
Hello All, My Intro

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Neil Nagle

Hello All,
This is my first posting here. Looks like a great forum with excellent information and particiapation by memebers.
I'm probably not the oldest guy in the room, so that's a nice change. < BG>
I'm 61 years old, and at the risk of death, I'll volunteer my wife, Andrea, is the same age. We are life long residents of Minneapolis, MN. I retired about a year ago, and the more we look at our investments, and the costs inherent in living in the states ( Health Care Aaaarrrgggghhhhh!) have deceided to become ex pats. Our leanings at this point are towards Ecuador. It seems from our investigations thus far that it fits the needs we are looking for. We are considering a 1 year  move out plan. We want to make a few visits prior of course.
Anyway, just wanted to say Howdy.... I think I'll be frequenting this site alot. Please bear with my anticipated numerous questions.
Stay Well,
Neil & Andrea

See also

Living abroad: the expat guideAny Deaf American Expats in Europe??Getting Along OnlineAre you in a country practising job nationalization?A call to expat moms: what have been your greatest challenges?

Hi Neil Nagle

Welcome to the forum!
How are you?
May God bless you and your wife to your move out plan!:)



and the award for best introduction goes to..

*Drum roll please*


Neil & Andrea!


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