
Moving to the Valencia/Lliria area.

Scuba Andy

Hi all. We are looking to move to the Lliria/Valencia area later this year and was wondering if anyone could shed some light on how hard it is to get a part time job there or in the area. My wife is bilingual Spanish and English as am I and she is well qualified working in the hotel/hospitality field but would like to know if the un-employment situation precludes expats from gaining employment over locals. Also can hillside country houses still be found for under 100,000 euros? Lots of questions to come but that should do for now. We are looking forward to our move very much.

See also

Job offers in ValenciaWorking in ValenciaStarting a business in SpainThe labor market in SpainWorking in Spain

Hello Scuba Andy.

Welcome to

I suggest you to post an advert in the section jobs in Valencia. It may help.

You can also browse through the Housing in valencia section to have an idea of the prices.

Good luck in your research,

Scuba Andy

Thanks alot for that.. Will take a look nearer the time we are going to move. Still have alot of stuff to organize here.


Hey Scuba Andy!

It may be difficult for your wife..currently Spain has a very high unemployment rate (23%) the latest report I read posted the unemployement rate for those under 25 years old was nearly 50.4%! Sorry to be sour..but spreading truth today.

Are you relocated to Spain on a retirement Visa?



Hi Jennifer. We're heading to Spain on a retirement visa. What do you need?



thiswildride wrote:

Hi Jennifer. We're heading to Spain on a retirement visa. What do you need?

I am not sure what type of Visa I need. My husbands employer will supply him with a work visa..I think I just need a spouse Visa?