
Sanctuary Belize

Last activity 22 April 2019 by beverly1

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I believe the monthly fee at this point is $100.00 US


Hey beart9h1v8, I believe you to be to only one on this forum who says they were at SB,and does not work for the sales dept.
Its so obvious that the fanatics who ignore everything negative about SB and still tout the place have a good reason for doing so.
What kind of place did you find it to be? Were there many houses? What about pressure to buy? One fellow who had toured the place told me his wife was brought to tears by the way they humilliated her when she said she didnt want them to buy there.
You can offer a lot to the forum, being the only one who ever was there and had less than great praise for the place. I'm tired of the "cat and mouse games" each time someone offers realistic negative comments ,the "sales dept" seems to jump in with a reason to ignore the facts. Then some of them add  "but go there yourself and see" , which leads me to believe getting the customer there is all important , then turn the heat up till he buys. 
I'd really like to hear more about what you saw, and did the comments about no homes being built no less than 25 feet above the water line prove to be true?  (if there are any homes that is) 
I sure hope you add some of your observations to the forum.
It will be a first time someone visited and had less than huge compliments about what they thought of the place.
You mentioned none of the 20 other people bought . What were some of their reasons ,or did they mention anything?
   Thanks for your post .. very refreshing!


Sancturary belize now flooded.  Raining since thursday.  Roads closed. Nemo reporting Sittee river over flowing its banks on both sides.


press photo posted this week on facebook by Sanctuary belize is all sunny and not like this


This is the second major flooding there this summer -- this is normal.  People need to accept that.


I'm here now.  It has been raining at least 12" or more for the last 3 days. Still raining as I right this.  Was on property yesterday and the place is soggy.  Homes are all dry and the drainage is functioning  although many of the roads are flooded. The Savanna land is draining water off the entire surface.  I am sorry to disappoint the nay Sayers but this has made me more confident that the infrastructure is designed and functions better than I had hoped.  Rain like this, according to the locals, will happen maybe once a year or less.  So this is as bad as it gets on a annual basis.  I would have been happier to have sun shine for the week but from the investment side, this was a better experience.   I believe the place will function as designed and short of a Cat4 storm, should survive relatively unaffected.  By the way .  Nice aerial photo of a flooded plane.  To bad it's not of SB


No matter what I say, you will deny it.  This is why I know you are a shill.

Nemo is refuting your statement, anyone can google it.


Rain like this is common during rainy season, but to think this is as bad as it will get is naïve, misleading or dishonest; or to say this happens once a year or less (which means not at all, as I interpret), is deceiving.   This is not even a tropical storm, but a simple weather system, the type of which will surely increase due to global warming.


I'm here and I can tell you the river is in full flood stage.  The river seems to flood to the north side as the bank on the SB side is 10-25' above the river.  Only minor flooding on the rest of the property.  As far as the rain is concerned.  I am incline to believe the people who live here rather than the nay Sayers.  My statement was that this is as bad as it gets on a annual basis.  Meaning on average.  I am aware that 20" plus of rain can and do happen during storms but as a special or unque event.  The staff at the resort we are staying  said this is the worst they have seen in over 2 years.  My point is,  It's very soggy and yet everything  Mr Negative, who has never been here said has no bearing on that actually happened.  The water runs off as Mother Nature intended and the property did not flood to a point that it would affect the livability.  The septic systems are all non ground saturation type systems and only discharge potable water.  So no danger of them backing up and discharging raw sewage.   The place seems to function as advertised.  As far as the photo is concerned. The best I can tell is that it maybe a shot of the north side of the river and in the flood plain.  SB is to the south.  The Savana land is all flooded but no development is scheduled for that for this exact reason.  The water hits the ridge line then channels out to the ocean or river as Mother Nature has done for century's.   All my current concerns are answered.  Does anyone have a concern they would like me to get answered before we leave tomorrow?


Question for Halleb.
How many buildings are there currently standing or under construction at SB right now?


