
Real general info from a Mauritian


Hi guys,

You all must be really be worried about earning 35000/40000 MUR and to live in Mauritius with partner and kid/s. People in Mauritius standard salary is between 8000 MUR and 10 000 MUR. How do you think families are managing with this. You guys are really mad to be offered these salary and still being worried.

1 thing - I've read that someone said that in Mauritius the season for hurricane are bet Feb & April..WE DON'T HAVE ANY HURRICANE IN MAURITIUS 'WE HAVE CYCLONES'

It's safe to walk almost everywhere and it's not safe to walk's the same everywhere in the world. I would recommend to avaoid places that there is no families around.

Ask me any question, I would be glad to help.


See also

Job offers in MauritiusWork in MauritiusSetting up a business in MauritiusWork contracts in MauritiusInternships in Mauritius

Hello Lena.

Welcome to! :)

Do not hesitate to participate on the Mauritius forum.



Thanks much for your post.

Nothing personal but I would like to comment on few things here.

you mentioned about the standard salaries, I understand its way too low and appreciate people who are still managing with it.

However, I don’t know much about these people
what they do?
what are their experience and expertise? etc.etc.

I strongly believe most of the expats are highly professional in their fields and coming with a lot of experience.

well you can't expect an MBBS doc.or M.Tch Engineering or MBA from highly recognized institute to expect that salary package which do not justify their experience and of course contribution towards the business for any given organization.

On top expats need to
- pay high rent for the house
- rent for a car (which is way too high here)etc.
Now if you say they should use the Public transportation, then my friend we all know Public transportation is not very good in this country and have limited services that too most of them stop working around 19:30 max. you might wanna correct me here.

Anyways, again nothing personal just wanted to put forward my opinion around standard salaries vs. highly skilled salaries.

BTW, I must tell you.. I know many Mauritians who earn a lot more than what you have mentioned and incase they are not getting what they are capable of, they do not hesitate to move to another country like any other expatriate here.
(cause they do not fall in so called "Standard Salary" pool)

have a good day!!


Lena23 wrote:

Hi guys,

You all must be really be worried about earning 35000/40000 MUR and to live in Mauritius with partner and kid/s. People in Mauritius standard salary is between 8000 MUR and 10 000 MUR. How do you think families are managing with this. You guys are really mad to be offered these salary and still being worried.

1 thing - I've read that someone said that in Mauritius the season for hurricane are bet Feb & April..WE DON'T HAVE ANY HURRICANE IN MAURITIUS 'WE HAVE CYCLONES'

It's safe to walk almost everywhere and it's not safe to walk's the same everywhere in the world. I would recommend to avaoid places that there is no families around.

Ask me any question, I would be glad to help.



Good for you Lena. I wondered what a normal salary was in Mauritius. I'm a socialist. I don't like societies divided by class or income. If you spend all your time working you better enjoy your job because you won't have time for anything else and in the end money is about all you're left with. Then the government devalues it too.
  They have us on a treadmill where we work for the banks, owners, lenders, and living costs too much for us to get ahead. It's one reason expats go to other countries. They can afford to live where the cost of living is lower and hopefully the laws aren't as repressive.
Warm weather and a beach is nice too.


Lena23 wrote:

Hi guys,

You all must be really be worried about earning 35000/40000 MUR and to live in Mauritius with partner and kid/s. People in Mauritius standard salary is between 8000 MUR and 10 000 MUR. How do you think families are managing with this. You guys are really mad to be offered these salary and still being worried.

1 thing - I've read that someone said that in Mauritius the season for hurricane are bet Feb & April..WE DON'T HAVE ANY HURRICANE IN MAURITIUS 'WE HAVE CYCLONES'

It's safe to walk almost everywhere and it's not safe to walk's the same everywhere in the world. I would recommend to avaoid places that there is no families around.

Ask me any question, I would be glad to help.


Yes people with little or no education make as little as Rs5,000 a month and foreigners have to be paid a minimum of Rs35,000 a month (or something like that)its still not enough. Like sumeetrana_81 mentioned expats get a terrible deal when it comes to expenses, example:
Rent for an average house/flat: Rs25,000 a month for an expat Rs4,000-6,000 for a resident
Hire car: Rs1,000-1,500 for an expat or Rs600-800 a day for a resident
Villa rental for a month: Rs80,000+ for an expat or Rs25,000-50,000 for a resident

The same goes for the so called markets, foreigners are always made to pay more. Don't get me started on transport, there is a gridlock every morning and every evening in to and out of Port Louis, I don't fancy standing for hours on an unregulated crowded bus!