Looking for friends

Hi.. I am here new in abu dhabi and working as a software engineer. looking for a good female friends for good company.. If you are interested please reply.

Hello m3ar2.

Welcome to Expat.com! :)

Can you please tell us more about yourself?

Thank you,

Hi, I'm moving to Abu Dhabi in Jan.. I'm not a female. I am always interesting in meeting new people, and showing around the city. 




Seems i'm not the only one facing this issue, i'm new to Abu Dhabi and looking to have new friends.


Well, you guys could hang-out ;)
Just an idea :D


ashes2ashes wrote:

Hi, I'm moving to Abu Dhabi in Jan.. I'm not a female. I am always interesting in meeting new people, and showing around the city. 



Hello Ash!

I am moving to UAE, next month, Hopes we will make a good friendship.

best regards,


MCITP wrote:


Seems i'm not the only one facing this issue, i'm new to Abu Dhabi and looking to have new friends.

Yes, brother you are not the only one facing this problem, me too. Why can't we be friends rather!

Kind regards,



hi friends i am new here need some friend cont me alvesdsuza@yahoo.com thanks
take care

Hi, buddies let make a plan to meet up for all those are here in abu dhabi... what you say about next long weekend ??

Sure most welcome :)

ashes2ashes wrote:

Hi, I'm moving to Abu Dhabi in Jan.. I'm not a female. I am always interesting in meeting new people, and showing around the city. 
