
São Paulo to Osasco


Hey everyone,

So if I plan on living in SP but will be working in Osasco which neighborhoods do you all recommend living in? I want to take public transport to work but will consider buying a bike if I need to for the commute.

Any and all suggestions and recommendations appreciated!


See also

Real estate listingsAccommodation in São PauloAccommodation in BrazilAccommodation in BrasiliaAccommodation in Rio de Janeiro

Depending on where in Osasco you will be working Rio Pequeno, Jaguaré or Butantã are all quite close. You can find some decent places there at reasonable prices.

William James Woodward - Brazil Animator, Expat-blog Team



As always, obrigado for the recommendation. But with me only being here two years I want to take advantage of living closer to the center of SP so as to be closer to everything (museums, stadiums, food, clubs, etc). Any Suggestions there that wouldn't be toooo horrible on my commute time to Osasco?



Hi Bebes360,

Well, since the opening of the Linha Amarela (Line 4) of the Metro either Paulista or Consolação is a good bet then. You can hop the subway at either station and catch the CPTM train at Pinheiros to Osasco Station. It's pretty crowded, but that's to be expected. You certainly would be living in the real heart of things.

William James Woodward - Brazil Animator, Expat-blog Team


Any recommenations on websites that are sort of like CraigsList, in that I can find apartments with available rooms. I don´t want to live alone as I want to make friends here. But Craigslist is extremely limited and not used too much from what i´ve been able to see.



Hi Bebes360,

I think you'll find that shared accommodations aren't all that popular among Brazilians so you probably won't find anything at all advertised in the newspapers. You may find other expats in São Paulo interested in sharing.

If you want to rent an apartment (unfurnished) and place an ad here on the blog and in a local newspaper for a room mate then you can check out rentals at


The site allows you to search by city, neighborhood, type of property (, number of bedrooms, price range. Generally it has photos of property as well. Remember that rental contracts by law are 30 months in duration, rent adjustment after 12th month and 24th. If you want to rent you will need either a guarantor or rental insurance or deposit of 2-3 months rent. Leaving the apartment before the 12th month involves a fine equal to the remaining rent til 12th month. After 12th month there is no longer a contractual fine, but you will be required to give at least 60 days notice. You will be responsible to pay IPTU (property tax) on top of rent and most buildings also have a condominium fee as well.

William James Woodward - Brazil Animator, Expat-blog Team