
What's life like off-compound?

Upper Volta

Hi again,

I've been reading through the forums and there's some great information. However, I don't see many posts from Westerners who live outside of the compounds.

I'm going to Riyadh soon for six months and will stay in non compound accomodation. I'm European, mid 40's, reasonably well travelled but this will be my first time in the Middle East.

The thought of not living off the compound doesn't bother me and I know there are at least a dozen other Europeans in the complex I will stay in, so I won't be alone.
But I would be interested to hear of experiences from those who have stayed "beyond the walls" - what are the good and bad sides to this, what to expect and what to avoid.

Look forward to your comments!

See also

Real estate listingsAccommodation in Saudi ArabiaAccommodation in DammamAccommodation in YanbuAccommodation in Jubail
Riyadh Networker

The good thing about that is you will have more opportunities to interact with local community (i.e. Saudis and Arabs) and will be exposed more to their culture and Arabic language.

The bad thing is that you will be living in a completely conservative environment where interaction between genders is prohibited other than in hospitals.

Keep in mind that living in a non-compound residence is far cheaper than compounds.



Riyadh Networker wrote:

The good thing about that is you will have more opportunities to interact with local community (i.e. Saudis and Arabs) and will be exposed more to their culture and Arabic language.

The bad thing is that you will be living in a completely conservative environment where interaction between genders is prohibited other than in hospitals.

Keep in mind that living in a non-compound residence is far cheaper than compounds.




The only bad thing that can potentially happen is your neighbor not liking you and calling the cops on you.  Sounds far-fetched but happened to a friend of mine a couple of months ago.  They were having a birthday party - lots of folks coming and going during the course of the evening.  Some music playing, some singing going on.  One of the neighbors called the cops saying that there is a party with men and women.  Fortunately for my friend all the women came with their husbands so no big deal.

I guess the lesson to be learned is - if you are planning on having aparty, invite all your neighbors.  LOL


@houstonian  It's not that unusual.  I've heard of it happening, too.

Upper Volta

Thank you - good to know.


It's great!

If you like to party, you're better off in a compound. Same thing goes if you're paranoid. If you'll get a "do nothing all day and get overpaid" job, then you'll need to entertain yourself and if you don't know any method of keeping yourself busy, you should stay in a compound.

Also, my opinion is pretty much biased.