Customs Question

We are coming into EC in August.  Flying JFK > Guayaquill > Quito on LAN.  We are bringing our 65 lb dog and have her booked as excess baggage.  All paperwork is in progress.  Fairly confident I have a handle on that part. 
My Question is in regards to customs.  We are scheduled to land in Guayaquill at 5:30 am and leave at 7:30 am for Quito on a Tuesday morning.  I am assuming we will have to collect our bags and dog (still crated, poor thing) then go through customs in Guayaquill as it will be our first stop in EC.  Then recheck the bags and board a domestic flight up to Quito.
If I am correct about that assumption, does anyone know if the customs desk is open at this time in order for us to make our connection?  I fear that we will hit a snag at this juncture and appreciate any tips.


I already post an answer in the Texan message. You will have to do customs in Guayaquil for your dog. And you have to find someone to do the tramit there.


I am wondering how you made out on your trip to Ecuador with your dog.  We are going for the first time today!  If we decide to go back next winter, we plan on staying up to 3 months and will be taking our 70 lb black lab mix with us.  I am a bit nervous about the paperwork and layovers.  We live in Canada and the flight is 11 hours with a 2 1/2 hour layover in Panama City.  I have seen websites that offer (for a price of course) to do the paperwork required for pets.  I have seen other blogs that suggest your double and triple check the information given about the paperwork as it has a tendency to change with every phone call or if you get a different person on your rechecks.  Thanks for the info!