Marry a Beduine in Jordan
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Hello all,
I have just spend my hollydays in Jordan. I have met a Beduine man who I am in touch with. It is supposed he is in love with me, he wants me to come back to be introduced to his whole family, also thinks that we have to know each other and in a future live together (in Jordan), he is talking about a future marriage. He says he has explain his family that we are engaged and that I am his love, so it is suposed his family is happy and want to know me. After his father passed away he helps his mother and 20 years old sister.
I would like to find a job in Jordan keeping my economical independence,then, try a relation with him, but getting an expatriate job is being hard.
On the other hand, I have to say that I have had a lot of doubts about if he was sincere or not, it was hard to me, but now it seems he is sincere. I understand your trouble and I am not capable to give advice about love affairs but following your 6th sense and use the QUID PRO QUO rule. When somebody loves somebody, he has to make half the way and she makes the other half.
@ ggh70ahotmailcom, omg, are you ins*n*? you want to marry a beduine? keep in Spain! believe me, you will not be happy with him, or find a guy who is living in the city of Amman , some educated guy! not a Beduine!!
Hypertyper wrote:@ ggh70ahotmailcom, omg, are you insane? you want to marry a beduine? keep in Spain! believe me, you will not be happy with him, or find a guy who is living in the city of Amman , some educated guy! not a Beduine!!
ggh70ahotmailcom, don't let Hypertyper put you off. Bedouins, educated or otherwise, come with their own set of advantages. They are not afraid of anything, know how to shoot a gun and hunt with a bird of prey, are fantastic cooks,especially if meat is involved (I hate cooking meat but love to eat it :-) make great coffee, know how to cook tea with sage, even if they prefer it with mint, are fantastic dancers (they move with the grace of a cat) and understand the value of peace and quiet.
Thank you for your words. You are right 'set of advantages', they are not contaminated like many other 'modern pretenders'.
I deeply value the info and comments of all of you in the blog (negative or positive)and take it into account.
Beduines are uneducated? i don't think so i so disagree you,how did you even know if hes uneducated or not? i really dont get it!!
Hypertyper wrote:@ ggh70ahotmailcom, omg, are you insane? you want to marry a beduine? keep in Spain! believe me, you will not be happy with him, or find a guy who is living in the city of Amman , some educated guy! not a Beduine!!
I wouldn't say bedouins are uneducated. They may come from very traditional families though. Plus, in places like Jordan, education and income don't always correlate. Ask any teacher in Jordan. They are all educated and all paid a pittance.
NoorideeNAE wrote:Beduines are uneducated? i don't think so i so disagree you,how did you even know if hes uneducated or not? i really dont get it!!
Hypertyper wrote:@ ggh70ahotmailcom, omg, are you insane? you want to marry a beduine? keep in Spain! believe me, you will not be happy with him, or find a guy who is living in the city of Amman , some educated guy! not a Beduine!!
They don't go to schools/colleges how can they be educated?
They live in the middle of the desert away at least 200 km from any close college.
Are you kidding me?
They don't go to schools/colleges how can they be educated?
They live in the middle of the desert away at least 200 km from any close college
Even the people who are educated are sometimes unducated, if you know what I mean
Just because you live in a traditional way, in a tent in the desert, doesn't mean you can't also educate your children or send them away to college and the like. Show me one person nowadays who works in the field they got their degree in and I could probably show you ten that don't. Jordan is flooded with young people who have good educations but can't even get jkobs, let alone a job in their field. Spoken to any engineers who have returned to jordan because of the parlous state of the economy in the gulf lately?
Hypertyper wrote:According to logic, you can not be educated and uneducated at the same time.
What I am going to write now is based on my own experiences and I can tell you that I was shocked!
My brother in law his daughter told me that she had an miscarriage. She said that her gynecologist told her that the cause of this was that she sit to much.
She work digital at home as a translater.
Unbelievable that a doctor could say something like this!!!
Simalar in my situation: a week after I give birth to my beautiful daughter I went back for the last check up.
At the end of the consult she told me that I have to "work" to make a son...
Maybe it was a joke, maybe I understand not what she want to say but an educated docter can not tell these kind of things.
