
Sanctuary Belize

Last activity 22 April 2019 by beverly1

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beart9h1v8 wrote:

Well it has been 15 days and we still have not received our refund of the $5000.00 we put down on a lot.
Halleb can you tell me when I will get it back or if I will get it back? Just a ?

I was double charged on my first trip down and need to be refunded.  It was a bit of a cluster.  I contacted my agent raised a little hell and they had to wire the money as I had a deadline.  It arrived on time.  I suggest you do the same.  Although it is not desirable for them to keep the money for a month it is normal for most business.  It takes time to run it threw all the departments and end up in accounts payable.

If you do not get it back just let me know and I will do what I can to help.  You could PM me with information.  The last thing they want is satisfied customers getting upset.  My best guess is you will see it when they do the month end payables


Hi all! I posted a request for more info before I went to SB.   For those planning on going, my husband and I were at SB the last weekend of October.  We returned just 3 days ago. Here is my take on the entire project:

The vision for SB is an expat community that provides a certain lifestyle concept. There are several "neighborhoods" that are a part of the project. There is something for everyone. If you like waterfront and were lucky enough to be there before it was sold out, they have it. If you like stunning savannah views with mountain backdrops, they have that too. If you want riverfront where you can access by boat, then hey - it's there. If you prefer something that will be accessible to beach and marina, then we will be your neighbor!

The ecosystem is amazing. Frank, the Sustainability director does an amazing job, with the idea that mankind in general, should leave as small a footprint as possible on this planet and in particular SB.  The marina is in and useable, the tanks were delivered and will soon be installed to provide fuel for both boats and cars. The marina village is started and going vertical now. There will be a farmers market of sorts there for residents or marina landers to enjoy the harvest from the existing gardens. The gardens are flourishing and will provide not just fruits and vegetables, but also landscaping plants in many natural to the climate varieties. This is there now. The roads are excellent and though only 25 miles of road currently exists, the dry season which is almost upon us, will show the continuation of the infrastructure growth. Drainage on the current in place infrastructure is nothing short of amazing and with Frank's direction will only improve. The houses that currently exist are hooked up to water wells that are already in place. A woodworking shop on site is building furniture and other awesome woodwork with wood from SB that has been cut for roads and other structures. Always in mind is the most Eco-friendly way of developing this land.

So, with all of that said, this is going to be a visionary development that will attract retirees of like mind to a sustainable community that will be fairly exclusive, but will have a "port of entry" at the marina, a solid community, and a place in Central America unlike any other.

If you buy as an investment, then it will probably be a great one within the next 4-5 years. Are you betting on the come? Yes, but it is an informed choice. If you plan on building there at some point, then you will be a part of something amazing!  The developer has the stamp of approval from the government as well as the banking industry and is solidly in control of bringing this vision to life.

I, for one, have researched this project and after visiting Belize frequently for the past 7 years, am glad to find a place to settle down.  We will most likely build within the next few years.

My advice to those who have not visited SB but are seriously interested, is to go there with an open mind and let the people who are in charge of this development show you what they are doing. Look at what they have done so far, with the understanding that they started with e piece of jungle on the ocean, that extends through to the Savannah and the mountains.  Their progress is nothing short of amazing and it is not that far of a stretch to "buy into" the vision of the future of this community.


Thank you Nanakiki for your glowing report on SB, I'm moving there in December our construction loan is on the way to approval. There has been a lot of negative press on this web site. My sister and I bought three years ago and now we are building our house so we can live there permanently. We love it! We are in the Estate Lots. It will be nice to have you as a neighbor.


Thanks Kathybelize!   I did have some sort of keyboard/operator misunderstanding with regard to the roads. What I intended to say was that with the dry season upon us, work can begin again and my understanding is that it will start very soon. The roads that are in place are very good.


Hi KathyBelize,

We met on the trip back in May.  You house is looking fantastic and the heavy rain seemed to have no affect other than the standard puddles in the yard area.  Once the landscaping is in you will have an absolute show place.  I'm very jealous! 

