
Education in Germany

Justin Peter

My name is Justin Peter.
I am a post Graduate in Organic Chemistry. I am looking out for opportunities in Germany. I came across a consultancy in India where I was advised that I can continue my education in Germany. I want to do my Masters in Germany again. The consultancy advised me that education is free depending on the IELTS score that we have, as the German government provide scholarships for students and that students need to manage only their living expenses. How far is it true. Please advise me of the same. Please advise me if it is true that the German gevernment bears the expenses for the education of overseas students. Please advise on

See also

Living in Germany: the expat guideTrouble finding Apartment for Family reunificationFor international studentsLearning German LanguageMoving to Germany on an Opportunity Visa

Welcome on board Justine Peter!

Hope you find the answers..?

Good luck with your studies

kui kamau

Hi Justin Peter,

I am surprised that people pass infos that aren´t true. One has to pay for Universities studies, dis regarding of your Nationality, even the Germans pay for studies, atleast for books and materials. I studied here and had to pay all. From Tuition fee, to materials, food, health insurance, accomodation etc etc, you could check about the scholarships though under DAAD.
Best of luck!