Or the dentist which I visit for the first time: I laid back in the chair and all what I saw was her big open red mounth chewing on an gum!!! How stupid you can be!! As a professional you have to give a good example for your patients.
For me it's clear: the most of the Jordanians, and I'm really sorry to say this, have a lack of common sence. I really don't understand the mentality of the people here.
And that means for me that even when you have an degree it will not say that you are educated.
Let me correct what you mean, they are educated but also stupid.
I agree with you , specially when it comes to dentists.
They are stupid, incompetent, but still you can find good ones among them.
I am living in Jordan now, but leaving this country soon (and
hoping to never come back.).
You get it finally
You say that you will leave Jordan soon (and never come back) .
May I ask why and where you go?
@Primadonna: i have the same feeling, but i wouldnt call it absence or lack of education (not mentioning the doctor who connected the miscarriage with sitting a lot, this it outrageous!) or stupidity (as per Hypertyper definition). It's... mentality... or tradition... or self concentration.. or how can i define it? Lets take for example
the way of driving...or rather stopping or parking whenever it is convinient for you, sometimes making a second line, breaking both written rules and rules of common sense and the driver opens the door and goes out without watching other cars going... And wide eyes, mouth open, looking at you with an expression: you, an idiot, why you drive, dont you see me?! Well it is my perception, not sure if they think like this, or if they think when they do that.. sometimes i think this is a country of fatalists: everything's inshalla or ilhamdulila! Once we saw a young woman crossing a 3 line road. Our speed was 80 km/h. My husband is usually very calm but this time he hornked as a crazy: i dont want to go to prison because of her!
So often i see a window of a very expensive and a very clean car opens and an empty can or pack of cigarettes, or just used napkins being thown out! What's the logic? You keep yourself, your car, your house clean and tidy, but not your country, your quarter, your street? Yes, it is lack of education, not in a sense of university degree or any prof skills, but what you absord with your mother milk, family and school education.
But this is for sure off the topic.. Maybe we can start a new thread about the issue, since it looks quite sensitive?
I didn't say that is a lack of education but a lack of common sense. And the traffic part: I agree with you.
This is far off topic so if some one is interested for this subject, we can open a new tread.
I am surprised, seriously people, why did you leave Europe to come to this country?
are you insane?
I wouldn't do that even if they payed me a million dollar, I am leaving foreverrrrrrrrrrr
Because everyone know whats jordan is a pretty nice place
Hypertyper wrote:I am surprised, seriously people, why did you leave Europe to come to this country?
are you insane?
I wouldn't do that even if they payed me a million dollar, I am leaving foreverrrrrrrrrrr
NoorideeNAE wrote:Because everyone know whats jordan is a pretty nice place
Hypertyper wrote:I am surprised, seriously people, why did you leave Europe to come to this country?
are you insane?
I wouldn't do that even if they payed me a million dollar, I am leaving foreverrrrrrrrrrr
Yea...That's why everyone is trying to leave Jordan, specially Jordanians themselves.
Can you deny it?
We have bad education, bad economy, big corruption, racism, jobless people, stupid government (the worst in the world).
Because you know the country and its people when you live there.
You want to go to the USA, do you really think its heaven on earth there?
Every country have its good and bad things.
Primadonna wrote:Because you know the country and its people when you live there.
You want to go to the USA, do you really think its heaven on earth there?
Every country have its good and bad things.
USA compared to the Middle east is heaven , yes ma'am.
I will not need to know an important person in the government to go into a good university , or choose a major that I want.
What do I want from America?
Education and a fair chance to succeed like everyone else.
In Jordan, you work hard, very hard and never get rewarded.
believe me, in USA, It will be much better.
Cant agree more with you, Primadonna! Every country as its good and not so good sides. Lots of us left our countries looking for some chances and better opportunities. But it's also nice to live in another country, meet new people, learn other way of life, other traditions...
