
Sanctuary Belize

Last activity 22 April 2019 by beverly1

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TheGhost wrote:

Please go to and then to Vancouver.  If you are contemplating buying or living in Belize you should see this.

Hello...what is it exactly you believe I should see?  I searched Belize and found reports on two murders of Canadians... I couldn't find anything when I searched Vancouver.  Thanks


I think the link they were referring to was this


The murder rate of Belize is #3 in the world. The only countries with higher murder rates are Honduras #1 and Venezuela #2. … der-rates/

realpro669 wrote:

The murder rate of Belize is #3 in the world. The only countries with higher murder rates are Honduras #1 and Venezuela #2. … der-rates/

I wish we could find out how those murders (approx. 130 if 45/100k with 300k population) were distributed among the districts. For example, I live in the Kansas City metro area (much much smaller than the entire country of Belize) with a population of 2.34 million that had 106 murders in 2013 -- works out to a rate of 2.5/100k. That sounds much better than a rate of 45, but for such a small geographic area it is quite high -- until you consider the VAST majority of those are concentrated in the city proper where I do not live or travel very often.


extrapolating  and quoting 'Facts' from raw statistics is not a good reflection of life on the ground.


I wonder if authorities will be shamed in to taking action since this is a very dubious honor to be # 3 in the world for murder rate.
This information has tremendous ramifications including Tourism.

Jackeyb wrote:
TheGhost wrote:

Please go to and then to Vancouver.  If you are contemplating buying or living in Belize you should see this.

Hello...what is it exactly you believe I should see?  I searched Belize and found reports on two murders of Canadians... I couldn't find anything when I searched Vancouver.  Thanks

Vancouver news....then you have to hit videos,,,,then go to second page april22

If you still can't find it google this...........Widower warns after Belize murder - CBC News Vancouver


Just curious? Since Medicare does not cover Americans outside the US. What type of health insurance do ex pat US citizens carry and is it expensive? Are you still required to carry Medicare in addition even you're an expat?


It is my understanding that most expats have medical evacuation ins.  That will pay the transportation cost to be evacuated back to the states.  So I would think you would want to keep your Medicare.  I think there is some inexpensive ins available in Belize but currently the medical care is not upto high standards if you have a serious medical issue.  Plans for privately funded clinics and hospital in the Placencia area are under way and Letters of intent have been signed by Dr groups in the US to develope these facility's.  That said, they are just plans at this point and do not exist yet.  It will all depend on the speed at which this area develops and people actual move into the area.  It's all supply and demand.  The projects are planned and the land is designated for the building and the Dr's are available.  But until there is enough demand to sustain them, not much will happen.  SB is said to have plans for a public clinic near the development to be built in the next two years.  The Placencia Group has intent to build the much talked about hospital into a medical destination facility.  (It's on their website) Hope So!  Time will tell.


We were going to.Buy in SB the place is stunning.Just for us we found lots abit to high$$$. We do however have friends.Who have bought in SB.Even has their Sailboat the Stone Age is there.      SB Isn't for everyone nor is Belize.Yes do your homework you'll be happy you did!!.2nd if you haven't been to.SB Then you don't. Really know what your talking about till you have.3rd The whole world comes with crime.Belize and her people are beautiful!.


Hi Halleb
Do you happen to know the name of the insurance companies that will provide air ambulance service back to US. I used to subscribe to one by name Medical Air. It seems they are not in business any more.


I use Med Jet Assist.




We have had some prior correspondence.
I have an association with, frequently work with, and know, all of these people personally -
I have been asked to fly with them internationally recently, but not really able to at this point. Possibly some in the future, but really more for the younger professionals.
I can give you more information relative to this in person. I will call you later in the week, after we arrive.


See my earlier response.
I never knew how inexpensive this actually is, as it is part of my health insurance plan, but really, really cheap, especially if you need it.

nobama4me you are looking for can be found here:


I don't come on here very often and I think its very sad about Nichi's death and think that she wrote some very valid articles and offered very sound advice.

I had already bought land at SB 4 years before I found this site and even if I had read her blogs it wouldn't have put me off buying the land at all but I would have thought about what she said. 

Having met the people involved in SB when I went on my tour, 3yrs after purchasing I find it impossible to believe that they would have had any involvement in her death, logically their sales figures point to the fact she didn't damage their sales, therefore was not a threat to them.. She was outspoken in a positive way and had every right to her opinion.

I have been very pleased with the progress and financial handling of the development, albeit a little slow but as I bought for a long term investment, that's ok. I would recommend it to anyone thinking of having a long term savings plan especially as you only need to put down a deposit and make sure you can manage the 0% mortgage repayments.

Lastly when on my tour Dec 2010, I met a man who I now know to be Andris Pukke.  This might irritate some people but I really liked him.  I found him to be a sharp, forward thinking man.  I now understand that he had the ability to run a huge American company.  For me personally if he is someway on the management team then I believe he is undoubtedly an asset.  I would happily work with him and take his marketing advice.

I get very despondent with the nasty people who run SB down without seemingly having been or don't own land there
Do the rest of us a favour and go get a life, you are a bore!.

