
January Arrival


Hey everyone. I am officially going to be moving to São Paulo in January. Any recommendations as to planning my move, items to make sure I take?

I appreciate it everyone.

See also

Living in São Paulo: the expat guideRenting an apartment- newcomer in BrazilTranslatorReal estate foreclosure auction stats Sao Paulo stateNew to Sao Paulo - Giving birth soon

Hi Bebes360,

It's not worth the hassles or the cost of shipping stuff here. Bring your personal stuff, computer and what you can bring with you as excess baggage. Leave the furniture behind. See the link below for my previous reply on just this subject.

William James Woodward - Brazil Animator, Expat-blog


Hi there,

I shipped stuff too and I can only recommend you not doing so. Its complicated and could end up in many months of delay and a lot of $$$.

Bring the maximum you can in the plane with you. If you really need to ship some stuff, ship it by plane. If you really need to ship by ground, ship a whole container (less chances of problems).

As for "what to bring", of course electronics are very expensive in Brazil and that is usually what Brazilians buy when they are traveling.



Thank you both!


Btw, the company I used was Brytor, very good company, just make sure you fill out papers the way the brazilian broker recommends, because its so complicated and specific that they know better than the moving company.

Nothing broken or missing, they were fast and efficient. So good that I am happy to make free publicity :)


Hi Emilie,

Would you mind writing up a short overview of exactly what you went through and who you dealt with in shipping your things from Canada to Brazil when you have the time. It is one thing that I really know very little about other than it is expensive and complicated since I only brought what I could on the airplane I came to Brazil in over ten years ago now. It would help our members very much to have this information. I get asked about it all the time and really haven't got a definitive answer for those who ask.

Thanks so much! When it gets posted I will contact Expat-blog Team and ask them to give it a 'sticky' to keep it at the top of the first forum page. It would be great.

William James Woodward - Brazil Animator, Expat-blog


As soon as I have a few more minutes, I will do that for sure WJ.

I had so much trouble myself finding information, as indeed very little is available over internet...that would probably help some others.

Take care,