I'm sure if we read other forums... People always complain, because nobody and nothing is perfect and there is no paradise on this earth:)
Hypertyper, I've never been to the US, cant say anything, but since you are looking forward to an American passport, do you know that Americans pay taxes all over the world? And they are quite high... And if one day you decide to come back to Jordan or move to any other country, you will pay for this passport till the end of your life, and you will not be exempted from paying Jordanian taxes. In Russia, income tax is only 13%, not high, but when i saw how much money i paid to the state, and what i could buy for them, i almost had a heart attack:)
But this is really off the topic:)
Hello all.
A new thread has been created on the Amman forum.
Thank you,
Don´t forget you will be a palestinian in USA, coming from a muslim world, and after Al Qaeda attacks...
On the other hand, maybe you are right about Jordan but, do you think, for instance, Spain is so different?:
- We have such a political corruption, politic regional problems, terrorism.... that any other of the 1st class European countries believe in Spain any more.
- We have cheat with our financial situation to Germany, France... and our partners in UE.
- The economic crisis is here collosal,mainly because the amazing expenses in politic structure and corruption. Politician in the govern and in the parlament are the one who have the solution to solve the situation but they don´t want to loose privileges. Spanish citizen are loosing rights, the economy is being collapsed and in the meanwhile, politic system remains intact. They only had to reduce expenses in the National Budget related to duplicated institutions, public companies incorporated to the benefit of friends and family of politicians, economical privileges, expenses....
- 25% spanish citizens are jobless, they cannot pay the mortgage, loose their houses and cannot get a job anymore. Public Services Aids is being reduced.
... and we are in stand by mode. In economy stand by means RECESSION, moreover we have structural not merely circumstantial crisis.
I have a good job but, my Company is standing the crisis but, how long?
Did you know that in this stupid Arab world, if you have an American passport, you get paid double, and sometimes even triple the amount someone with a Jordanian passport, in Dubai..KSA..etc.
So I don't care about the taxes i will pay.
In USA, you pay taxes but you get something back from the country.
In Jordan, you keep paying taxes and you get nothing back from the country.
you are right, but Spain is not the place where I wish to work,
Yes I'd love to live there for sure, I've been to Spain and I love it.
The situation here is worse than anywhere in the world.
we are about to be like Somalia.
What's actually pi**ing me off is that , there are so many rich people here
I swear we have more BMW and Mercedes cars than they do in Germany.
But it's all corrupted, not only the government steals, but people who are close to some big shit in the government does too.
Sorry, I don't want to live somewhere where i build, and others destroy.
ggh70ahotmailcom, believe me, Don't come here. you will regret it.
same feelings! lol
ggh70ahotmailcom wrote:hypertyper,
A BLEAK PROSPECT¡¡¡ I feel desolated when I read your comments.
why did you leave Palestine then? and how come you are talking bad about the government etc... remember what king Hussein did and Jordan is the only country who gave the Palestinians passports in that time, deny if you can!
and now please stop talking bad about Jordan.
so you must be thankful (: and you are WELCOME
you betrayed your country!
Hypertyper wrote:NoorideeNAE wrote:Because everyone know whats jordan is a pretty nice place
Hypertyper wrote:I am surprised, seriously people, why did you leave Europe to come to this country?
are you insane?
I wouldn't do that even if they payed me a million dollar, I am leaving foreverrrrrrrrrrr
Yea...That's why everyone is trying to leave Jordan, specially Jordanians themselves.
Can you deny it?
We have bad education, bad economy, big corruption, racism, jobless people, stupid government (the worst in the world).
Marry a Beduine in Jordan??
are you that desperate !
NoorideeNAE wrote:why did you leave Palestine then? and how come you are talking bad about the government etc... remember what king Hussein did
and Jordan is the only country who gave the Palestinians passports in that time, deny if you can!
and now please stop talking bad about Jordan.
so you must be thankful (: and you are WELCOME
you betrayed your country!Hypertyper wrote:NoorideeNAE wrote:Because everyone know whats jordan is a pretty nice place
Yea...That's why everyone is trying to leave Jordan, specially Jordanians themselves.
Can you deny it?
We have bad education, bad economy, big corruption, racism, jobless people, stupid government (the worst in the world).
I don't want to get into politics, specially with an ignorant person .
I didn't leave Palestine,I was kicked out of Palestine by FORCE.
Under the threat of gun.
