
learner permit

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Salut je viens d'obtenir mon "learner permit" et j'aimerais savoir s'il est necessaire que je sois accompagnè d'une personne titulaire d'un 'driver license' pour conduire une voiture.J'ai 27 ans
Merci !

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La seule restriction d'un Learner Permit au TN si tu as plus de 18 ans est qu'il faut absolument quelqu'un de 21 ans ou plus qui a un permit valide du TN et qui soit passager a l'avant du vehicule.

Permit Restrictions - Over 18

If you are over 18 years of age, there is only one limitation to your learners permit - you cannot drive alone. Whenever you go out for a drive, you must make sure that you have another driver seated in the front seat next to you. The supervising driver must have a valid Tennessee drivers license and be at least 21 years old.

Although there are no official laws that tell you to do so, you may want to observe the general driving safety points at this stage, such as no talking on the cell phone while driving. It is also a good idea to limit the number of passengers present in the vehicle while you are practicing driving. Keep the music down or off so you can hear your supervisor and other vehicles around you. Try to locate an eliminate every possible distraction at this point so you can direct your full attention to driving. It's crucial that you develop safe driving habits from the start so you don't have to waste time on correcting them later on.


Ah c'est dommage ,si je savais j'allais faire directement mon driver license, mais c'est pas perdu je m'y met des la semaine prochaine. Merci de l'info !!:)

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