Old photos of Micronesia
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I was a Peace Corps and contract teacher in the Marshall Islands from 1967 to 1971. A long time ago, but there may be some folks who remember me. I have recently been able to digitize many of my slides from that era (most in Kodachrome, now sadly only a memory). They can be seen at http://www.flickr.com/photos/drheath/se … 69/detail/ and I'd be happy to hear from folks about what they think.
i very much enjoyed your photos. it was a trip seeing some very familiar sights....udot, the ralik ratak, majuro street scenes, and so on.
you did a much more complete job of photographing things that i did, and i like your "eye."
i would like to go back now to photograph. I went to Art Center College of Design way back when, then got completely away from photography, but a few years ago discovered the digital photo world and am now very active in it, albeit only for my own satisfaction.
thanks again for the photos...i really enjoyed them.
rich blada micro VII
Hi Rich,
Thanks for the good words! I didn't really set out to do anything like this, but when I was organizing my pics after returning in 1971, I realized I could turn them into a sort of narrative with sunsets between "chapters." And this is only about a third of what I shot.
Since the announced demise of Kodachrome, I've reluctantly turned to digital as well, and to my surprise I actually quite like it. First fruits are visible at http://www.flickr.com/photos/drheath/se … 71/detail/
They still look like slides.
And by the way, I think if you look it up, you'll see you were in the same group as me, Micro V.
micro V was it? the memory is a fragile thing in my case!
going thru your photos I found some of myself (in the skits we did in Penia) as well as my buddy Mike Walters (with whom I'm still in touch. In fact, I sent him the link to your photos and told him they were a "must see.") He's living in Houston and is and has been for some time in the oil "bidness."
Are you in touch with any of our old compatriots? I'd be curious to know what they're doing these days.
My Kodachromes and Ektachromes show the ravages of time and less than optimal storage. but with the help of photoshop i can revive them, and have done so with several. You have inspired me to post them on flickr, along with some other stuff. I'll get around to it one of these days.
I wish I had known then what I do know about exposure and composition. I love digital photography. No more darkrooms for this boy!
what are you doing these days? I'm a Physician Assistant (PA-C) specializing in sports medicine and occupational medicine.
write me when you have a chance
Hi David,
thank you very much for your photos. Very nice pictures