Start my own business at Myanmar

HI, great to everyone, I also interest to start my own business at Myanmar, but can give me some info about the new investment laws?

Hi and welcome to the forum  Alan Ng !

Maybe you should tell a bit more about your business so that members can guide you.


erm, i just wan to know how to start my business (manufacture or foundry or contractor or agriculture field), can anyone share the info?

Dear Alan,

The investment law is mostly interesting to people that want to register a company with the MIC. In the new law the minimum investment requirement has been set as high as 5M USD.

The alternative is to register under the MCA which also allows for 100% foreign ownership but does not give you any of the tax benefits. The minimum capital requirement for this kind of company is 50,000USD. Half of it has to be invested upon the approval of your incorporation application, but can be used towards your operational expenses in Myanmar. The remaining half has to be invested within 1 year of incorporation.

IF you have any further questions dont hesitate to contact me.

Kind Regards
Chris F.

what kind of business are you thinking to do
maybe i can help


i'm also looking timber import business from myanmar

can anyone tell me tax benefits and tax structure in myanmar.


I would like to start a trading business in myanmar,can anyone guide me how to start?Also would like to rent an apartment...What kind of visa do I need to rent it on yearly basis?? Thanks for your help.

Hello riiya, can you please start a new thread on the Myanmar forum with all your questions on rent? :)

Thank you,

Dear Alan, this is very interesting.

My wife and I are interested in starting a B&B in Yangon and are wondering if we need to register as an MCA, and what kind of taxes we would have to pay. Also, does anyone have any idea about the terms, costs, and procedures for leasing dilapidated heritage buildings.

Any advice anyone can give would be most appreciated.


cfalchen wrote:

Dear Alan,

The investment law is mostly interesting to people that want to register a company with the MIC. In the new law the minimum investment requirement has been set as high as 5M USD.

The alternative is to register under the MCA which also allows for 100% foreign ownership but does not give you any of the tax benefits. The minimum capital requirement for this kind of company is 50,000USD. Half of it has to be invested upon the approval of your incorporation application, but can be used towards your operational expenses in Myanmar. The remaining half has to be invested within 1 year of incorporation.

IF you have any further questions dont hesitate to contact me.

Kind Regards
Chris F.