
Getting a Maltese job interview from another country.


Hello, a few months ago I posted a topic about finding a job in Malta and I got some responses but none that I was too satisfied with. Since some time has passed, I thought that maybe there might be new members that could answer my question better that weren’t there when I first posted my question. I am an American with Maltese parents and I visited Malta many times and really enjoyed it. Since I have Maltese parents, I applied for dual citizenship and I am free to legally live in Malta. I currently work as an electronic technician and I would like a job as an electronic technician in Malta. However, if it is difficult to find the same job in Malta I would be willing to do anything else that I am qualified to do temporarily just to make money. While I work at that job, I eventually want to look for an electronic technician job.
Before I decide to quit my current job and move to Malta I would like to make sure I get a job in Malta first but I don’t know how I can practically go on a job interview in Malta. A person usually has to go on several job interviews before they are given a job but if the job is in Malta, it would be difficult because it cost money and several of my vacation days to travel there. I wouldn’t mind doing it once but I can’t do it several times a year and still not be guaranteed a job. There were some options people offered to me but they all have flaws. One option was that I try to schedule multiple interviews during my stay in Malta to increase my chance of getting one of them but that idea is flawed. Let’s say that I am offered a job interview and then three months later I get another one. By then the first job would probably be filled. The only way that plan would work is if I am offered several job interviews at the same time, which is very unlikely. Another option is that I am probably going to go to Malta on vacation next July for my cousin’s wedding. While I am there, I thought that I could schedule a job interview and if I don’t get the job, at least my trip wasn’t a total waste since I went to see my cousin’s wedding. However, that would only work if I am offered a job interview right before I go. If I get one too early then the job would be filled before I go on vacation and if the interview is offered to me after I go on vacation it will be too late. Another option that I liked is that I could schedule an interview on Skype so that I don’t have to travel to Malta. However, people have said that most interviewers will not hire you unless they meet you in person. They said that the only jobs that you could get with a Skype interview is a high level managerial position and not a lower level position. The last option is that I save my money, quit my job, move to Malta and then look for a position while I am there. The problem with that method is that it is risky. I have some money saved but if it takes me too long to find a job in Malta, I might use it all up before I find a job. I want to ask three questions.
First, does anyone have any other ideas of how I could safely interview for a job in Malta other than the ones I mentioned? If so then what is it? Secondly, do you think that the Skype method is worth trying out or not? Does anyone know of a type of job or a company that would be willing to interview entirely on Skype. Keep in mind that when I say a job I mean one that I could actually be qualified to do. Don’t tell me that there is a position available for a professional soccer player because that is not helpful to me. Lastly, if I do decide to move to Malta before I find a job, is there any low level jobs that would be easy and quick to get right away? The job doesn’t have to pay well or be that nice because I would only do it temporarily until I find a better job. It just has to be something that I could get quickly and easily.  I am young and healthy so if it consists of manual labor, I could do it. If there is a job like that then let me know. Thanks, and  I promise I won't post this question again.

See also

Job offers in MaltaFinding work in GozoFinding work in MaltaFinding work in Saint Julian'sSetting up a business in Malta

Hi jmuthe,

I can understand that you are looking for a 100 % risk-free plan for your move to Malta. But I don't think that will work.

There are several issues beyond your control like:

Getting a job but loosing it again during the trial period or after the contract period.

You not getting along well with the lifestyle in Malta after the initial honeymoon period (even if you have been to Malta several times living here is something else, even with family).

If you get invited for a job interview it will probably be on short notice meaning that your travel expenses will probably be much higher than if you can plan longer term.

As an electronic technichnician is a highly qualified and probably rare profession in Malta it might be difficult to schedule one job interview around a certain date as there has to be job on offer at the most a few weeks before the date concerned (for example July next year). It might just not happen.

So if you really want to make the move ( and there will still be a risk that it won't work) I think you should consider making the move around a promising job interview and consider the 'doing anything' option if the job doesn't work out. If you wait until next July there might not be a job offer then and even the wedding might fall through ! Who know's ...

Maybe you can use a 'skype' interview as an option to be considered a 'serious' candidate before booking your travel.

Otherwise I don't really see any other way of going forward. In the end you will have to make a decision on plan A,B,C or even D and terminate your job in the US amd make the jump.

You will probably always find a job for around the minimum wage.

I wish you luck.


Hiya Jmuthe,

Wear Sunscreen.

I have to agree with Ricky but also would also like to understand why you would want to make the move.

