
Body piercing

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Hey guys!!!! Would you get a "body piercing" if it was on a dare?

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Body piercing you mean? :)


depends if dare speak monatary....nah!!! I don't think so, but dollars will be fine hahaha :D


Yes, body piercing:)..... "Dares" can be fun:lol: and even gross:):)


It's body piercing.




No i don't think so! i suffered much pain in name of love and from people whose heart is made of dry stone so that's ENOUGH.




I guess there is nothing wrong with having body piercing as long its done properly and clean!!!!Also we cannot judge people who has body piercing this their way of expressing themselves I think:);):cool:


No tnx


firerose wrote:

I guess there is nothing wrong with having body piercing as long its done properly and clean!!!!Also we cannot judge people who has body piercing this their way of expressing themselves I think:);):cool:

you are right... but I do not like it ;)


Nah not for me especially for a dare, lost a bet once and got waxed down below, that was enough pain in itself.


it's a no-go. But i would do it just to feel how much it hurts. It's not like the end of the world or anything.


I have a body piercing....

in my ears when I was one year old :proud


:lol: me 2

Primadonna wrote:

I have a body piercing....

in my ears when I was one year old :proud


I have 3 ear piercings, once had my nose pierced too but then I removed it..

I did it out of curiosity, just to see how would I look with it..:)


I like to have one in my nose too but then when I think when I have a cold then all the snot stuck around the pin....
nah, not an good idea


I had my left ear pierced 52 years ago and my grandmother inserted one of her earrings. That earring was was 50 yrs old then so is now over 100 yrs old.


When the subject is my body, if it didn't come as standard equipment from the manufacturer then I'm sure not going hunting for it as an accessory........ body piercing no-o-o-o-o-o-o-o way!

William James Woodward - Brazil Animator, Expat-blog Team
(really a chicken, not into pain and would look ugly on an old guy like me. hahaha)

princess sandra

Yes, i would love belly button;)


I pierced my finger when I was a kid trying to open the toy that came in the cereal.  Does that count?


No Hailey that doesn't count, but it probably makes about as much sense! LOL I'm happy you learned that with something as inexpensive as cereal as opposed to the cost of the piercing and maybe a $400 gold stud with diamond chips; or worse still an expensive medical bill because you got some kind of infection from a botched piercing job. hehehehe.

William James Woodward - Brazil Animator, Expat-blog Team


From all the bloody stuff on my body I tolerate only tooth implants, gastric bypass, heart transplants, in-vitro, appendix removal and so on. If I only needed them all ;)


red.onion wrote:

From all the bloody stuff on my body I tolerate only tooth implants, gastric bypass, heart transplants, in-vitro, appendix removal and so on. If I only needed them all ;)

Red.onion You forgot breast implants...


Oh, there was a big medical bill.  We don't have that Canadian healthcare.


Hi Hailey,

Sorry to hear about that. At least if you had been in Canada at the time the government health plans would have taken the 'sting' out of the injury. LOL

William James Woodward - Brazil Animator, Expat-blog Team


Hericles wrote:

Red.onion You forgot breast implants...

To be honest I have never thought about it :). The only silicone I purchase is actually a baking form for Xmas :D. And...
I used to work for a silicone and acrylic compounding firm :lol:


HaileyinHongKong wrote:

Oh, there was a big medical bill.  We don't have that Canadian healthcare.

That is sad. I am not sure but have a picture in my had that you in US can have a really good life when it comes to everyday staff. But when it comes to paying for healthcare you may get almost ruined. I may be wrong but I live on a different side of the planet ;)

Europe is still very left-winged and it has its pros and cons. You pay high taxes and have a snake in your pocket (not so generous Xmas gifts and very budget oriented shopping), but your healtcare is covered once you have a job. Naturaly with exception to dentist and plastic surgery ;).

I wish I found Utopia ;)


red.onion wrote:

That is sad. I am not sure but have a picture in my had that you in US can have a really good life when it comes to everyday staff. But when it comes to paying for healthcare you may get almost ruined. I may be wrong but I live on a different side of the planet ;)

Europe is still very left-winged and it has its pros and cons. You pay high taxes and have a snake in your pocket (not so generous Xmas gifts and very budget oriented shopping), but your healtcare is covered once you have a job. Naturaly with exception to dentist and plastic surgery ;).

I wish I found Utopia ;)

I'm from Minnesota.  We have a long history of going up to Canada for things like prescriptions and dentistry.  We make fun of canucks all the time, but their healthcare is better than ours.


You know something Hailey, that's one of the funny things about us Yanks and Canucks. We tend to share that habit of picking on or poking fun at our best friends and tread lightly around people that aren't in our so-called "IN" group. Have you ever noticed that? I guess it's sort of our way of saying, "Hey, I feel comfortable around you so I can let my hair down a bit and we can play instead of being stuffy and stand on formality."

It doesn't happen in too many cultures. Funny that Brazilians are sort of like that too, but only if you're another Brazilian. They as a whole tend to be hyper-sensitive to anything they see as criticism and take it as criticism not of themselves, but of their country or Brazilians as a whole. So here while it's quite acceptable for a Brazilian to poke fun at a Brazilian friend; I couldn't nor would I as a foreigner poke fun at a Brazilian friend. Strange....

William James Woodward - Brazil Animator, Expat-blog Team


We Minnesotans have more in common with Canadians than with Californians.  Our cultures are pretty much the same.  That makes it a lot easier to joke around.  If I say something really funny to an Egyptian, they'll ask me what I'm talking about.  And Brits just start talking about things that mean nothing to me, like council houses and the queen.


HaileyinHongKong wrote:

We Minnesotans have more in common with Canadians than with Californians.  Our cultures are pretty much the same.  That makes it a lot easier to joke around.  If I say something really funny to an Egyptian, they'll ask me what I'm talking about.  And Brits just start talking about things that mean nothing to me, like council houses and the queen.

we are talking about Body piercing.


I have a belly ring, does that count? :D


If someone tore a needle through your flesh, it does.


i ouchhh when i see a body piercing
guess there are many brave ones out there

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