
Are there short term furnished apartments that allow cats?


Hi All,
Can anyone give me some advice? Perhaps someone else has had this problem. We will be arriving in October with our three cats. I don't want to put them in a cattery but we obviously can't stay in a hotel with them. We really need a furnished apartment short term until our furniture arrives. They are all house cats so used to being inside. I am just wondering if anyone knows of apartments where this is allowed. We would probably like to based around Salmiya, as that is hopefully where my daughter’s school will be.
Thanks for any help.

See also

Real estate listingsAccommodation in KuwaitSalmiya or Salwa?New memberBuildings are better insulated in Kuwait than in the US?

Hello uknomad.

You should post an advert in the Housing in Kuwait section. It could help. :)

Good luck in your research,


Good idea, I will do that when we have our exact dates. Thank you


There is a woman who runs an animal rescue here in Kuwait and she may be able to give you at least some direction.  She loves animals and so maybe she knows where to point you.  Look on facebook for a group called "Become a Foster Guardian - you're saving a life" and you can post the question there.


there are no short term furnished apartments unfortunately "/ ur best bet is to find a hotel apartment that allows pets.


Hi Ime, have requested to join their facebook site. Am sure other animal lovers have had this problem too.

We are actually in Kuwait for 2 days sorting out schooling, my daughter, thank goodness, was just offered a place at TES. Thanks legacy for sending us in that direction (previous question I posted), seems a great school.
An agent showed us one apartment that might accept pets today, wasn't wonderful but better than nothing....still hoping we will find something a bit nicer.


TES is a great school, i know because i went there :D


Hi All, now know the answer to this question in case anyone else needs to know, Marina Residence will allow pets (well cats at least). They agreed to my three cats as long as we covered any damage they may cause. Accomodation is fully furnished and ideal if you have just arrived with only a suitcase:)