As for me, I am very happy with my purchase and very happy to tell people how satisfied with my dealings with SB, BTW I am British and live in UK and have no part in their sales team (before a troll insinuates that)




Bernie Madoff also fooled people for decades. Best of luck with your investment for the future.


Been there few years back. Not my thing. Too sequestered from reality. Overpriced. Only geographically part of Belize, not existentially. Quite far from services. Groceries and medical care are in Dangriga 45minute+ ride and that  town is really grim. Lots of promises with a convicted felon as part of the marketing team. (Pukke). Belief in their promises is tantamount to religion as it requires a leap of faith.
Good for people who like having the comfort of a private army (the SB rangers). A place for the Gucci-Armani crowd to frolic.
But if a category 5 hurricane like Dean blows through it will be demolished. Wiped clean by the wrath of God


Recently There are lot of positive comments on this website about sanctuary Belize. May be things are better now.
A week ago I saw works are in progress for Grid connection


Thank you realpro669, I had a google and learnt a little. Interesting stuff.

Dr Al, all I hear is the rambling rubbish of a madman.


I expected more erudition and common sense from a Brit.
The SB marketing people are very smart and have sold lots to U.S. and (Moderated: too generalised comment). And were clearly wearring blinders and rose glasses on tour and on the drive from Goldson.
Personally, I wouldn't buy in SB. It's way too remote, 45 minutes from stores or medical care or anything. Way too flat. Way too little to do around there. Way too much of nothing. An isolated cookie cutter development that has nothing to do with Belize other than geography. I were going to live in Belize, and I'm not, I'd buy at Grand Caribe on North AC or at Consejo Shores ( 15 minute boat ride from Chetumal) a development that actually has a bunch of homes, or a little seafront house on Caye Caulker or a little concrete block house in Sarteneja.
It will be years -- the owners themselves admit at least 10 years, maybe longer -- before there's a sufficient mass of owners for a true community, even a small one, to exist. There are essentially no boats in the marina, and I'd guess it will be 25 years before the marina fills up, and way too few people in residence year-round to support even a little tienda, much less a medical clinic or a supermarket or several restaurants.
Finally the Placencia airport is dead in the water. A couple of overgrown concrete shells and a few Mayan dudes with rakes and shovels on occasion.
(I have my informants down Hopkins way.)


how do you think progress is going,we are thinking about doing a tour at the other site Kanitike Belize,also I heard you have to pay to have the lots cleared of trees etc. Do you have to pay for utility service to your dwelling,excavation,conduits,water,gas lines?


I think Sanctuary owns Kanatik.


They do own Kanatik.


From what I have heard you have to have your lots cleared for building as well as put in your own septic system for the dwelling don't know about charges to connect to other utilities as there are not many already available to most plots to connect to, I have doubts it will be free and you are likely to be restricted in who you are allowed choose and pay to do it. Highly unlikely the SB will be paying for it for you, but may have the contractors for you to use. Reason will be given as quality of work assurance but I'm  just cynical. Looks to me like a big money pit for the next several years. Encouraging folks to buy now to build in several years time means anyone wanting to go build and live there now is likely to make it a very lonely place to live. There are lots of lovely ready built homes in every district already available for sale for the cost of the plots of raw land in SB.


Thanks Terrific,I think you are 100% correct about the lots being a money pit.1st I was told $80 -$100 per square foot to have a home built,now I read from others on here that it cost up o $150-$200 per square foot.also tree clearing,utility service,etc.,glad I just withdrew my reservation of $1,000 to hold the lot.TIA for your response.Kidrock2


I agree with the last two posts completely. I visited last fall of 2013 and totally enjoyed my visit and it's well worth the small expense. I met a lot of nice people as well as a very nice staff from SB who really were no high pressure. But unless you're 15-20 years away from retirement this could be an awful mess. I just could not see myself living my final years with construction noise all around me. And a remote area with shopping and business, medical very far away for a while. No business will come to that Marina till there are enough people living there to sustain it. If you're thinking of retiring there as the other poster said there are many already established communities. I have to say from everything I saw it was not so inexpensive as they would like you to believe unless you want to live in a remote village somewhere. That wouldn't be my desire.

My suggestion to anyone thinking of retiring to Belize is to take a look, but don't jump into such a serious decision without exploring other areas as well.


I have 2 lots in Sanctuary that I have owned for almost 3 yrs. I was just out there 2 months ago to take my family out there to see the progress. Overall, I was pleased. Although no place is perfect, imperfections are in the eye of the beholder.

The home builders in Sanctuary have their hands full with several people intending to build by the end of 2015/early 2016. And growth of construction will only continue exponentially. Several lot owners that I have spoke to are 3 years away from moving there full time, which seems like a fair assessment of when this place will be more of a community (not 15-20 years!). There will be construction for years to come, but that brings me excitement rather than frustration. If you are later in your years then you have some soul searching to do before deciding if Sanctuary will fit your needs.

