Chocknel from Cape Town to Mozambique

Hi there to all,,, I;m Chocknel,, heavy current electrician,, specializes in big diesel driven generators 50 to 2000Kva,, I have bee transvered by my company in Cape Town to Mozambique Moatize in Tete province,, I need some information regading certain aspect of life in Moatize,,, other than that I;m a keen writer photographer and biker,, I,m also on Facebook under the name Chock Nel,,,,

Hello Chocknel and welcome to expat-blog, for Mozambique related queries, do check out the Mozambique forum here

Hello Chocknel.

Welcome to!

Your thread has been moved to the Mozambique forum.

You may ask your questions and browse through the Mozambique forum as well.
@Legacy- Thank you :D