Hello Halleb,
Thanks for the update on how SB is handling the heavy waters. Just like we were told ( those of us that have actually physically been to Sanctuary Belize that is). It's to bad there isn't a filter to eliminate comments on this forum, from those that actually like they have actually been here and know anything about the place, and what developers are doing to protect properties.
I did the tour in August, during rain but not like what you are seeing. I did specifically ask many questions about water and flood control, and am satisfied with what I saw and was told. It's the tropics people,MIT rains and sometimes floods. Don't like it ? Don't move there.
And by the way, I do post here, I did visit in August, I am returning to my lot to start construction next Feb.,
And I don't work for Sanctuary Belize ! I'm a Freelance Travel Writer / Photographer.
I wonder where that  "photo of SB flooded" was, certainly anyone that knows the place recognizes it's not SB.
And..there is an average of 50% of attending groups that purchase lots while there,mso kind if hard to believe nobody in a group would purchase ??

I love the entertaining ;-))

Thanks again for your input Halleb


I have no concerns, I'm leaving in December to live at SB Estate Lot S102. Our home construction loan is almost done. I'm happy to hear about rain run off as I have 2 dogs and 1 horse. If you can tell Johnny Usher Bunny & Kathy Wheeler said "See ya soon!"



I started to reply to you last night and did not finish the post and left it open to conclude when i returned from hunting today. When i returned my response was missing so I will start again.
Since yesterday there has been a few posts about flooding. I don't know what happens at SB but its a tropical environment and problems if any should be expected. As to your questions I will answer to the best of my knowledge from what the wife and I experienced when there.
As for this blog, forum or what ever you like to call the communication it is no different than any other. There are always participants that work for or paid by the company selling there product.  Of course there opinion is bias.I don't know for sure who on this forum works for SB but the smart ones will figure it out in time if the want to.  There are comments here that people that have bought a lot or lots are happy with there purchase. If so, I am happy for them and wish them well that all works out.
As for the number of homes built or started we were shown 5 or 6 and some of those are inhabited by the builders. One home that is under construction is on the water, I think it is on or close to the marina. Another is on stilts and is a very nice home. A few more were not worth viewing.
That tells me after 4-5 years into the development, not many want to build with having no services, food, fuel or just the necessity's including MEDICAL. As for pressure to buy, I will put it this way.

The wife and I were the ones asking the questions, the tough questions.  Basically after day 3 they didn't have much to do with us. Just the way I like it! If you experienced some kind of tactic to get you to sign, then I would bet there are many more that have had that experience they are just not here posting. By the way, after all those hundreds of people touring SB, why so few on this forum? Comments good or bad. Is there another form I should View?

As for the 20 or so not buying I can only add it up to, A SAVVY GROUP that if still a bit interested requires much further investigation.

Yes Halleb, Value is in the eye of the beholder. Question for Travel Wrighter Gary. Who took you or who you know to Placencia? Who supplied the vehicle? One of the on site sales team or a independent? There is at least one independent that will take you to see Placencia. FACT, had a discussion with one of the on site sales team on the evening of the 2nd day of the tour about leaving the property and not returning so we could experience other parts of the country. He convinced me not to leave as there was not much else to see. Yup I do get sold once in a while, but this one just cost me time. Also interested to know who publishes your writings and photos.

There is a lot more to our visit of the negative type, don't want to publish it here at this time. Who ever goes for a visit, ask the sales staff if they had a problem with a guy in the beginning of Oct. I would like to hear the response you were given. They can open that can of worms.

Hope this answers your questions.

As I  said before, see the country first and then SB if still interested, or SB first but see the rest of the country.
Maybe its for you.

Only sheeple ignore the FACTS
I will be the cat elsewhere.


Thank you for answering the question about the number of buildings. 5 years, 5-6 buildings.

I know that many of the PR staff posting here have all complained about ( attempt to discredit) people posting - those who  'have not visited the SB site'.
Well, if you are in Belize, you cannot just visit.  I've tried tied on three occasions to get down that road and unless you sign up for an "official tour" - you can't just pop in.  ( On a third attempt, the road was flooded and there was no way down there anyway)
My question has always been, what are they hiding?

The best 'SB buyers' are probably those who have no other point of reference within Belize. People who actually live here (or those who have travelled extensively) would be the ones asking the hard questions. They are the ones who already know what short comings there are, with just general living in Belize. They are the ones that have experience and realize that it will not be easy ( or should I say possible) to maintain the Disney World fantasy that SB is attempting to create.
Even  some of the better expat developments in Belize, the well established communities, have their issues and the reality is, that SB will not be exempt from real life.   
We have also seen so many dissatisfied buyers in similar types of communities, like Dreamscapes. You can drive the various areas and see the abandoned developments throughout the country that failed for a multitude of reasons. No doubt, many investors and property buyers lost money on those ventures.

