
WHV in Krakow for Remedial Massage Therapist?

boring life

I am a Asian & I am studying Diploma in Remedial Massage in Australia. I want to apply for Working Holiday Visa after my graduation in June. I want to work in Karkow because the people was friendly & I liked it a lot when I traveled there. I cannot speak the language but I think the language requirement should be low for massage works?

1. Are there any useful websites I can use to find works & accommodations in Poland or other EU countries?

2. What is the average living costs a week? How much can I expect to earn as a Massage therapist (or minimum wage job)?

3. Are there any chances for immigration if I can find a long-term job there (if I like this place very much)? If massage therapist is not on the skilled migration list, which other EU countries accept massage therapist for immigration?

4. Do the locals like to make friends with Asian?

5. If I apply WHV for Poland, can I move around EU countries to find works?

Thank you.

See also

Work in KrakowInternship in PolandSetting up a business in PolandWork in PolandBecome a digital nomad in Poland

Hello :)
Hope I can be a bit of help...

Unfortunately in Poland almost everything is in polish... Of course as you mentioned your work does not require talking to people too much, however the employeer may feel more comfortable to hire polish speaking person, so you have to concentrate on big centers only. Also most of the websides offering work is in polish. I have taken a look on the biggest ones, however currently no offers regarding massage (or are you interested in other kind of work as well?)

I think for accomodation you can try in this forum, i've seen some adverts and at least you will be sure people are speaking english :)

Nice to hear that you find Krakow friendly city :) More and more foreigners come to Poland and our society gets "used to" them, so I'm sure soon you will find a lot of friends here... Don't get upset if you notice some recist comments - unfortunately it still happens, but be sure you are most welcome by polish people :)

In case of WHV - I'm not sure on which basis it's granted. If it's same as any other working visa, then you can travel through UE, however to start working there you will need permition according to rules of that specific country.

Hope I helped!

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