
Cultural Anthropologist - Trying to relocate


Hey guys!

My name is Laura; I recently graduated with a degree in Cultural Anthropology. I'm not an expat (sadly), but I joined this website because I'm trying very hard to relocate overseas. As I'm sure many of you know, finding work in a city you won't even be able to VISIT is extremely difficult; which is why I was hoping the community on this site might be able to help!

I haven't posted much, but I browsed the forums for a while, and I must say that it seems like everyone on this website is very kind and helpful. It's really great that people who have never met in life can come together and help each other, simply because they want to. :) Warms my heart.

Anyway, that's my story and why I'm here. If anyone has any questions, just ask! :)


See also

Living abroad: the expat guideAny Deaf American Expats in Europe??Getting Along OnlineAre you in a country practising job nationalization?A call to expat moms: what have been your greatest challenges?

Hi Laura,

Welcome to! :)

Thank you for this introduction.

In which country, do you want to relocate?

Thank you,
All the best,


Quite frankly, I'd be willing to relocate just about anywhere in Europe, Asia, or Oceania. The two places I would most like to be, though, are the UK or northern India.



LauraWebber wrote:

I'm sure many of you know, finding work in a city you won't even be able to VISIT is extremely difficult;

Why can't you VISIT the cities you are interested to work at?!?
Visiting would not only greatly increase your chances of finding a job, but also give you an idea of the place, what to expect and how it would be to live there. Thus I think it is a must before deciding whether to relocate somewhere!



Hi Laura,

Welcome on board. Hope you find the blog both enjoyable and informative.

William James Woodward - Brazil Animator, Expat-blog Team