
I'll do you if you do me


Hi India... It is Ecuador George. I have a blog and you have a blog. My blog is about a very popular area. Your blog is about a very popular area. You get 10 to 12 thousand hits a month, so do I. I will tell you and your readers about me, you tell my readers about you and India... I carry you on my blog roll and you carry me on your blog roll. We both improve readership.... I can only take one... Who will it be?   Ecuador George

See also

Living in India: the expat guideMeet expats in Kochiurgent moroccan indian married couples searchExpats in VizagIntroduce yourself expat in Pune

contact :

she has a grt blog


try to submit your blog in free link directories or exchange link Google it and get more traffic

ecuadorgeorge wrote:

Hi India... It is Ecuador George. I have a blog and you have a blog. My blog is about a very popular area. Your blog is about a very popular area. You get 10 to 12 thousand hits a month, so do I. I will tell you and your readers about me, you tell my readers about you and India... I carry you on my blog roll and you carry me on your blog roll. We both improve readership.... I can only take one... Who will it be?   Ecuador George