One thing I was going to mention as to the buyers on the last trip.  We had one couple the manage a resort up on Ambergis Caye.  They have been living in Belize for some time now and they liked what they saw and purchased a lot.   So it's not just us Yankees that  fell for the Disney land experience I guess.  Ohh there goes that sarcasm again


Going down in December. Would like to hear from some recent visitors.


See my blog comment on 11-1-13. We just got back, and we did buy a lot! Go to page 6 and 7 on this blog for the most recent comments. Some are informative and some are just silly, but you will have to decide about that on your own.


Hey Verga, this is KathyBelize, I'm going in December. Are you driving or flying? If you are driving join our caravan.


I have been following this on and off for a couple of years. But only  just registered today. I do not work for anyone or anything connected to Sanctuary Belize. Other than saying that I have been there 3 times. Travelled a fair amount through Belize during that visit. We bought 2 lots a few years ago. I really can't be bothered to get involved in all the bitching going on. Other than saying the development is fantastic. I love all the people I have been dealing with so far. The marina is amazing. We have a boat in the UK we understand marinas. This one is world class. Will be better when the fuel is there. But it's coming. The beach club is lovely. Not huge. But when you consider almost every lot will have its own pool (s) it's fine. We haven't broken ground yet. Lots of reasons why not. Mainly we are on a 5 year plan. And are still messing around with plans. It may then take a while for them to be approved. That's Belize for you. Nothing will happen in a hurry. There are several houses built. Several more being built.  I think we are all pretty aware they need to be hurricane proof!  We bought there because it ticked all our boxes. We are waterfront. That was due to being lucky and getting in early. The tours are running 2 a week now. We dropped in to the one running this week.  95% bought.!!!  NO hard sell. Ever. My main reason for coming back here was to find current owners. Really happy to find a few here. Do we have somewhere we can all talk. I though there was an owners Facebook group but I can't find it. Oh the HOA is run by a few owners. I know a few of them. A few people do live there.  I have met them. Waterside lots that are in the phases for the next couple of years are pretty much sold out. Oh most people buy 2 lots. I am wanting to touch base with a few owners. See if there are things we can do together. Good buggy rentals or leases and other practical things to consider I am thinking that buggy sharing may work. If anyone can PM me in the right direction please. Kathy. Which house  is yours. Would love to chat to you about your builder. We are trying to choose. PM me with your email if you would be available for a chat at some point please or any other owner.  As a few remarked. The groups sometimes really gel. Certainly the tours we joined were. Like minded. It's going to be an amazing community. Exactly what we wanted. Oh. Of the people buying 3 were surgeons. We will not be short on medical advice! I think we have a vet. Hoping that there is a community out there that we can join in the meantime online to discuss practical things.   Louise. Lot owner.

NOT employed by SB live in the UK. Not easy for us to get there. But live in hope about the airport. The one being built is not connected. The puddle jumpers are great fun. Maybe it's better it's not opened. Keep us Brits out!


I sent you a PM, I hope you received it!!!


I went down in October and had a pleasant and informative visit. I also met some nice people from around the our country. I decided that this wasn't for me since it's still has many years to go before completion and I don't want to live with construction going on for years to come. If I was perhaps 10 years younger it would be perfect. I want to add something I've read here about high pressure sales tactics. I didn't experience any what so ever. Obviously they would like you to purchase a lot but never applied any pressure tactics. Over the years I've sat through some time share programs and I know what a turn off that can be. The trip was well worth the expense and I would tell anyone go....Even if you don't buy you will have good time.


Look at my post from Realpro Albany NY. It's just a few below yours.


On the tour in the rainy season.  Looks just like everywhere else right now.




Great Pic's and part of the fun. We didn't get stuck but almost in that area. Looks like the estate lots


Were all 7 adults in the one tiny vehicle shown above? If so, no wonder it got stuck.....carrying well over a 1000 lbs!! How did all of you fit in this vehicle?


I don't think we had 7 people, perhaps 5 if my memory serves me. This particular area was really the most wet and difficult to pass through. Our group all made it but it was a challenge for the driver. I have to say before we headed out for the day they warned everyone that you could get dirty and dress with that in mind. We were pretty lucky and at worst had a small mud spatter here and there.


