
Nikon d7000

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Does anyone know where to find decent camera's and lenses in Riyadh? Is Extra or Jarir my best bet, or are there camera specialty stores that can be found?

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seeker of truth

Check in batha, there are stores for cameras in there!
If you are good on bargaining, you might get a camera with a good price!:)

Also, same topic had been asked and discussed before you might get all the information you want from that thread so try googling it! :)


id stick with jarir

prices arent bad and warranty for sure


jyurong wrote:

Does anyone know where to find decent camera's and lenses in Riyadh? Is Extra or Jarir my best bet, or are there camera specialty stores that can be found?

What kind of lenses are you looking for? If price is not an issue with you, then go with Jarir or Extra. But the problem is that their lens line are very limited. Dedicated lenses and studio equipments can be bought in Cam4less, Al Harthi or Abdul Wahed stores. Check out this link:

Good luck


Preferably JARIR, for the sake of peace of mind !! :)


Guys if you're buying lenses, I would suggest to get it out of the box. Check out the following conditions in order to be sure it is in good shape:

1. Check for doubtful materials inside the lens, like molds, moisture and dust. Molds means that there is already infestation and would have degraded the glass, that would affect image quality. No cleaning can remove the scratches mold has made on it.

2. Check the lens glass, for scratches. Check out also if you would see multicolored coating in the glass (shows that it is multicoated and as per specifications.)

3. Check out the contacts for rust, scratches. If there are scratches then this box has already been opened.

4. Check out the focusing ring, if there is smooth rotation and there is no blockage.

6. If possible bring your camera and mount the lens to it and make test shots, before actually buying it.

I hope that these tips would make it easier for your peace of mind. Buy UV filters in order to protect your front lens. Some would actually ignore this, even say it is not be needed, but it's better to change filter rather than have scratches on your lens. Cheers.


jyurong wrote:

Does anyone know where to find decent camera's and lenses in Riyadh? Is Extra or Jarir my best bet, or are there camera specialty stores that can be found?

stick with jarir, good customer service and warranty. They have dedicated centers for repairs n claims. you might save 100-150 buying from outside but buying from Jarir will give you comfort. You can also buy from Extra and Emax.


I bought my Nikon D90 from batha in 4100SR a year ago with 4GBCard + Lens Protector + Leather Bag.

You should try and check the prices over there. Might find a good deal.

Salman Omrani

poeple people, saying "stick to Jarir" obviously you guys have no experience in good DSLR shopping in Riyadh, I recommend that you follow the three retailers Dynamo mentioned. just my humble opinion. thumbs up to Dynamo.



from someone who got screwed on grey market flash..

i continue to say stick to jarir

or a LICENSED dealer


Salman Omrani wrote:

poeple people, saying "stick to Jarir" obviously you guys have no experience in good DSLR shopping in Riyadh, I recommend that you follow the three retailers Dynamo mentioned. just my humble opinion. thumbs up to Dynamo.


Thanks Salaman, but I think there is no need to point out that they have no experience in shopping, let them I had my share of all of these shops, between Jarir, Extra and the other shops that they don't want to buy from. Like I said before if you are keen in buying something, inspect, insist to test it, better safe than sorry. I bought from all of these shops and so far I had no problems whatsoever.

Bottom line is it's your choice where to buy...we're just here to give options...cheers.

Salman Omrani

did it sound that bad? hmm, well I wasn't digitally enforcing it or anything .. but seriously Mr. Fresh, Jarir is NOT the best option when it comes to higher levels of equipment. and on the Other hand, all the three retailers Dynamo mentioned give a One year warranty. I've been dealing with them for years now. no issue.

if you have a language barrier issue, I'd be happy to help out.



D7000 is not higher level

If they were asking abotu a D300, id say BH photo, or another REPUTABLE dealer.

I have been screwed by a shop in jeddah that was "legit" but when the flashead broke, canon said hell no.

and it was brand new, and they even filled out the warranty paper.

So for me, when you buy "higher" level equipment it is worth the extra money when i can use my CPS membership to get stuff repaired cheaper when it was bought from a canon retailer.

I may be in the small percent of people here, but ive been screwed.  and a year is NOT a warranty that i would care about. things like this dont break in a year.  you get hot pixles, or sticky shutter buttons, or LCD panels going bad, or a host of other problems 2-3 years downt he road.  Had to send off my 7d before i came here for 3 hot pixles.

Now, would someone who is new think to test a camera from a souk store for hot pixles that only show themselves under certain conditions? or light leaks like the 5dmk3 were having?

doubt it. 

So my assessment for someone buying a relatively cheap camera (in my opinion when it comes to cameras) to go to an authorized retailer that will give better piece of mine is to me 100% accurate.

besides, ive seen the prices in souks. you only save a few hundred SAR. not worth it

Salman Omrani

hmm, youre right, it is a fact that we don't get a full fledged warranty here, but the stores we were talking about are in fact (at least two of'em) dealing directly with Canon's main dealer in the Kingdom. something something Aqurashi I think. but you know what? in my honest opinion, if one can buy the equipment from first world countries, they might as well do so. because DSLRs and accessories here are EXPENSIVE! compared to the states, or at least thats what im informed with.

I wave a white flag mate. Im taking a big risk buying 30K worth of equipment from AlHarthi, but I have dealt with them for years. fingers crossed.



For the guys buying rebels and equivalent it may not matter. But i have a 7d, 5d2 and 1dmk3, all i bought new plus L glass from when i was doing it as a job.  when you invest in gear it is good to know it is serviceable ya know?


Salman Omrani wrote:

did it sound that bad? hmm, well I wasn't digitally enforcing it or anything .. but seriously Mr. Fresh, Jarir is NOT the best option when it comes to higher levels of equipment. and on the Other hand, all the three retailers Dynamo mentioned give a One year warranty. I've been dealing with them for years now. no issue.

if you have a language barrier issue, I'd be happy to help out.


lol Salman, it's ok, it's not worth it...don't even bother, we all know that some are just talking hot air. And we all know that they have not dealth with the shops that we talked about. If they don't buy there then don't,  we're not being paid for their It's your choice where to buy.......cheers.

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