
Dog Walks


Hi there everyone! :)

I have just arrived with my lovely four legged family member to Istanbul and we are seeking for friends (other active dogs) to meet for the walks. Mine is German Boxer, but size and breed doesn't matter, because all we need is activity.
We live in Macka park area.

Looking forward to meet!


See also

Living in Istanbul: the expat guideTraveling to Istanbul with a pet (kitten)traveling with petLooking to adopt a kittenSick dog

Hi Antra!

Welcome to ;)



Hello! I have a golden retriever here and we found a great place to take her where several other locals take their dogs to run around off leash.  It is near Ulus, called Profesör Dr. Aykut Barka Parkı. I think we live a bit far (Etiler) to meet up for walks, but good luck!


Hi Antra. I live in the Taksim area and I have a toy poodle but at the moment I can't get out much because I've had an operation on my spine and can't walk much myself because my leg is still weak because of the nerve damage.
Why don't you walk him on his own? I'm sure you'll meet lots of people that way! I have to fight people away when I walk my fluffy boy:)


Hi there! We moved here about 4,5 months ago with Molly, our Jack Russell Terrier. We love going to Belgrad forest where there's a long loop track (6km). She's allowed off the leash so lots of running around and swimming for her there. Happy to catch up for a walk some time!


petchalet ozlememir

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