
Personal security in Malaysia

Last activity 04 June 2013 by roystevenung

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Malaysia is it really secure and safe for one person and especially an expatriate?


You need to be alert your surroundings,like everywhere in the world same goes here.
You don't need to flash your branded designers bags gold wearings and so on so forth.
Is Tunis really secure and safe place?
So you know what I mean.
Been here 18 years nothing happen to me,I am very alert.
Good luck

Good luck


Do you speak Turkish?
I speak Turkish.


Hi Taslik,

Yeah, but what I meant,exactly, far example; Hong Kong is among the safety places in the world.
The truth, in Tunisia and apart the political situation nowadays;it's o.k in general, jewelry or luxury bags..
I guess it's not as scared as Malaysia.
Besides, an expatriate wrote about safety and the situation is not at all reassured!!


Tesekkur ederim,


Hi a lot less safe than hk especially on foot. Ask any Malaysian! And several expat colleagues have been mugged while working. Malaysians blame all the immigrants (indos especially) but poverty breeds crime.


Safest place in the world is prison,if you get into prison you have all the protection & nobody can enter your room & you are safe there.
Then again you need to deal with inmates.
Everybody has opinion depends which opinion you choose to believe.


Malaysian is one of the safety country in the world.
u'll enjoy your life when u live in Malaysia. And u will see many things are difference than the other countries.



I've been here for almost three years. Malaysia is fairly safe. Although, watch out for snatchers on motocycles. One of my lady friend, also an expat, got het bag snatch by one of those nasty thieves. Some of my friends, also expats, got their battery car stolen while parked to eat. Some of my friends also got mugged when they stumbled upon street accidents. But overall, Malaysia is safe.


really funny


Safest country in South East Asia Once. Just this stupid Malaysian immigration system and policies which is letting in more people from Indonesia, Nigeria and Ghana who are blacks. Most of them (Not all some are very nice) will make Malaysia unsafe place soon in the next 5 years.

You wait and see. Hope you and I will be out by then.

Malaysia was once the safest place on earth where if you open the front door and go out, when you return nothing is missing. Cows milk and newspaper left outside will never go missing. Now even people go missing hehehe,

STUPID IMMIgtation and Govt policy!!

This bleedy Wawasan 2020 you might have heard messed up all.

Take care for now


hello azwan
safest countries in the world? to which country are you refering?


Malaysia is safe if you drive a 4WD with doors locked and go from a high end condo to good shopping centres. Otherwise muggings are normal. I know a lot of malaysians who have been mugged one recently - a young woman - was dragged by two guys in front of a major shopping centre and robbed. She is seeing a chiropractor as back twisted and affects her work. One friend got robbed 3 times in bangsar in a year and never carries a handbag. On foot/bus I prefer London - I always drive in KL. Btw muggings so common her bf just said "what's the fuss happens all the time"

What is sure most malaysians do not trust official crime figures! So hard to really tell. I actually think Bangkok is safer as a foreigner at least. Only knew one young woman attacked - police always take foreigner attacks seriously there. HK is a 100 times safer lived there and no issues on buses at4am in morning.


Hi Caesar,

you can refer to this link : … X/Article/

maybe u did not know that Malaysian is among safest country in this world.



hi azwan
i think it says 19th
reckon i am living in the wrong part of malaysia


yeah, and number one in Asian.


As per the article yes Malaysia rank 19. But I will not trust it though, I was a teenager once. At that time there was no Taman Tasik Permaisuri. At that time there was Kampung Congo and I can swim in the lake ! Most of the time "URBAN POVERTY" breeads crime ! The ugly side of Kuala Lumpur in the "BOLEH-BOLEH" country !


thanks malong, you make a lot of sense


Hi Azwan, you are obviously a product of the Malaysian state education system.

