
Recruiter agencies & consultants



My name is Pawandeep Singh & I am currently residing in Delhi. I am planning to immigrate to Czech Republic as I have heard that there are good job opportunities with growth prospects. I am currently in touch with a Visa consultant based in Praha who has asked me to deposit money with him before proceeding for Visa formalities.

Can anyone please provide me with some recruiters or job consultants.

Also I have a few questions & since many of you are currently in Czech Republic I hope you can help me in answering me a few of my doubts. I would be very grateful to you if you could help me with this as I do not have anyone to help me with this & all I will be doing will be on my owm. Here are my few questions hope that you would be kind enough to answer them:
1. Are there really growth opportunities in Czech Rep as I am an MBA in operations management( correspondence) & working with an MNC in patents renewals dept for last 5 years. Or it is only propogated by the agents to earn money
2. What would be the minimum living expense per month based on if I do not get a job for first few months.
3. Is the local landuage necessary for getting a job there?? ( the agent told me that its not required for Multinational companies)
4. Is the environment right for Indians to survive there. I am a sikh & would my appearance be a problem there??
5. Is it possible to apply for a job first & then move there or do I need to search job once I reach there?? In case you have any links kindly suggest me the sites where I can apply.
6.Shall I proceed with the consultant based in Praha or someone from Idian. Can u suggest me some consultants ??
7. Based upon my questions could you suggest me to move to Czech rep as you are an Indian & will be the best person to advice me on that,

I would be very grateful If you can help me with this. In case you do not intend to reply kindly let me know as I will take care not to disturb you any further but your help would be something that can change my life.
Hope to hear from you.

See also

Working in PragueThe work culture in PragueThe labour market in PragueWork in the Czech RepublicInternship in the Czech Republic

Hello Pawandeep Singh.

Welcome to! :)

I hope other members will be able to provide some informations to your questions.

In meantime, you can browse the Prague forum. It can help.

Thank you,

Monis Zafar


All above questions are same from my side. I am also planning to move Czech Republic or Lithuania and we would be grateful if any one can reply soon because our life decision is depend on your guidance.

I would like to add some more questions:

1 - Jobs for English Speakers (Odd jobs and Skilled)
2 - How long it will take time to learn native language from   reputable centre.

Prompt response to above request will be very very helpful for us to take decision.

Thanks in advance for helping us.

Monis Zafar
Pakistan - Karachi