Sanctuary is like any other investment in your portfolio. Some folks like to see others jump in first before they make a move to invest, which is fine. While the visionary types are the folks who make the moves first based on projections and their intuition. It's your money, you earned it so spend it on whatever and however you wish. This place checks a lot of boxes for me and I have 3 years until I can retire anyhow, so my timing is perfect IMO.

Above and beyond the development, the people that I have met and have bought there are truly amazing. That was definitely a motivating factor for me. We are all forward-thinking people who are seeking similar things.


They are all'll never know where exactly your money is going.  Everything happens at a snails pace there.  Everything looks rosey on the surface...but don't believe it.


Wake up everyone

Tried to visit Sanctuary Belize twice when i lived in belize in 2012.  Once during rainy season and needed a boat to get near it.  The second time was turned around at the guard house and told I needed an appointment - really!

If you decide to go look for and inquire about
water and sewer
flooding and drainage - the development is only slightly above sea level and floods during the rainy season
basics - food, water, electricity, cable, drainage, roads, access to the rest of the country.  You will need it as there will be no where to buy basics for years and years. 

Most of the positive posts about this development are suspect, more than likely made by someone who is a plant/shill on the development payroll.

The Sanctuary is selling a dream.  The actual investment in the development is small.  The number of homes built and occupied by non affiliated third party purchasers can probably be counted on less than 2 hands.

Don't buy the dream,  you will never be able to resell it.


Make an appointment and tour the property then comment. My last visit was 2 months ago. You were standing at the gate 2 years ago yet you have first hand info?


It's called a "gated community" for a reason!


I took the tour 7 months ago or so. My concerns are pragmatic. Medical care is distant and not real top of the line in any case and simple purchases like groceries and spark plugs are 90minute round trip on crappy roads. This is unlikely to change for some time.  Not a real good investment IMHO


I won't go as far as to express an opinion that this is a scam. That I believe is a serious allegation and without proof at this point in time. It's total failure may be likely but that still doesn't make a it a scam. Business ventures fail all the time here in the US and other countries and it doesn't make it a scam, just poor investment choice. I took the tour in October 2013, and I thoroughly enjoyed it and found it educational. I backed away from purchasing because I felt that it had been underway too long and there was little progress and too few homes or the Marina built. Business will not come to the Marina unless there are residents to use them. I would have wanted to move forward quickly and all I could see would be even if I built a home I would be in a remote area far from the services I would need for several years to come. I can say at this point they're at least were two broken promises although they were never really guaranteed with a purchase. On one of my initial sales calls before arriving I was told that an airport and hospital would be completed within about 2 years from September of 2013. My understanding is that neither of those things have taken place nor has ground even been broken for either which would lead me to believe it would be difficult if not impossible to have that by September 2015.


I have a lot for sale in sb.  In the sapodilla ridge section.  It backs to the savanna with mountain view


I can't comment on SB because I've never been there (although I've met a lot of potential SB buyers when they visit the restaurants on the peninsula.) But I will comment on the airport because I pass it frequently. There has been no work on the airport since I moved to the peninsula in 2012. The "terminal" is in decay, covered in mold. Could it be completed in the future? Yes, at considerable cost, and it would take several years if they started today. Do I think it will ever happen? Absolutely, but probably not for another five or more years; so, think something like 2020. And, as for the hospital, which is required if the airport is to service commercial traffic (a hospital isn't required for private planes), that is a "pipe dream." I really don't think that will ever happen, at least not in my lifetime.


My gosh I can't believe this is still going on as my first post was post #7 a couple of years ago. A number of people got mad at me because after doing some research I found their testimonials aired on the SB website were phony but SB actual removed them. For any one new or recent who even thinks this is a good idea a couple of things. You will NEVER hear of any one getting a house built, it is always "I'm starting in two or more years" Please if there is anyone out there actually living in SB (not workers or sales people) please post I would love to hear about it. AND post some pics of your house. Secondly if you have the ability look back over the years for the pics of the construction progress. It never changes. I believe about 5 years ago they were going to start putting the roads in as soon as the rain stopped. Well it must rain 24/7 365 days a year because the only roads there are mud pits. Once again if I'm wrong please post some pics of that beautiful road system. realpro669 you nailed it. Imdone I'm so sorry but I won't be buying your lot. And for any lot owners. Are you sure you and only you own that lot?????? That has not always been the case in SB. But for you dreamers that show up here every once in a while, hang in there cup cake.


I am sure I also posted to this thread a number of years ago, but it could have been on another forum.
Good people of the Gringo ilk wake up and smell the coffee.
Although I have never been to SB, and nor to I want to, I have done a lot of research into Belize and property over the last 12 years.

There are better offers on the Belize table


I'm in the design and bidding process right now to build. I know several others with beautiful homes there. It is unlikely that they will post to this forum. My impression is that most people who post here have their minds made up either for or against Sanctuary and pictures won't change that.

Everyone's vision of paradise is different. Visit Sanctuary then decide. The homeowners living there will share their experiences good and bad. Sanctuary isnt cheap, but there is active construction now in the development that justifys (to me) why it isn't.

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