The reason I ask is that you do seem to be a very safe person, i.e. you are looking for a 100% risk free move. So why change what you have at the moment ??

The main things are this, and unfortunatley you may still not be satisfied with the answers but this is how Malta is...

1. Skype interviews are a great way to get yourself brought forward in the Interview stage - You will still have to come to Malta for other interviews (Would you take on someone you havent met in person ??)

2. Jobs are harder to get in Malta if you are not here - I got offered a Job after 2 skype interviews and 2 formal interviews that i had to fly into Malta for - Although I have been offered work a lot since being here.

3. Moving here with money in your pocket i.e. save first then move so that you can realistically support yourself for 6 months say would be probrably the best option as you will have money in the bank and will be actively searching for work whilst being available at any opportunity. If you have family here then maybe it would be cheaper if you lived with them.

I would probrably say that if you are more cautious than slightly risk taking then a move to another country is not for you, as things can get thrown up at any opportunity with accomodation, sickness etc.. and if you are not ready to handle this at the time then this would just turn into a 6 month holiday with you moving back to the States afterwards.

Sorry to be blunt but I think that this is the best way to be so that you see what it is. I do wish you luck and Malta is an amazing country with a variety of cultures and people, there will be things that will annoy you and things that will make you thank yourself for being here...

All of this you may think is again not to your satisfaction and you may wait another 6 months to see if anyone else can give you information that you think is better and that is obviously upto you....

Trust me on the Sunscreen



I want to thank you all for you responses. I am sorry for asking the same question again but I just thought that maybe there was a very small chance that someone could figure out a way for me to get a job in Malta risk-free. I knew that it would probably be a small chance but I thought that it wouldn't hurt to ask.However, I now realize that the only practical way to do it it to save some money, move to Malta, and try to find a job as quickly as possible.
I wanted to ask a few additional questions. I think that it might take a while to find a job as an electronic technician in Malta so I was thinking of quickly finding any low-skilled, minimum wage job temporarily and, while I am employed, I could then take my time looking for a job in my field. Does anybody know of any type of job or company where I could easily and quicky find a job. I don't really care what the job is. The only real requirement  I have is that the job will allow a foreigner who doesn't know much Maltese to work there. I would also prefer if the job was in Gozo since that is where I would be staying but if it is located in Malta, I will commute there. Lastly, is there a time of the year when it is easier and quicker to find a low skilled job or is it about the same throughout the year.


Look at the ETC website and Times of Malta website
Also you can register with Keepmeposted

It will be a start for you to see what sought of jobs are going.
And if I were you I would start brushing up on the Maltese language, you will have a better chance if you speak Maltese



Great Advice from Lesley, ALthough the Maltese Language side isnt to much needed.

Call centres are taking on all the time

Centrecom are looking for Customer Care Staff
Northway Brokers

All looking for workers and paying from 12000 to 15000

Hope this helps



Hi Scubaboy
I mentioned the Maltese language as being an asset because when I have applied for some positions I was told that not speaking Maltese would be a problem.  But I have now secured a job with a UK company.


To be honest Lesley most companies speak English and unless its Admin such as Insurance and things like that then its not to much of a problem.

I did however start learning Maltese for myself.... BLOODY HARD !!! but enjoying it :)



Hi Scubaboy
My son bought me a cd ‘Learn Maltese’ so I am learning too.  But, my pronunciation is pants!!!!! With a Yorkshire accent :))))


Hi jmuthe,
Just to share my experience of trying to find a job before settling in Malta. I contacted a company advertising in the Malta Times for a position in a managerial role  requiring extensive media experience and offering a very good salary by Malta standards  They phoned me in London and requested that I attend the interview in Malta and to be attired in 'business dress'. I flew to Malta a few days later and arrived at the interview. The room I was shown to had another 5 people sitting there already, which I assumed was part of the interview panel. To cut a long story short, after the 10th person had arrived I realised that we were all there for the same interview conducted by one person from the company - all of the applicants interviewed simultaneously! The advertised salary turned out to be a nonsensical figure, with 'ifs' & 'buts' and all sorts of conditions attached to it, with the possibility of a managerial position sometime in the future 'once one had proved oneself'.
To me the saddest thing of all was that it was a British company operating out of Malta, so one couldn't even use the excuse that it was a Malta style interview. Jmuth, I would advise you to listen to the 'Sages' that give you advice on the forum - they do know what they are talking about ;)