Hi RealPro669, couldn't help but notice you are from Albany, NY.  That is where I grew up.  Now living in Colorado Springs and going on SB tour on 3 Jan.  Super excited to see the place.  Are you a lot owner down there and if so, where?


Hi mwarren, I decided not to purchase basically because the project still isn't far enough along for my situation. The marina won't be ready for about 3-5 years and there are only a small amount of actual homes built so far but it appears people are moving forward. I would have wanted to start construction right away since I'm already retired from my full time career and in my early 60's. All I could see would be that I would for at least the next 10 years be listening to construction noise around me. I guess I'm looking for something that has been completed or near completion. The success of this lies in the marina being built that's where the value of the development is.

I'm sure you will enjoy your visit regardless if you buy or not. I think everyone's individual situation is different and that's what will help you decide. This could be a nightmare if people default on their lot payments or it could be a great investment upon completion.

The resort that the developers place you in is gorgeous and they mix social time and time to show you what they are offering and it's well worth the money you pay to visit. You won't be disappointed in the value of the experience. It's educational and fun as well. I'd say keep an open mind and look at your personal place in life and then make a decision. I'd love to hear your thoughts after visiting. Good Luck!


Hello  I bought two plots at Sanctuary Belize unseen and after having spoken to Bill Bannon on a number of occasions.  I then purchased another couple of plots via deposit and monthly payments.
I realise that this was quite foolish and that the land may not even have existed and that even Mr Bannon may not have been who he said he was.
In Dec 2010 my partner and I went to one of the Sanctuary Belize weekends to see if our land was a reality.  I am very pleased to say not only was it a reality but it was better than expected.  I met other plot owners, saw the beginnings of the show houses that were being built. I also met the owners of SB and was shown the plans for the development and am now sent regular updated photos of the marina and other peoples houses.  I am fully aware that its my responsibility to build my own house but it is possible to leave that in the hands of SB.
I believe that its a good investment and that I have been very lucky to have stumbled upon it.
I look forward to moving out there at some point in the future and hopefully running a business in SB.
My advice is to give them a ring and go out and see for yourself.  I didn't find it too hard sell as I think SB knows that the plots and plans for development will sell themselves.

PS my visit was great fun and my son and friend were lent quad bikes to zoom around on which made their holiday!


Hi Louise

Just a quick note to introduce myself, My boyfriend and I bought 4 lots a few years ago and I have spoken to Bill about opening an Indian restaurant at the Marina and my daughter would like to open a Spa there ( we already have one here).

I live in Guernsey Channel Islands and also am looking forward to the airport opening and direct UK flights to Placencia.

I am really pleased with the investment and feel that it can only go one way - forward.

I look forward to talking with you about your plans for the sites, we haven't built yet as we are busy over here but I will sell a couple of plots to raise the cash for the build.  I am also not sure what style to go for as I hate the American style ones.  Maybe Moroccan or something with a bit of character! 

Kind regards


Whoops thought I was replying to you in person!


Patricia Lynn Nichiporowich, nichi here, was killed in a Home Invasion on the evening of October 29 in Consejo Shores, an Ex-Pat community 7 miles north of Corozal.  She was a significant contributor to this particular forum.  Her disclosures and revelations were based on researched fact and personal experience as she lived in Belize. Patricia had a genius IQ and all her posts are supportable and well thought out. 

In her mind Ex-Pats moving to Belize had to be cognizant of three types of predators:
Ex-Pat land developers who sold over priced land parcels in larger developments with little improvements roads, drainage, water, sewer, or electricity but with pretty pictures and promises.  She called it buying a dream!
Ex-Pat builders who sold overpriced and inappropriate homes and built them in a shoddy fashion, often without required building permits.
Some natives who saw how much Ex-Pats had and how little they had in comparison, motivating them to attempt to make their own personal wealth transfer.

I believe a member of one of the aforementioned groups is responsible for Patricia's demise.  The first two wanted her silenced the latter wanted to expedite a wealth redistribution.  Unfortunately we will probably never know which one.

