
Exit from Riyadh before obtaining iqama


Hi guys, I'm from India reached 3 days before to Riyadh. Due to some reasons I want to go back to India with In a week but I didn't got my iqama as well. Can you please help me your suggestions. Thank you in advance....

See also

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@ Apaugk talk to your sponsor if he can allow you to go exit,  some sponsors will ask first pay the expenses done on behalf.


:one @wilson.
The sponsor spent money on visa + travel arrangments etc. Try going for a smooth solution in stead of getting into a conflict.


You will struggle as Iqama is needed for an exit and re-entry visa.

Even if your leaving permanently you will need a final exit visa..again not granted without an iqama number


@ TheLegendLeads thanks.
Im not sure if any sponsor will let go easily, being paid enough to get employees. So profit and loss will be counted and tally is must in Kingdom. :lol:


I'm here as business partners so i just want to know what is the procedure and how many days will it take for processing iqama.

As i have taken medical from one of the center here. So wht's next and what is best way to do it.


@ Apaugk waiting is the procedure


Apaugk wrote:

I'm here as business partners so i just want to know what is the procedure and how many days will it take for processing iqama.

As i have taken medical from one of the center here. So wht's next and what is best way to do it.

It all depends on how efficient your HR dept is.

Good HR dept get Iqama issued with in week, others take longer.

The only thing you can do is wait


What are the benefits if someone leaves the company and go on exit just after probation period before iqama made? can he come again on new visa after a month or so?

I heard after the iqama if you go back you will have to wait till the iqama expires? it it correct?


first thing is he has to  wait until iqama comes.

after then he has to inform the company he wants to leave whether temporary /permanently and WHY with proof?

if it is emergency he has to wait until completion of probation period else he has to pay riyals to company for visa/transport/iqama/processing fees(approx 15000SAR/-)

if some one guaranatees you to go then there is a chance you can go immediately after your iqama arrived 

anyway it is better to think and go ahead


samahmed_1 wrote:

What are the benefits if someone leaves the company and go on exit just after probation period before iqama made? can he come again on new visa after a month or so?

I heard after the iqama if you go back you will have to wait till the iqama expires? it it correct?

You can leave before the iqama is issued, just get final exit in your passport and leave. As to coming back you may need to wait for 6 months, not sure on the time line since Saudi Embassy in different countries have different approach to people and individual cases.

Once the iqama is issued , and if you are still in probation period you still can resign any time without notice and get final exit. If iqama is issues and you have already passed the probation period then  you need to give one month notice to your employer as per law.


thanks alot my friend.




star_at_night wrote:

Hello,  Where do I get final exit visa?  Is it at  the Aeroport or elsewhere?  I'm on a three months visa and iqama not issued. Also employer/ sponsor/agency failed to mobilise me for work hence left in dark and paying from my own pocket for leaving expenses. I'm been let down by the employer (acting as an agency to Aramco).  So brothers; with no work and no iqama but with visa issued  from UK Saudi Embassy is there a way to return back to the UK before my life shatters completely. Obviously I do not want any surprises at the airport! say it: paying fines or anything like that.  I just want to know the rules and regulations about this fow a swift rtn possibly.  Any help appreciated.  Thank you

Sorry to read about your situation,

Unfortunately you do need an Iqama issued in order to get a final exit on your passport.

Your best bet would be to seek help in the following order.

1- Your employer - Ask for final exit without having an Iqama.
2- If the above doesn't work for you, contact your embassy in Riyadh.




Question: What is the procedure of getting exit visa without an iqama? how long it takes? this is the problem we are facing right now. my husband went to saudi since november 28 2013 and his 90days visa expires on feb. His company trying to get him an iqama but infortunately saudi council rejected his application twice. he is an enginneer. Since they always rejected his application he decided to exit. Since may 3,2014 they file an application for exit visa without an iqama and already paid almost 5,050sar. (1,150 for fine 2500 for working visa 400 for medical insurance and 1000 for prove that there is no commitment to the company and issuance of exit visa) despite of all of this still the exit visa is not yet release, i dont know what to do. and we dont know if it is the real procedure on how to get an iqama without an exit.please help!


Please advise how to get the exit before iqama is being issued.
Can i just take air ticket and exit from the airport. or need some paper from company or jawazat


Pleaee anyone guide me how to take final exit from Dammam, I came here 5 days before now comoany not required manpower. Can exit possible without Iqama? Please guide me.


yes of course you final exit without iqama...


yes of course you can final exit without iqama...


Qamar153 wrote:

Pleaee anyone guide me how to take final exit from Dammam, I came here 5 days before now comoany not required manpower. Can exit possible without Iqama? Please guide me.

yes ofcourse you can final exit witout issuance iqama....


maemon wrote:

Question: What is the procedure of getting exit visa without an iqama? how long it takes? this is the problem we are facing right now. my husband went to saudi since november 28 2013 and his 90days visa expires on feb. His company trying to get him an iqama but infortunately saudi council rejected his application twice. he is an enginneer. Since they always rejected his application he decided to exit. Since may 3,2014 they file an application for exit visa without an iqama and already paid almost 5,050sar. (1,150 for fine 2500 for working visa 400 for medical insurance and 1000 for prove that there is no commitment to the company and issuance of exit visa) despite of all of this still the exit visa is not yet release, i dont know what to do. and we dont know if it is the real procedure on how to get an iqama without an exit.please help!

Dear no need to paid fees for iqama.


madeelq wrote:

Please advise how to get the exit before iqama is being issued.
Can i just take air ticket and exit from the airport. or need some paper from company or jawazat

Final exit visa are issued from JAWAZAT. then you travel without issued iqama


Hi I'm al mamun I come here in Saudia now 2 months 10 days ago still issue my iqama not finish so now I want leav from Saudia Arab I don't like this company its possible or no


Same issue. I am made to work longer than agreed in the job contract. I want to leave. My iqama has not been issued yet.