
Best and Worst Hospitals in Bahrain

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What is the best Hospital in Bahrain? and the worst?
Any suggestions?
I find that the best is the Royal Bahrain Hospital and the worst the Bahrain Specialist Hospital

See also

Healthcare in BahrainX ray problemRehabilitation from Public ProsecutionHealth insuranceChiropractor

Sure, Royal bahrain Hospital is the best.
By the way I am the Consultant ophthalmologist there. :)


Hi Dr. Bashar!
Thank u for answer! I need urgently new glasses, my aged eyes are making me troubles!
See u soon than! :)


How come you say the Bahrain Specialist Hospital is the worst one and why is The Royal Bahrain Hospital the best? Any info would be good to compare..


Good morning!

The old expression "you never get a second chance to make a good first impression" applies also  to health care facilities. Ideally the facility should send a message that conveys welcoming, caring, comfort, commitment to patient well being and safety.The BSH hospital has only a good cashier.

For me is The Royal the best and the BSH is the worst ever.
What s about Salmaniya and Ibn al Nafees? Or American Hospital? Or other hospitals in Bahrain?
The forum is intended to share our expat experience. Personal experience is always subjective.

I wish you a great day


Hi Anna,

Fortunately I didn’t experience yet any hospital in Bahrain so far :)

After a quick survey among the people working around me, it looks like, each one is looking for a good doctor rather than a good hospital.

Hope other members can add their views in this regard to guide new comers to where they have to go in case of any medical treatment required.

Wishing healthy life for everyone out there :)



Hi All,

The BDF (Bahrain Defense Force) Hospital in A'ali has also an excellent reputation as well as the German Hospital on old Budaiya Road.




Hello Everyone

I will be going for my medical when I arrive in Bahrain so I hope I get to go to somewhere decent for it. : )


Dear Kishimo,
I hope that once you are in this beautiful and blessed country you will  need anymore medications.
I wish you a pleasant stay


Thank you Anna


The original advertising starts with: 'dedicated to your health'
This is a forum not the Yellow Page...
Best regards

sueklein wrote:

[Moderated: Please recommend into Business directory]


On a similiar kind of topic, a friend of mine is coming to Bahrain soon and he might need a laser eye surgery to get rid off the glasses he is using. Do you know any reputable laser eye surgery hospital in Bahrain? Or do you recommend him to get it done in Europe before he comes here?

Sherif nour

There are many lasik hospitals/centers in Bahrain;
Dr. Haifa Eye hospital
Al Reefy eye & Lasik centre
Al Areed center
Gulf diabetes specialist center

But i think  in Europe will be better & may be less expensive


Thanks Sherif Nour! :one

On a side note, I have been to the American Mission Hospital recently quite a few times and I have to say I really liked their service and efficiency. I thought I should mention this as it is relevant to this topic.


Pediatric doctor?  Any suggestions?


Sorry, zuktuk. I have no experience in this area. :(

Most hospitals in Bahrain do have consultant paediatricians. I have seen the paediatric clinic in the American Mission Hospital. Appears well managed. Hope your child recovers fast and is up and running soon. :)

If you can start a new topic with your question it would have better visibility and perhaps you will get a few more responses.


In my view bahrain Specialist Hospital is doing very good


What is your Reason Anna for BSH as worst hospital


AMH for me :-)


American Hospital Bahrain and Royal Bahrain in another forum and friends personal experience.


Hello Babysdoc,

Thank you for your participation on this topic  :thanks:

However, please note that this is an old thread from 2012, the last post is from feb 2014.

I invite you to post on more recent threads on the Bahrain forum. :)

Thank you,


I had a worst experience in shifa hospital today. Where I went for followup checkup for my daughter. Since we went for followup they provided the last no to us (28) I believe!

Surprise to see people who came late are ahead of my no. Since we were waiting for so long and my daughter condition was not good, I went and requested to supervisor to help me out in best possible way. They revise our no to 18. When our turn came its really disappointment to see doctor and his nurse ran out from their room for break!


Check out they seem to be covering hospitals/clinics in the Middle East. Some reviews of hospitals and doctors already there

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