" do what you are told. Don't think or analyse. Believe all the propaganda"

Malaysa doesn't have a free press and like other countries in Asia fiddles figures. Crime figs are pure fantasy ask any Malaysian educated out of the state school system! Thailand also does fiddling but dangerous place not because of crime but stupid tourists doing dangerous sports. And lots more of them going. Also inefficiency negates the fiddling. Also Thailand did a lot things better like developing agriculture and a decent local car industry so Thai government don't need to fiddle figs us much.

As there are no reliable crime figures (same for economic growth and inflation figures) anecdotal evidence is the only thing we have. And wild rumor!


In a way Kuala Lumpur is fairly safe ! But there is also crime such as snatch theft, pickpockets, mugging, and all the petty crimes executed by drug addicts and etc ! House break-in quite common also ! Just to share you a story, not long time ago my aunt living on the coast (North West of Kuala Lumpur), this bandits came in by the speed boat at night and robbed the best house in the village ! The whole village need to organize their own vigilante ! I am sure no newspaper in the country ever reported this issue !


Malong you are right about urban poverty, KL is very unsafe especially for women ,there is paranoia everywhere on the streets of KL and its surroundings, just take a look at all the houses  and even apartments as they are all barred up with grills on their windows ang doors. Muggings, snatch theft and assaults are very common. Speak to any local resident and they will have their own nightmare stories to the question is what can be done about this endemic situation??


maybe azwan1389 hasnt seen those grills on windows n doors


U talk about security. show me a safe place in this world

Are you rich, unless you are very rich than you need to talk security, if you are just another ordinary person in this world, maybe you be unnoticed


we are not talking about the safest place,,we are talking about a safer place


there is no safer place in this world. anyway the expats that come here are normal ppl now. trying to make a better life for themselves than in their own country, not much value add to malaysia

dr. p. j. buch

i am worried about my security as malaysia is reputed to be abode for antisocial elements


Same everywhere as global recession. Malaysia is safe if you drive. If you walk high prob of being mugged. In Thailand far less chance of violent crime but far more likely to be killed or hurt (but usually due to people being silly).

In south africa my friends brother had an ak47 under the seat for protection. Being mugged raped or killed was a non event as happens so much in south Africa. That is a dangerous place.

So mid ranking in Malaysia and in a suv safe. On foot far less so. parts of London you have to avoid certain areas to be safe same in KL.

Singapore and hk they are where I feel safe 4am in the morning on foot!


I'm utterly surprised and shocked to read one of the members race attack on Nigerian and other africans including using most objectionable use of words  " black people". Not sure how many " black people" this gentleman encountered who has stolen his possessions . On the other hand if some one says all whites are  Racist and rude , how  that is sounds? Definitely it's sheer ignorance and have very shallow idea about the world. 

If any one have minimum real education,  , pls don't use those racist words in any public media or anywhere in future, otherwise, some one some day will tackle you very harshly. Mind you your blood is no superior to any other race.



hi raz
you have to keep one thing in mind,  its a known fact ..,most come here for studies and then engage in other activities


I knew a Nigerian middle class (rich family) girl here who went to London. I went to her birthday party in London with mostly with other well off Nigerians.

They all said most Nigerians abroad are crooks, prostitutes/pimps, drug dealers, scammers and scumbags!

Certainly in Malaysia Nigerians are assumed first to be drug dealers and many are in the condo opposite where I work - and security told me many Nigerian and Ghanese hookers around as well.

Nigeria is a failed state. I was offered a job there with offer if two armed guards to kick beggers and told I would be safe as they would bribe airport security for me as otherwise they plant drugs on foreign workers to get bribes. I was also told just ignore the dead bodies in the river opposite the office as normal. My guards would protect me. I turned the job down.

In such a lawless corrupt poor hell hole people become criminals and try to leave!


very true

taslik wrote:

Safest place in the world is prison,if you get into prison you have all the protection & nobody can enter your room & you are safe there.
Then again you need to deal with inmates.
Everybody has opinion depends which opinion you choose to believe.

Just make sure you do not accidentally drop the soap!

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