SB's specific target market is catering to those with little or no knowledge of Belize. They sell the dream, but keep these potential property buyers isolated from the realities of Belize. (plenty of time for them to get educated after they have purchased property.) So perhaps it's best from a marketing point of view, to keep current residents out.
If they happen to encounter a "problem" customer like yourself, one who does ask too many questions, they would no doubt just attempt to isolate you from the pack.  A typical business tactic.

And while the SB staff might have convinced some people that there is not much to see in the rest of Belize, the people who want to eventually retire here, will have to deal with the real Belize when they live here, and it may be a shock to them. You can't isolate yourself from every aspect of life here.

The SB Marketing Department certainly doesn't subscribe to the advice that every long term expat will give you .... spend at least a year here before you commit or buy anything. 

There are many discussions on other forums on SB - is one where there have been attempts to talk about all the benefits of SB - which coincidently started at about the same time as the dissatisfied customers from Dreamscapes began posting - again the SB plants at work. Belize Forum has had many heated discussions.
On BF -Only one or two who are pro SB - all the rest very much against.
Again, it just appears that these lone voices are being paid for their 'unsolicited and unbiased' comments.
It just looks so contrived.

The Naysayers - for the most part, are honest people who don't want others to fall for the Disney World fantasy. They don't want unsuspecting people to fall for the propaganda and perhaps take a financial loss by buying a lot there, before they really understand what they are getting into.
If SB is all so great and totally as advertised, it will still be there next year, as nothing in Belize happens quickly.
Get to know Belize first, before putting $175 - $750K down on a piece of land.
Reselling won't be quick (measured in years, not months), if you make a mistake.


Hello again.

I will one last time challenge the tough questions.  Please forward them so I can ask.  I have asked every question I can think off and now seen the place with now over 20" of rain during the last 4 days.  So please ask on the blog so all can see the tough questions and I promise to relay the answer as given by the staff.

When I was here in May I contacted a realtor in Placencia (CPC I think).  They drove out to Kanantik and pick us up.  We then toured many property's including CoCoPllum and some in Maya Bay.   I had no problem arranging it and the staff at SB and Kanantik were very polite and responsive to the incoming realtor.  I did not witness any of the problems reported by others.
People keep talking about the tough questions. So bring them on.

Buildings.  There are a total of 13 being lived in now and 8 under construction.  The reason you cannot just drop in and see SB is the physical size of the place.  It's the size of Manhattan Island.  Do you drop into New york city for a few hours and expect see it? SB currently has 24 miles of road.

I do not work for or get any spiff from SB and if you want, please PM me and I will supply verifiable info on who I am and where I work.


Way to go Kathy,
Hope to meet you two in Feb when we return to view progress with our lot, preparing for construction.
Your neighbor on lot SR087.


Interesting - Buildings. " There are a total of 13 being lived in now and 8 under construction".
Yet, they only have building permits for 10. (Ten). (One was for a bridge and 9 other for residential structures)
The last permit on went through in June 2012.

How are they managing to build without permits?  Everybody else in Belize needs them. Do they get special exemptions?

And no - the reason you cannot just drop in and see the place, is not because of its size. That has little, if anything, to do with it. You are physically stopped at the top of the road, by a security guard. They tell you ' No entry" and to make an appointment with the sales office, but only after asking many questions.
This may or may not be standard practice - This was a few days after the TD hit. I suspect that like many other areas along the Sittee that day - the area was flooded.


Way to go Halleb !
I was counting my pictures of completed homes and under construction homes. Guess you can add Kathy's construction as well as mine starting early 2014.
As SB has sold out multiple phases, including SR where I purchased last lot, it seems there are a whole bunch of people that have actually visited, not just " tried" or viewed on the Internet, because they did the tour and bought.
My take is the 100's that have bought ( yes hundreds) are on 2-3 year plans to build, many waiting until more facilities are available, like the medical clinic which should be complete in 2014 , on the hill behind the Marina.
For anyone really interested read the featured article on Sanctuary Belize's World Class Marina in the upcoming December 2013 issue of Yachting Magazine. Guess Sanctuary managed to " pull the wool" over their eyes too ? Don't think this could be a draw to buyers? Think again, that's why SB has spent so much time and funds on it.