This Ghost would ask that you read back through her posts on this and other forums before you commit yourself to the Sanctuary or any other Belizean development or home.  Patricia did not have a vested interest in any of this but simply wanted to save as many as possible from a very bad decision.  She preached spending time in Belize before making a long term commitment with an investment in land or a residence.  Lastly, understand that many of the posts praising Sanctuary on this forum are by plants or shills, who stand to gain in some fashion should you decide to purchase a parcel.


Interesting observation Ghost. I just googled the name and read the news reports. Regardless very sad news. It does appear that nothing was stolen and her companion was out of town. I would hate to think anything like this could be related to SB or a blog related to it. I certainly hope they catch whoever is responsible and bring justice.


We are looking to make trip in March.  Is this a ligament business and investment?


I personally know very well what you are saying. Living in Corozal, I know some of these land and home builders. When they determine you are not interested in what they are selling, they are not interested in anything you have to say.

I myself have had unpleasant experiences with these people. Belize is a beautiful place with beautiful people. But one should always beware that there is always somebody watching.

corozal dave

This is a very very interesting article I would recommend anyone looking to purchase read first.  For those of you who have already bought, I wish you the best.


I was somewhat afraid this was how this was going to turn out when I visited in October 2013. It's long from over so I certainly could be wrong. But 25 years in the real estate business here in America has given me a pretty good feel for the business. I could not understand why this project had been underway so long yet they were so far behind with structures going up. Actually one of the things that scared me the most about SB was the EZ financing they offered. This is an exact recipe for what brought about the housing collapse here in America in the early 2000's. Unqualified people were given loans and we ended up in a mess by 2007. I saw it when I visited, we were treated very well, no sales pressure, placed in lovely resort and the people who worked for SB were and I think really are good people but the model may be wrong. The people I saw who were jumping on the purchase bandwagon I think got caught up in the dream world we were living in. This most recent incident with Patricia opened my eye's a lot about Belize. All this women did was preach to ex pats like myself and others that before we invest our money, we should just rent for a while first and see if the life is right for yourself. I think that's a good logical decision even if you're moving to a new area within the states and magnified if you're moving to a third world country. I'm not telling anyone this is a scam or not to investigate if this could be right for you. The sales tour is informative, fun, but people should learn more before they make a decision about something this important investing hundreds of thousands of dollars in another country. I found that tech news article interesting as I had read some of his more positive reviews that were done earlier but then came to lean he was trying to sell his Belize property.


I have been following this thread for over a year now and Corozal Dave has been taking some real hits for pointing out the colors of the rainbow and showing people wanting to live in Belize basic math (No! arithmetic) on the SB project. The SB project is smoke and mirrors that has been repeated/done before in Belize and multiple times in Costa Rico. I will share a few of the development scams& projects that has been perpetuated in Costa Rico that ran along the exact same lines as the SB project in Belize, even down to the security gate being completed as part of the dog and pony show so that you will be assured that No, one will ever get in here (the SB grounds) because of how secure and private the grounds are.

People!......Please read Retiring in Sanctuary Belize: Tarnished don't get no plainer than Rob Enderle ALONG with or in addition to all of the other contributes on the issue. You will save a lot of your hard earned money from a few fuckin crooks and thieves (that's me talking) and a whole lot of heartache.

Question? Oh, you can't see the model because some one's kid in staying there....What?
                 Where are the improvements (water, electricity, roads grated) and the list of contractors, suppliers and            -                equipment?
                 Why the need/request for so much money with no schedule of development or production? No monthly                      -                schedule or quarterly charts of progress.
                 What is monthly Fee's HOA being charged for and at this time? Sounds like a project that needs money or    -                planning to go belly up with as much cash as they can take..
                 The cost to acquire the land and building cost per square feet is way above the NORMAL cost for both in  -                     -                Belize.
                 The buyers need to be made aware of each other and form a organized group to meet with the developers, sellers and aaaalllllllllllll parties at each and every meeting with the so called government approval signatories, construction developers, suppliers of all the water and sewer pipes, electrical conduits, cement, wood, roofing suppliers and view contracts currently under order and signed. Certainly suppliers of steel and wood has to have had negotiations taken place.
I want everyone that wish to retire, live and move to Belize but this SB theme has been played over and over in the EXACT same way in Costa Rico. The current property buyers have to get organized and if you all have to contribute $25.00 per month to fly your OWN representative at this point to attend each and every meetings multiple times with ALL involved it will be well worth it......

