Now thatyou guys are all gurus in how caves are formed lets get back on track on the highway with the local flavor of driving. Over here its not wahtw e call DRIVING back home. Its referred to as SAUDVING...
Their rules are diametrically opposirte to what we were taught by the good ole Brits back home.
First and foremost we drive on the LEFT side of the street in most British Colonial nations.
Next, We move to the correct lane (slow) early when we desire to exit from a highway. They wait till they get to about a foot away from the exit to nosedive through the exit, no horns, no signals, just right foot on the pedal, only.
Going on, we use our signals everytime we make a turn. right or left, irrespective of whether there is traffic in front of us, behind us or on either side of us. Signals are a waste of money by the manufacturer when they ship to KSA, sadly. Why pay for something you never use.
Horns are used back home toi alert thed river in front of us. Over here its a massive expression of ANGER!!! something like saying, "#$%& U" in Arabic of course.
If we see a vehicle in front of us indicating his signal lights that he intends to turn right or left we step off the pedal and let him go first before we carry on in our lane or even move to another lane. In their cvase thats blasphemy. How can you drive behind another? You gotta be at the front all of the time.
Speed!!! Do I need to say more...?
This morning a joker was miles behind me on the right lane and I signalled and moved to this lane since I was planning to take the exit off Makkah Highway. He came speedingf behind me, stark raving mad of course, with his foot on the pedal all the weay, overtook me from my left and cu in front of me when the duistance between me and the car in front was only barelky minimal and he didnt even take the exit. he just sped on straight. Now, please tell me how to unravel the working of that kind of mind?
Parking, especially around schools, hospitals, malls, and other public utilities. Phew! We poark where there is a slot, even if it requires a long walk back to the destination. They All WANT TO PARK SMACK BANG IN front OF THE main door. Its more like God Has Reserved the slot for ALL of them.
Another totally unacceptable feature I see in front of schools every morning is fathers/husbands, seated aomfortably at the whell while parkinmg to let their wives/kids get off and cross the street to get to the door. Some of the kids are tiny little tots with thei heavy backpacks, dartuing across the road without any care in the world. One little touch and the father would be screaming blooming BLOOD MONEY...
Now, wait until the fairer sex are given the wheel. Thats gonna be a different kind of circus, I bet?
Ive been on the road here for 30 years now. Good luck to me...