Hi everybody!

Hello!, how are you?...
My name is Decio, IŽŽm from a little town called Despeñaderos, in Argentina.
IŽŽm 23 years old, I ve already finish my studies to become a Telecommunications engineer.
Anyways, here I am to make friends, and get information about other countries :)

Hello Decioaccietto.

Great to meet you. My name's Nicole and i'm 24.
I live in Cameroon now.

Welcome to expatblog.


Hello I`m mom two kids and my son in low work in communication GSM system in Jakarta , and my son has counter ,please come to Indonesia and work in Indonesia

drasuryawati wrote:

Hello I`m mom two kids and my son in low work in communication GSM system in Jakarta , and my son has counter ,please come to Indonesia and work in Indonesia

But I only speak spanish and english.. how much I can earn? I mean.. if go there I must think in rent a house and food.. you know ha.. how old your children are ?

Hello Decio. Nice to meet you. I'm a new member, too.
I'm a student in Vietnam. I want have many new friends.

manroger4 wrote:

Hello Decio. Nice to meet you. I'm a new member, too.
I'm a student in Vietnam. I want have many new friends.

cool!.. Nice to meet you too!.. I want to have many friends too!.. tell me, what are you studying?