
Moving to Tokyo / Suitable salary


Hi all,

I have been offered a very exciting job in Tokyo and am looking to move there shortly.
I currently live and work in Singapore, and am new to being an expat in Asia (Im 24yrs old).

I read that Tokyo is a very expensive city so just in terms of comparison I am being offered a salary of 65,000 USD which equates to 5.14037169millionJPY - how does this salary compare with living costs?

Also , what is the tax rate in Tokyo.

Any help would be GREATLY appreciated.

Thanks all.

See also

Job offers in TokyoHow to find a job in TokyoThe job market in TokyoThe work culture in TokyoInternships in Japan

Hello martinau.

Welcome to! :)

I hope you will soon get some responses from other members.



you'll see that the costs of living in Tokyo can be very different depending on where you live and how you live (i.e. lifestyle related).
Bear in mind that you've been offered a Gross Salary, at 5.1 M.JPY it means in Net:
income tax @ 10% - 97.500 deduction = 412.5000 JPY per year for income tax which is deducted directly by your employer.
This will give you a base Gross Salary of 390.625 JPY per month
then you'll have about 12% deduction for social security (retirement, unemployment and health insurance) this will leave you with about 343.750 JPY net per month. This is pretty good considering your age. You should not have too much trouble living if you follow the golden rule of the 3 thirds, 1/3 in rent, 1/3 for living, 1/3 saved. Saved for the Ward and Prefectural Tax which come the following year (at 6% and 4% each respectively).
PM me if you want more tips.