Good luck........but this project should be TURN KEY at this point and ask Why Not? Lets see the orders from suppliers that will need to get ramped up t meet the demands.

Life again...


So what would be dome questions that we need to be asking?  I


I'm new to this forum and I too own a lot at Sanctuary Belize.  Everything that the actual lot owners and people that have been to Sanctuary Belize are saying about it is absolutely true.  The place is flat out amazing and will undoubtedly be the premier development in all of Central America and the Caribbean.

Let me point out a few things that should clear up the inconsistency of many of the posters:

1.  If you notice, many of them are expats who've lived in BZ for quite a while.  Let me tell you, they have an agenda with their negative posts about SB.  It's that they want to keep their "undiscovered paradise" all to themselves.  They HATE large scale developments like SB because it means that they'll have to share their paradise with hundreds of others.  They try to dissuade others from coming to BZ by bashing the places they want to go.  Plus, many of them are very protective of the environment and are strongly against development of any kind. As a result, they do whatever they can to try to ensure the failure of developments.

2.  Also take notice that many of the negative posters reside in Corozal.  There are a few real estate developments in Corozal that are in "competition" with SB.  How they think they can compete is beyond me as they don't compare in any way, shape or form.  However, I wouldn't be at all surprised if the negative posters were involved in those projects in some way and are trying to drive buyers away from SB.   It's absolutely undeniable that SB Is outselling all of the other developments in BZ combined.  Just turn on your TV and you'll see their ads.  The tour that I was on had 18 very happy potential buyers on it.  14 of them bought lots.  They said that's pretty much the norm.  If they're selling 50-60 lots a month, it's more than any other development sells in a year.  As a result, I'm sure those developments are very envious of SB's successes and are trying to do whatever they can to discredit them.

3.  While it's almost impossible to tell what a posters true agenda is (good or bad), I would simply put my trust in the unbiased third party journalists who've visited SB.  I'd certainly put my trust in the New York Times who wrote a glowing article on SB (posted by someone else previously).  I would also trust magazines such as Yachting and Islands who have been to SB and who also wrote extremely flattering articles.  Lastly and most importantly, I would trust the International Property Awards.  SB has won the award for the "Best Development in Central America" two years in a row and they just won the award for the "Best Development in the Americas" which includes Mexico, Central America and all of South America.  I researched the IPA's and they are a VERY legitimate organization.  It's frankly comical that people can post such ignorant things about SB when some of the most reputable, unbiased, third party sources in the world sing it's praises year after year.

4.  To be honest, the article that Rob Enderle wrote (attached in a post above) concerned me as well.  I called my sales rep in CA about it last week and he assured me that it was all a big misunderstanding.  Plus, Luke Chadwick (SB Principle) wrote a very detailed and compelling response to the article on the SB Homeowner FaceBook page that completely quelled my concerns.  In addition, my sales rep told me that Mr. Enderle had spoken with them and they eased all of his concerns.  So much so that Mr Enderle is apparently writing a new article on Monday that will clear up the confusion.  I'll be following it very closely next week but I'm confident that the info I received is accurate.

5.  The rest of the stuff the haters are posting almost isn't even worth commenting on as it's so far off-base.  One poster clearly has SB confused with somewhere in Corozal or Ambergris Caye as there's no ferry anywhere remotely close to SB.  Most of the others have obviously never even been there so I can't even comprehend how they think they're qualified to comment.  Corozal Dave for example, has the nerve to aggressively criticize a place that he's never even been to.  Give me a break Dave. 

