regards Howard


By the way.
Don't forget to report to the local police station within 24 hours of moving in to a house.


Hi Mas fred !

Can u explain me that...about local police station?


Foreigners must report to their nearest police station within 24 hours of moving into a property.
Hotels do it for you, as should homestays and so on.

I nearly got hammered with that one as I was unaware but the local cops were too quick off the mark in their eagerness to extract the bribe so turned up a few hours before the deadline.
Lucky me.


Hi Mas Fred,
Good advice When i had my leasehold Villa in Ubud for six years I still had to register with the Police every time I arrived 4/5 times a year.
My staff did this for me every time. I think I was only paying Rp 3,000  each time per person. Credit when due My Villa was put on a Patrol as a result !! So very good value I think


I was talking to friends about your relationship and impending marriage to Nyoman Including my Bali maid. Many said probably after 18 months The Husband will probably take a second wife ! As is traditional to well heeled families here in Bali Plus you may not be informed about the addition to your 3 in a Bed !! My Maid IIlau tells me she gets Jealous when he makes love to the new wife of 18 year old while she was pregnant with his first child, if she leaves the husband she must leave the boy child with him & his family. Had it been a girl child she would be able to leave & take the daughter with her. Cruel I know but that the way is here. Maybe Food for thought.hj


And don't forget to arrange a pre-nuptial agreement BEFORE you get married. Will make it way easier to own property for your Indonesian partner (because foreigners are not allowed to own property in Indonesia). You can read more about this on



The prenup is good advise to follow.

The police report should be free but it's pretty much the norm to pay a little.

Some say it encourages corruption.
Some say it's never a bad thing to have a friend in the right place.

I'll leave the argument aside and let you decide for yourself.


im so sorry i have been very busy and i have just returned form bali... HJ, i went to highway in Ubud very helpful thank you.
I have done my research re the multiple wife subject but thank you all for your concern as for the police side of things i will keep this in mind ill be living in a homestay so should be sweet.

as fot the hindu side of things i will also keep that in mind...

Thank you all for the information you have all been a huge help.