And..I do not work for, not employed by Sanctuary Belize. I work for myself. That's the last time I will say that. If you don't understand English, take a course.

Smiling in Oregon,



For those who are discussing not being able to just "show up" at the door / gate and drive around Sanctuary Belize, I assume that you have no idea of what a " Gated Community" is.
For those of us that have purchased our properties there and planning to build, we are very happy that SB and our property is secure from anyone wanting to just roam about.
There is no "Sales Office" on site to drop into, which is why the tours are by appt. only.


I guess Gary forgot he is a broker.  Luckily he is a poor editor and left his agent login on his blog

You can find the same link on this page (before he erases it.) … hy-bother/

I am just tired of the deliberate lying when someone gets a kickback -- it must be a policy by eco futures that they are instructed to do.


They all have a certain language they use and are easy to spot.  I am of course a naysayer.  No one takes into account I have lived here for more than a quarter century, have a pretty good overview, enjoy my successes and life here and supportive of efforts to improve Belize.  And SB might be a fine place to live, but it is not what these people describe it to be and probably won't be for many decades.  Formidable hospital to care for aging retirees within two yrs?  Don't count on it, but I know the pressure they levy to buy now at insider price while available.  Trust me. You'll be able to do the same in a few yrs time, sans trusted docs.  They think people are stupid or they just need a few stupid people to make this work?  Pls people, live here before you buy, unless you can afford to tie up your money for a long period of time


Yes Gary- I actually do know what a gated community is. I have homes in other countries that are in gated communities.

My point was that people like you (ie the paid minions of the SB PR dept.) keep mentioning that people who haven't been to SB shouldn't be commenting until we have gone down to see for ourselves.
I was simply pointing out that  you can't get in, even if you turn up at the site. You have to go through the laborious process of dealing with the sales staff.

So why bother telling people to go down there and "see for themselves"?


Wow, this conversation is interesting. I am looking forward to Gary's response. We have just arrived in Belize for the 1st time.  We are currently in Corozal, but definitely plan to see/visit SB as well as many other areas. This forum has been an eye opener. Thanks to all who participate and tell of your experiences.

corozal dave
Prestonia wrote:

I guess Gary forgot he is a broker.  Luckily he is a poor editor and left his agent login on his blog

You can find the same link on this page (before he erases it.) … hy-bother/

I am just tired of the deliberate lying when someone gets a kickback -- it must be a policy by eco futures that they are instructed to do.

Funny thing, I'm not the least bit surprised. These people will do and say anything to get a sale.


As Prestonia and Dave noted - and for those who do not know - the link that Gary (TravelWriterGary) uses to connect with the SB site uses a web tool called Agent Shield - you click the url that says Agent shield - it takes you to the SB site.

What does the Agent Shield tools do?
When an agent sends a prospect to a new community's website through Agent Shield, the agent's information appears all over the site where the developer's info used to be. All leads from the contact form go direct to the agent, not the developer.

So he directly benefits from every contact. The longer he can keep the discussions active, the better the chance that people will click on the site to see what the discussion is about.

It that how it works Gary?


Travel writter gary ,hah,  you have been outed again. Halleb,are you his partner?


There is little credible about SB promos and I wrote to Johnny Usher to let him know to pull his guys off.  Whatever, they stink up themselves.


Hey all

I forgot to mention this.
When we returned to Canada and going through customs, the normal questions were asked including where were you returning from and how long were you there and why? I told him we went to look at property specifically in SB. The friendly fellow asked how did you hear about that and asked what we thought? We told him from the ad on BNN and gave him a few of our thoughts. His reply was if you see it on TV its probably to good to be true. BINGO. I should of asked him, through the years of being on the job at customs, how many travelers said they were there and what were the most common thoughts?

Also when visiting Placencia, a couple that came with us to check out the real estate market there went into a local shop and some chit chat, as usual occurred. When the person at the the shop discovered where they were coming from, the reply was, oh that pyramid scheme. Take that as you will.

Just a couple of notes and will post more as memory serves.


Yes katievalk.
The sales staff are very unprofessional and immature.
I own 2 small business and said to a few people on the tour.
If they were working for me, they would be


Hey another note
If you arrive early you are charged for your food and drinks.
The same if you depart late.


Ok, final post.
Yes I am a Real Estate Broker in Oregon, With my final deal being the sale of my ranch. Then my Real Estate license will be terminated, I havn't been active for 3years, but kept the license for selling the ranch.