All I can say in closing is that the place is great, the homes there (15+ when I was there) are BY FAR the highest quality homes in all of BZ (see pics in NY Times article), the marina (while not yet finished) is clearly going to be the premier marina from the Rio Dolce to Cancun, the Beach Club (95% finished when I was there) is absolutely beautiful and the private island amenity is THE MOST BEAUTIFUL PLACE I'VE EVER SEEN and I've seen a lot.

If you're considering SB please don't listen to the haters on this forum or you'll be doing yourself a huge injustice.  All I can say is go to SB and see the place for yourself.  There is ZERO pressure and I'll guarantee that at the least, you'll have a great time.  Of course all of the haters will say that I work for SB, blah, blah, blah.  The fact is that I don't work for them (sometimes I wish I did) or have anything to do with them in any way other than being a VERY HAPPY lot owner.  Again, don't trust me and don't trust the haters (you don't know any of us).  Trust all of the third party, highly credible sources that have nothing but GREAT things to say about it!!


By the way Corozal Dave, I received a very pleasant surprise in my Google Alerts this morning.  Please see the update below to the story you recently posted.  It pretty much speaks for itself:

Admittedly, Mr. Enderle was in error in his first, pre-mature, article.  I think this one should "set the record straight" and finally put an end to all of the haters on this forum.  I'm just very happy to see that Mr. Enderle was man enough to admit his error and to right the wrong.  Another great day for Sanctuary Belize!!


If you are not associated with place as a salesman....why do we really care?


I'm a lot owner at SB and HATE to see things posted about people and a place that I truly love.  Never mind the fact that what's being posted is so blatantly inaccurate.


Just in case the link I posted wasn't working:

Retiring in Sanctuary Belize: Renewed Hope

By Rob Enderle
01/13/14 5:00 AM PT

Getting a deep understanding of the control structure in an investment like our Sanctuary Belize retirement project is the most important part. It is easy to get excited about the eye candy, but you have to be comfortable the result will be achieved -- particularly if the project is not in the U.S. Perhaps the most important part of a project of this type is the person in the CFO role.

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After my Belize retirement update appeared last week, a number of things happened. Most initially were rather painful, but eventually I was placed on the phone with Rod Kazazi, the project CFO who is based in the United States. Since we both had a financial background, he was able to address most of my concerns by informing me of solid programs that ensure the project will be completed. Had I met him sooner, I doubt I would have had to raise the alarms in my column, as there have been a number of recent improvements that put my mind more at ease about the project.

I still believe that with any purchase you need to do due diligence -- something we had not adequately done ourselves -- but the in-depth review I've now undertaken gives me substantially more confidence in the integrity of the company, thanks largely to some recent staffing changes, and it greatly improves my confidence that the project has a future. I'll offer here a guide to the kinds of things you should ensure when making an investment like this; I'm now actually pretty pleased with what I found.

I'll close with my favorite product from CES: an incredibly well-priced 4K TV that'll knock your socks off.

Financial Controls

The CFO is critical in a project like this. The CFO makes sure that reserves are in place, that revenue exceeds expenses, and that executives aren't treating the company like their personal piggy bank. I'm an ex-internal auditor for IBM, and I spent most of the afternoon last Thursday grilling Sanctuary Belize's CFO Rod Kazazi. Rod has an impressive background and a good grasp of the fundamentals. We really hit it off, and I'm genuinely sorry I didn't meet him much sooner.

Rod previously has been CFO of American Apparel, a public company, and he has experience in strategic planning, as a director of finance, and in a variety of multinational financial roles. There is substantial rigor to naming a CFO for a public company, and this means Rod understands financial controls, reporting, risk management and financial oversight. He has a degree in business with an emphasis in finance from USC.

He immediately recognized my concerns and indicated he had programs in place that already addressed them or shortly would. If you are concerned about the project, this is the guy you need to talk to.

Project Controls

One of my greatest concerns was seeing the beach club go up without a plan, deviating from what we were led to expect and running significantly over budget. Applied to the rest of the complex, this would suggest -- as it did to me -- a failure.

