If you would like information of the rentals in the Bahamas there are many websites that provide it.
Bahamas Realty Real estate is a very good one. If you would like assitance in getting a driver's license. The requirements are very straight forward.
You will need a legal permit to live or work in order to apply for a license. Once you have one for example work permit, permanent or temporary residence, marriage certificate or birth certificate.
You will need to go to Clarence B Building and fill and application for. Then you will need to provide payment which for 3 years license is $60.00 if you want a year I think is 25. I have mine renewed until 2014 so I am not sure how much is for a year right now. However, I recommend the 3 year one because road traffic office gets very crowded and the waiting periods can range from 1 hour to 3 hours. The license may be collected on the same day or an assign date that the officer would provide usually less than 3 days or a week.
Hope this helps you.
For vehicle registration. You will need insurance certificate which can be located anywhere on Shirley St, where you may find a few insurance agencies. Bahamas First seems to be the widest choice. If you would like the number you may visit bahamaslocal.com and find the local directory of all the insurance agencies and subs.
If I can be of any further assistance, please let me know.