5 good reasons for living in Sudan
if someone asks you the best reasons for making the choice to live and stay in Sudan, what would be your top 5?
Thanks in advance for participating,
1- Good salaries.
2- Dry weather. No humidity whatsoever
3- Very safe place to be (I am talking about Khartoum)
4- Sudanese people are very hospitable, friendly and kind.
5- Natural produce here is truly natural and delicious (mangos, watermelons, bananas ...... yummy !)
6- One more reason for me as an Egyptian : Visa-free, work permit-free, and unrestricted access.
A question for you "The Egyptian" what do you mean the salary is good? do you compare it to sudanese standard or Europe standard. An of topic question Btw what do you work with ? And is there alot of european expats living in khartoum? and what are they doing?
Thanks in advance
An sudanese guy living in Sweden
Sany.93 wrote:A question for you "The Egyptian" what do you mean the salary is good? do you compare it to sudanese standard or Europe standard. An of topic question Btw what do you work with ? And is there alot of european expats living in khartoum? and what are they doing?
Thanks in advance
An sudanese guy living in Sweden
Middle Eastern standard. I am a freelance telecom consultant. Khartoum is full of expats (mainly Egyptians, Ethiopians, Eritreans, Europeans and Asians).
Ethiopians/Eritreans are mainly blue collar.
Egyptians are doing anything and everything.
Europeans/Asians are mainly here doing what I do (not Telecom in particular, but just expat consultants in every field. Telecom, Oil, Aviation ......etc.).
Wow for you fast Response never tought that in the sudanese forum where it seems all dead.
Thanks for the information. Am thinking of settling down in Khartoum And starting up a business. But Just a tought.
Sany.93 wrote:Wow for you fast Response never tought that in the sudanese forum where it seems all dead.
Thanks for the information. Am thinking of settling down in Khartoum And starting up a business. But Just a tought.
The service industry is thriving here, and any service that caters to foreigners is thriving.
Be it food and beverage, entertainment .......etc.
What for business whould you think would go with succes with hard work? any idea?
Sany.93 wrote:What for business whould you think would go with succes with hard work? any idea?
Any entertainment business that caters to foreigners.
A decent place to eat and drink. A nice, upscale place for gentlemen to play billiards, a bowling alley (there are none here), a paintball arena ......etc.
Lots of foreigners, with lots of money, who are bored and have nothing to do during weekends. You get my point?
I deffinatly get your Point, Thanks Alot
the people are so friendly helpful respectful
I think good salary more than some Asian countries if compared specially for those who are working with INGOs and multinationals.
What translate a good range of salaries?
Khartoum would definitely benefit from supplies of good electronic goods that don't have to come from the US or Europe. An improved internet service helps a great deal as many expats spend a lot of their time online either for business connections, research, communication and leisure.