Sanctuary Belize subsequently hired an expert in this area to ensure that future projects are properly planned, overseen and executed. Project Manager Mark Mahaney has a deep background in this area. He is an architect registered in Hawaii and Arizona with 29 years of experience, and he has an impressive background with 10 projects in Hawaii, Arizona and even the project for Disney Studios in Florida. (I once worked for Disney myself, and it's very particular). On top of that, he has worked at a number of resorts including Disney World, and planned communities in Hawaii and Arizona. He appears to have the background the project seriously lacked and desperately needed.

In addition, I was very concerned about the marina and the fact that -- like George W. Bush and the Iraq war -- Sanctuary Belize appeared to declare the project finished long before it was. Sanctuary Belize has partnered with and soon will announce that a large firm specializing in marina management is taking this over. It will ensure that the marina will be properly provisioned and that the result will meet the expectations of the community. Since this is a keystone of the project, this step is incredibly important. I'm pleased Sanctuary Belize found expert help for this component.


Shortly after we took our latest trip to Belize and discovered the airport had been untouched for some time, the problems preventing the completion of this project were resolved. Funds have once again started flowing, and it once again appears there will be an International airport and a much needed general hospital near the development. This will make a huge difference in the time it takes to travel from the U.S. to the complex, and it will better ensure those who retire there can get healthcare in a timely way -- either locally or by air transport to Mexico or the U.S.

This is one of the biggest concerns in taking a risk like this if you are older; you need ready healthcare, and having something like this close should put a lot of minds at ease.

Wrapping Up: Renewed Hope

Some of the things that happened last week were truly unfortunate, but I'm all about looking forward and not back. I've now been shown most of the controls I couldn't see when writing my last column, and Sanctuary Belize will be starting a semi-monthly newsletter so owners aren't left out of the loop. In addition, the purpose behind the accelerated sales I noted was to ensure the funding necessary to complete the project in a timely way -- something I know all of the owners will appreciate.

We'll be exiting from the project ourselves, but because of some things that were done in the heat of the moment and no longer because we have lost faith in it. The dream will be alive for the amazing people who remain with the project -- I'm just sorry we no longer can share it.


So, "beach club go up without a plan, deviating from what we were led to expect and running significantly over budget". Solution - spend more money. I'm sure they will get it right this time.

Also, "Sanctuary Belize appeared to declare the project finished long before it was".  Solution - spend more money. I'm sure they will get it right this time.

Finally, "discovered the airport had been untouched for some time, the problems preventing the completion of this project were resolved". Riiiight...

Full disclosure: I have not been to SB or even Corozal, but I am a critical thinker and this "retraction" is very very thin.


Datasavant, if you're going to quote the guy, at least quote him accurately and yes, all developers solve the occasional problems that they encounter with money.  No business ever runs 100% as planned.  I can only imagine the challenges in developing a project the size of SB.  I'm just thankful that they're as successful as they are and have the money to "fix" problems.  Thanks for the insight!!


diverdown69, all words in quotes with the exception of "retraction" were from your post. Please point out my misquotes and I will correct them immediately. Thanks.


Unfortunately, the Intl airport in Placencia is dead and do not expect anything to change for a few yrs time.


Your small sections of the quotes may be technically accurate but In my opinion, they're very misleading taken out of context.  For example, Mr. Enderle was only referring to the marina when he said that they declared it finished.  Your posting clearly makes it seem like he was talking about the whole project. 

I'm just frankly shocked how the haters will praise a guy when he's talking negatively about SB but when he comes to his senses and realizes he was wrong, they criticize and try to discredit him.  Amazing!!!!

LIke I said previously, don't listen to me, don't listen to the haters and frankly, don't listen to Rob Enderle as you never know what everyone's hidden agendas are.  Simply listen to the unbiased, third parties, such as the New York Times and the International Property Awards.  They're undoubtedly and indisputably very reliable sources.

diverdown69 wrote:

Datasavant, if you're going to quote the guy, at least quote him accurately

Thank you diverdown69 for clarifying that I did quote you/him accurately. As for context, your previous long post of the retraction was just above mine. I didn't think it necessary to repeat very much for context.

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