
Where to rent in Campinas


hello! I'm moving to campinas in august with my family and I am trying to gather info before I make my first visit. can anyone help me with locations? where are the best places to rent in campinas, is it better houses or apartments and if there are American schools that you can recommend.
Thank you

See also

Real estate listingsAccommodation in São PauloAccommodation in BrazilAccommodation in BrasiliaAccommodation in Rio de Janeiro

Hello Sam.

Werlcome to!

For more visibility, your post has been moved to Sao Paulo forum.

Hope other members will soon be able to recommend some schools and places for accommodation.

Thank you,


Hi Sam!

I have a big part of my family living in Campinas. I never lived there before (I was born in Pracicaba, then we moved to Sao Paulo when I was 6 years old) but we always visiting Campinas. If I was you I would look for apartaments in Cambui area. Its a beautiful place, you cant go wrong!


thank you!


Hi Sam,

I have only been to Campinas a few times and so I know little about it. However, Campinas is a university city - UNICAMP is world famous. I would guess that you would likely find very nice rental accommodations somewhere very close to the universtiy. It's worth a try.

William James Woodward - Brazil Animator, Expat-blog


Hey Sam, Cambui area is a good choice, alphaville area, gramado, paineiras.
Let me know if you need help, I do live here in Campinas.
Take care


Hi Sam,
I recently moved to Campinas
There is a great ( but expensive ) american school
Cambui is the best place near center,
Alphaville is a great place for a house
Barao Geraldo is good near Unicamp
Lagoa Taquaral near recreational facilities
There are many more, write me for further info....

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Mads F


Hello, My name is Jacek, I am from Poland (Cracovia) and I am going to spend a month in Campinas (UNICAMP). I am interested in renting either an apartment close to some parks in good area of Campinas or a small house. I will have a car available for commuting. Would appreciate any advice on the topic.


Normally, in order to rent a residential property in Brasil, a person needs a fiador (a Brazilian that acts as a guarantor), or segura fianca (a company that guarantees your rent), or the posting of a 3 or 6 month deposit as security.  It might be better to consider staying in a residential hotel that caters to short term visitors, and a month's stay may even get you a discounted rate.  A nice neighborhood in Campinas, called Cambui, has one of these hotels next to the Carrefour market.  For this type of hotel, check the travelocity website, or the tripadvisor website.  Another option is to rent a room.  For renting a room, try the easyquarto website, but maybe the OLX website might have rental listings.  For renting a house, I would suggest you find a realtor by looking online. Here is a relevant site: (alugar - to rent). Boa sorte!  :)


Hello All..

I am also moving to Campinas for 2 months. I was looking for paying guest kind of accommodation. Can someone guide me?


Hi karroshan,

On behalf of everybody here at Expat-blog, welcome on board. I hope that your participation here will be both enjoyable and informative. I'm sure you'll really enjoy Campinas.

Take the time to read the postings with a sticky at the top of the first Brazil Forum page, they're packed with most of the information you need to know to make your vacation or expatriating here a success. In particular I recommend that you read my posting A Gringo's Survival Guide to Brazil it's one of the most informative.

I hope that one of our members in Campinas will respond to your question shortly, unfortunately I've only been there a couple of times and really don't know the city that well.

William James Woodward, Expat-blog Experts Team


dear Karroshan, sorry I  did not get what you are looking for, but I live in Campinas, I might be able to help if you tell me more about what exactly you need.


Looking for a pousada, or paying to stay with some expat family there... by the look of things, Enzo.


Hi James, thanks. However, even we call it a countryside city, Campinas is not small, depends on what he is going to do, if he would have a car or would depend on the public transportation, etc. the choice would be really different.


I have recently moved to compinas along with my wife .currently I'm staying Cambui ,area is good .but I feel apartment rents are expensive .we are looking for a single bed room apartments ,with in the range of 1000-1200 reals .can anybody tel us which is the best and safe place to live .what will be the approximate rent .


You might want to check out the following real estate sites:   and

You can search properties by state, city, bairro, type of property (buy / rent), number of bedrooms, price range, among other things.  Most of the listings have photos so you can see a slideshow of the property before you decide.

James     Expat-blog Experts Team


vinod_ind wrote:

I have recently moved to compinas along with my wife .currently I'm staying Cambui ,area is good .but I feel apartment rents are expensive .we are looking for a single bed room apartments ,with in the range of 1000-1200 reals .can anybody tel us which is the best and safe place to live .what will be the approximate rent .

At that price, it will be difficult (but not impossible) to find a one-bedroom apartment in Cambui. I live in Cambui and our current rent is in your price range for our one-bedroom apartment but my husband has lived here for over 10 years and despite the fact that his rent has gone up 400% since he moved in, I think his rent is probably as cheap as it is because he's been such a long tenant.

I've been living in Campinas for a year, and in my humble opinion, there is no neighborhood like Cambui. It's the only neighborhood where I feel relatively safe walking around the streets at all hours of the day. My husband and I can walk out of our apartment building and we'll have the best restaurants and bars in the city, two major grocery stores, our gym, and Starbucks  :lol:  all within a 10-minute walk or a 5-minute drive. On the weekends, we walk to the farmer's market on Maria Monteiro or the Feira Hippie at the Centro de Convivencia. The only thing our neighborhood is missing is a movie theater, which can only be found inside Campinas' various shopping malls. My husband and I are currently in escrow on an apartment in Cambui - after considering other neighborhoods in Campinas and several homes in gated communities in nearby Paulinia, we decided that we didn't want to leave Cambui. Honestly, I can't imagine living anywhere else in this city.

Look around for good deals on the outskirts of Cambui, where rent might be cheaper. I've seen a lot of "For Rent" signs all over this neighborhood. Take a walk around the neighborhood and jot down the phone numbers in the windows of any desirable apartment buildings that you might see. Depending on the number of windows/verandas, you'll be able to determine if the apartments in a particular building are one-bedroom units.

Good luck! :top:


I planning to do the same .. but I already have been checking for schools ...  I have two kids 10 and 6. The 10  I found. A school called escola America . That is by. Cambuí There is a 10k reis up front than  about 2 k for month. It there is a catch with then.  They told me that because is a school founded from companies .   The employees kids will have preferences over yours so you don't know if they will have any openings . ... now for the 6 year I found a school named maple bears. Is a Canadian school. BY taquaral. It is a nice school but it is only up to 9 years. They add another year in the end. It cost about 2k reias. Too .. and yes they have a lot open spots .......     I found another one I do t have much info on that besides the name and location. It call tigrinhos. And is by the iguatemy shopping mall ..  now about price no clue .. hope this info helps you out


Hi Jacek,
we are a German couple living in the outskirts of Campinas (Valinhos, to be precise) and have a fully furnished and equipped detached granny flat at hand for let, in a closed community with several leisure facilities and plenty of gardens in and around the community, although about 30 km highway commuting to Unicamp. If you were interested, please reply.