New to Doha

Hey everybody! I just moved to Doha from Canada! looking to make new friends. Would love meet active people! I'm 31 years old, I speak English & French. Hope some people could have suggestions about things to do! Cant wait to hear your ideas!


Hello k,

You might want to have a look at forum Doha. You might find interesting threads.


welcome to qatar anfd have great fun in qatar

welcome to Qatar

hey dear

welcome to Doha i hope u enjoying ur time

welcome to qatar .

Moderated by Priscilla 8 years ago
Reason : message removed - asked by the initiator

Hello K! We are on the same boat. :) I am also new in Doha. Yes hoping to meet other expats too. :)

Welcome to Doha! I like to hangout with people, too!! so Let's meet up!

Hi Kimo777!

How are you?

hi welcome :)

I am pretty new too :)