I purchased my lot in Belize, at Sanctuary Belize, for my wife and I to retire to within next 2 years.

While I still have my license, (. Not for long) anyone who clicks on the Agent Shield thing is sent to me to answer questions. If they end up liking what they hear, from myself and SB, and book a tour, and actually purchase a building lot, Sanctuary Belize is supposed to take 1% of their lot price off what I am paying for my lot.  WOW ! I'm sure going to get rich off that !! Hasn't happened yet, and chances are won't before I cancel my Real Estate License.

Bottom line is as a broker, certified in Real Estate Law, I checked out Sanctuary Belize, then toured, asked all the questions I felt needed to be asked.

Then I bought a lot !

If I want to put a link to SB for others to look at for themselves, it's mainly because I believe in it.
The interested people that have clinked on the link and asked me questions were very thankful for my answers, not just because I am a real estate agent, but also someone that has visited the place, and liked it enough to buy a lot ! I didn't lie about anything, or try to deceive.

If I was just an "Agent", getting paid to lead people on, with no interest in buying a lot, or living there myself, I would agree that being on this forum would be wrong. However, I have visited Sanctuary Belize, had a good experience, believe there is a good chance it will succeed, and enjoyed sharing my experience with some of you, as well as hearing from " some of you".

Lastly, I am a Freelance Writer, have been for years, preparing to continue that in my retirement. As for those questioning what magazines i write for, i I really don't think that's relevant, and personally don't care.

If the real people, those truly interested in a different life, that are interested in Belize, check it out, in person.
Sanctuary Belize may not be for you, but if you end up there, look me up when you get there, my house will be on lot SR 087.

Good luck to the sincere people, the others ? Well they can go on living in their own little minds.
And I'm serious, this is my last post, because the losers on this forum have stoped being entertaining.

Lucky Larry

TravelWriter Gary, Halleb, and other Sanctuary Belize Owners who have posted their buying experiences and building plans,

I look forward to being your neighbor. We were in the right place at the right time and bought one of the Sanctuary Estate lots on the canal from the original buyer who only bought as an investment. 

We have not set a date to start building yet but we have designed our draft plans and are going back soon to talk to one or more of the builders.  Our reasons for delaying our building and eventual move are 100% based on realizing existing opportunities in the US before retiring.

For those who say that the best way to decide if living in Belize is to rent or travel around for several months before settling, you have a good point. For many that may be the best way to decide if and where they want to live in Belize.  We took a broader approach in that we traveled around the world and developed a list of the attributes we want in our home and those which we want to stay away from.  We narrowed it down to being on a Caribbean Island or the Caribbean Coast. We also weighed our desired list of attributes against what we have budgeted for our retirement. I found information about Sanctuary Belize before the fairly recent marketing that has brought so many others to the community.  I wish I had found it earlier but we might not have felt comfortable committing to live there if we had.  If Sanctuary Belize had not closely fit most of the important attributes which we were looking for we would not have looked elsewhere in Belize.

For the people (or person, it really could be one person with numerous forum accounts) who have taken it upon themselves to try to dissuade others from looking into Sanctuary Belize, I'm curious as to your reasoning for blatant deception. But not so curious that I want to waste time in the online sparing. My advice would be to choose to be happy. I've had plenty to be bitter about but have chosen to move on. It's refreshing.  And no, I am not employed or in any direct way compensated by Sanctuary Belize, Eco Futures, or anyone else who may be involved in the development of Sanctuary Belize or any of the other Eco Futures developments.  I say any direct way compensated because indirectly I will receive compensation by being a part of the community.

For those readers of this forum who are trying to decide if they are interested in Sanctuary Belize, read it all and make up your own mind.

I really don't have the time or desire to frequently post on this forum so please don't take my lack of responses to additional posts as anything other than I have a life and don't derive any entertainment from the tit for tat game.

We'll see you in Belize, or not.


Lucky Larry

beart9h1v8 wrote:

Hey another note
If you arrive early you are charged for your food and drinks.
The same if you depart late.

I'm guessing that was a sizable bill for you!  Let's see, show up early for a subsidized vacation and they would have the audacity to charge you for what you consume!  The bastards!  Then they have the balls to try and sell you something!  Can you believe it!  What is this world coming too!  Must be a total scam otherwise the booze would be free

Still waiting for thoughs tough questions people.  What can't think of any? I will say that the more facts that come out about the place sure gets the entertainment value up on this thread.  I thow out what I just witnessed with my own eyes and 3-4 people who have never been there tell me how wrong I am. 

