
Real estate agency


Can anyone suggest a reputable real estate rental agency in Siem Reap?   I am looking for a good company to do business with.   I will be looking for a rental house in the future.

Stafford  Cowles

See also

Real estate listingsAccommodation in Siem ReapBuying a property in CambodiaAccommodation in CambodiaAccommodation in Phnom Penh

oldsarge wrote:

Can anyone suggest a reputable real estate rental agency in Siem Reap?   I am looking for a good company to do business with.   I will be looking for a rental house in the future.

Stafford  Cowles

I can understand your way of thinking. But...

The way to rent a house is going/ driving up and down the streets, phone the for sale/ for rent numbers, and after some days you have a house you like.

The Real Estate people take care of them selfes firstly, then the landlord, and you who comes up with the money, comes last.

I have several friends i Cambodia living in rented houses. None of them use Real Estate.

If someone helps you to find a house, a taxi driver, or someone else, they get at least one months rent as an award. For many Cambodian people, what you pay one single month is a fortune. Thats why so many will like to help you.


Hello Stafford  Cowles. :)

A new thread has been created from your message on the Siem Reap forum.

You can take a look into the Siem Reap Business directory  - Real estate section.

You can post an advert in the Housing in Siem Reap section as well. It could help.

Thank you,


Check Siem Reap properties, they have a website with loads of rentals. It's a business run by a frenchman.
Good luck


To daelim, thanks for the insight.   This sounds like good advice.   But this will be during my first week of arrival.   Will language and phone availability be a problem for this method of locating a house?

Thank you,




You can contact my friend, Mr. Serey via 012 892 993.




If you want a bargain and have loads of time on your hands... sure, do what an experienced ex-pat would do and 'walk the streets', I have been here numerous times but have always had better things to do with my time, plus, money is not so much of a question. If you want a house on the first day you start looking and want to move in the following day... use Siem Reap Properties, Fabien is the French owner but he speaks good English, of course.

He just found me a fabulous apartment, and I could not be happier.

Lower priced wooden "Khmer" houses start from $250/month; a good quality 3 bedroom house can be got for $400-450. The quality stuff is around $500-650. More than that and you are being extravagant... as I was when I moved last year and was paying $850.

An experienced ex-pat complains if he pays more than $150/mth... it is possible but to my mind that is back-packer style. In the meantime  a reasonable guesthouse can be got in the Old Market area for around $125/nt.

Vaya Con Dios and good luck