
Begging/Working Children - Do You Give Them Money or Buy from Them?

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It's been a while since I arrived in PP and I've been approached by children quite a few times either to beg for money or to ask me to buy something from them.

Now I'm pretty firm on not giving the kids money as it encourages them to beg, which is never a good idea. On the other hand, I don't know if I should be buying something from the kids who're selling stuff, coz' I don't think it's such a bad idea for kids to understand the importance of work when they're young, yet I suspect this will prevent them from studying.

So for now, I've yet to do anything for them money wise (only gave them some of my food). What about you? What do you do when you encounter begging children or children who sell you stuff?

See also

Living in Cambodia: the expat guideTransferring MoneyPacemaker ReplacementHow to adapt to the expat challenges of everyday life in CambodiaBuying heavy/thick towels anyone?
reg butler

Hi Anthony.
Giving money or buying stuff from the street kids just keeps the cycle going.
Most of these kids work for a "minder" who collects the money from them. They often see very little reward.
Giving them food is good, if they want it. Sometimes they just aren't hungry though.



Ah. I was thinking maybe the money goes to their family though.

Oh well, guess I will stay firm on saying no to them then. And I didn't think of giving food to them at first, a kid whom I refused to buy flowers from eventually pointed to the naan I was having, and then I realized he wanted food. Good to see that he enjoyed it though.:)


I give money to children I see collecting rubbish, and I always have Oreo biscuits in my bags to give to begging children. Cheaper for me in the long run, and yes, hopefully it doesnt discourage them from going to school.


Some of the bookseller along the Riverfront in Phnom Penh can be very rude, if you refuse to buy. There is a small woman in a wheelchair. She has a helper to push her around. He is trying to stay out of the picture, but be sure he is there.

His woman can get very very up set, no smiles there anyway, if you dosnt bye any of her books or postcards.

In general, never giver anything to begging children, never bye anything from children, or children who helps adults, blind musicians, etc etc. If you do, you keep the children on the strets for ever.

Once I saw a male tourist refusing to give a girl around 10 or 11 money. Then she asked him at least to bye her some ice cream. Then he gave her five dollars. Madness. 50% or 70% of adults in Phnom Penh dosnt make five dollars a day.

When I tried to talk with the guy in a polite manner, he got angry with me.


I occasionally buy books but that's only if I actually want them, I don't buy things just to buy. I agree that some of the sellers are rude, they're very cocky, I've often been "quizzed" by the seller when I tell them I already have read their books. I'd much rather give them food, which I do a lot. I have some sponsor children too, and I pay for their English tutoring and food.


Children should be at school, and neither working nor begging.
I do give occasionally, but only outside tourist areas, and only to old or crippled people who wouldn't survive without help.


I normally try to feed them if I'm out eating.


Never, never give to people who are dragging babies around with them, in Siem Reap they drag babies around late at night begging for money, the babies should be asleep and not forced to be a prop.

I never give to these people, however, sometimes I may see someone in a wheelchair, they be unemployable, so they need to eat, I may help them.

But yes, giving too much is unfair to people who work long hours, and paying them all, keeps them tied to begging.

Sometimes you need to be cruel to be kind, sometimes you need to be a judge and sometimes you need to strong.


There is a very revealing article 'Cambodia and the Gentle Art of Begging' at

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