I am a happy and satisfied lot owner.  On this current tour, about 70% actual purchased,  some purchased several.  This group was made up of mostly very successful small buisness owners.   Thoughs who did not purchase were not buying because they wanted a condo and wanted to move in within the next year.  The place will not be ready for condo living for at least two years and I would guess about that time frame for any real services like a store and clinic.  By the way it's a clinic not a full hospital.  No body ever said hospital. 

The hospital will have to be build near Placiencia to accompany the airport and has no connection to SB.  That could be ten years out.  It will all depend on how fast people move in to the area.

Lucky Larry

We arrived early the last time too and had to pay for our meals and drinks... but the prices were far less than what we would have paid at home and the service was excellent.  Talk about pressure to buy. It's pure torture, I tell you.

We might just go live at Kanantik if we can get the same price per day for life.



I was very worried about my lot and my future house with all you had written, so yesterday morning I did 300 km and see by myself how things were with the rain...

River from the highway

First entrance to the area

main entrance




Dirty roads

Floods in its place: Mangrove, ( it's not place for building)



So, I came back home very relaxed about my future house and how is working the rain in the development.
If you need more information, you  can contact me personaly, this is my email xrg[at]  Usually I don't use the blogs, but yesterday I was very worried about the information about the flooding.


Hey Halleb

We did not have a bill. Just heard it from some of the other couples that were there.
You are such a sarcastic person.


These SB sales zombies just don't stop. Love the tv ad showing the old white man walking along the beach with the young local gal and how it feeds fear of Obama and 'socialist' America.  Not sure I want a Rush Limbaugh type as a neighbour.


If you haven't noticed, I'm here for the entertainment value!  You should try getting a sense of humor.  You people can dish it out but when it comes back at you, you act all offended.  I'm going to call it like I see it.  Like Larry said, very reasonable cost for the product.

Now for the fly over.  I took special notice to watch where the flooding was on the flight out.  Just as Frank the Sustainability directory at SB said,  the flooding was all on the north side of the river back  from the mouth of the river.  I couldn't tell from the air what it was like right at Sitee point but it didn't look bad.  Frank said that the water runs into Anderson Lagoon and to a lesser degree Sopadilla Lagoon.  It then pressurized the lagoon and over powers the tide and releseases into the sea.  You could see this happening on Monday with the brown water running out at least 500 yards from shore and spreading down the coast line what looked like all the way to Placiencia. 
I also felt very good about how well the property handled that huge amount of water.  Very confident that the building sites are high and dry.
@ Katievalk.  Rush, Glen and Obama can move in next me I'm fine with it.  As long as they don't try and tell me what to think or do.   Everyone is intitled to their opinion as you are to yours. It's  what makes the world a colorful place. 
So now to answer the tough questions.  Oh that's right there haven't been any as of yet.  Just some name calling and accusations. Hmmm


Thanks Halleb for the "on the scene reporting" this week, as well as the honesty and humor.

I'm glad to hear people are living there and the count of buildings is increasing.  Both are good signs.  For those of us in the "very interested, but in no hurry" boat, the progress is encouraging.  How the development handled the rain and pushed out to sea is some validation that the engineering of the development was thought through.

Since no one else asked the "tough" questions, I'll ask some that I have.

Did you learn anything about the progress on the new airport while there?

How is the Belize City airport to Placencia commuter flight situation?  Since I'm also from MN, are you finding flight options satisfactory?


have not noticed


As reported by others, the airport in Placiencia is at a standstill.  It could be finished in 1-2 years but from what I saw I would guess closer to 5.  The new cruise ship port may speed it along but  I'm not counting on it.

The roads from Belize city down to the road to SB are in great shape and driving is a real option to get there.  Flying with Maya air is also fine with flights every 2-4 hrs as needed.  A little spendy though.  $100 per person per leg.


Well it has been 15 days and we still have not received our refund of the $5000.00 we put down on a lot.
Halleb can you tell me when I will get it back or if I will get it back? Just a ?

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  • Customs in Belize
    Customs in Belize

    Every country regulates what can and cannot cross its borders to prevent the spread of disease, adhere to local ...

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