Anyways, I came to Jordan considering that Palestine and Jordan is one(It used to be one country before Israel destroyed us).
I didn't betray my country and I'm not speaking bad about Jordan, what am saying is the truth.
And btw i also wouldn't like to live in Palestine, because it's the same as Jordan..same people..same shitty government..etc
It's people like you who I am running from, once any arguments start, all what they think about is Jordanian and palestinian...
GO open a youtube video about (how to make a chocolate cake) and you will find the comments about Jordanian/Palestinian.
Sorry, I don't want to live somewhere where i build, and others destroy.... "You are destroying not building". all i am asking is that respect our country! is that hard? lets just stay away from politics the topic is about "Marry a Beduine in Jordan." and all you said is trash and whining!
have a nice day(:
Hypertyper wrote:NoorideeNAE wrote:why did you leave Palestine then? and how come you are talking bad about the government etc... remember what king Hussein did
and Jordan is the only country who gave the Palestinians passports in that time, deny if you can!
and now please stop talking bad about Jordan.
so you must be thankful (: and you are WELCOME
you betrayed your country!Hypertyper wrote:
Yea...That's why everyone is trying to leave Jordan, specially Jordanians themselves.
Can you deny it?
We have bad education, bad economy, big corruption, racism, jobless people, stupid government (the worst in the world).
I don't want to get into politics, specially with an ignorant person .
I didn't leave Palestine,I was kicked out of Palestine by FORCE.
Under the threat of gun.
Anyways, I came to Jordan considering that Palestine and Jordan is one(It used to be one country before Israel destroyed us).
I didn't betray my country and I'm not speaking bad about Jordan, what am saying is the truth.
And btw i also wouldn't like to live in Palestine, because it's the same as Jordan..same people..same shitty government..etc
It's people like you who I am running from, once any arguments start, all what they think about is Jordanian and palestinian...
GO open a youtube video about (how to make a chocolate cake) and you will find the comments about Jordanian/Palestinian.
Hi everybody,
I am surprised¡ it is amazing¡ Hypertyper calls me 'INSANE' and Imaduno calls me 'DESPERATE'. I have never imagined bedouine people in Jordan are so impopular. They look so warmheart¡
May I ask you explain your side and your reasons?
you are so true but i was defending Beduines i didnt say anything bad about them i didnt say they are uneducated so i dont know what i have to get from your saying! and i dont like talking about others
DoveOmeri wrote:Hypertyper wrote:NoorideeNAE wrote:Beduines are uneducated? i don't think so i so disagree you,how did you even know if hes uneducated or not? i really dont get it!!
They don't go to schools/colleges how can they be educated?
They live in the middle of the desert away at least 200 km from any close college.
Are you kidding me? has been my experience,that college,or University does not 'an educated' person make. I'm thinking now that you won't understand what I just wrote(NO insult intended). For me personally,I know loads of people without a College education who have gone on to do marvelous things with their lives! AND,be thought of by others as highly EDUCATED. My own husband never finished High School..but he has had much success in his life. There are a rare breed of people,who,for them,they simply are too smart for school. For these types of people,they are so smart,that school simply moves far too slow for them. My own husband taught himself as a very young man,how to be a Barber,(he cut men's hair in HIS OWN Barber shop,a shop that he owned,worked in,and employed a staff),he then went on to become THE MAN people went to build and design their homes.He taught himself how to carve marble(as you know,marble is plentiful here in Jordan),taught himself how to speak THREE languages,I could go on and on!! He's done SO much,and never went to University,or even finished H.S.!! He has always been his own boss. Now,he's started yet another new business.This one,in plastic's.,AND is starting up his marble business again as well. As for 'Beduine' people,personally,in my large extended family here in Jordan,I have always ONLY ever heard them talking about Beduine's in a genuine,loving,and admiring way. Many times I have heard my brothers here say,"We are all Beduine". So,I don't know where you get your negative thinking regarding these people..all I can say is,going to "University" does NOT 'a smart person' make,IN MY humble opinion. I do understand that in these times,getting a very well paying job,does require the education you speak of,so I understand where you are coming from in your thinking regarding this as well. Good luck to you in all that you hope to achieve in your life.
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