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Looks like they get carried away on this forum too.....
What happened to my last post?  Asked a simple question and they give me this:
The link you followed is incorrect or outdated. We may have deleted this discussion for spam reasons.
Sorry for the inconvenience,
The team


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Hi GuidoBisogno,

I invite you to read our forum code of conduct, these lines in particular


The forum is not aimed at helping you to promote your company and products. If your thread is of a commercial nature, please use the dedicated sections: we invite you to register in the Italy Business directory or to have a look at our Advertising page.

A couple of lines from the message we initially moderated:

But first, read on to learn about this Sale Leaseback Condo Program.  This is a hands-free program designed to provide income to you, the condo owner

Come on, isn't that advertisement ?

Kind regards,



What is it about you guys that can't read?  I ASKED if anyone was aware of that place and could provide input?  Does that sound like a damn ad?  NO, it's a request on a forum for input on something that may be of interest to others - kinda what a forum is about....when those of you with censorship on the brain leave it alone.
I'm not advertising a damn thing, just looking for input.


well, you are located the US, and you post in Italy about condos for sale in Belize ? Isn't there something weird in your demand ?

And yes, it sounded as advertisement to us. Please reformulate your message and it should be fine.


I gave up on the Belize site as you removed a legitimate inquiry about real estate that I was hoping to get local feedback on.  Sort of what forums were designed for.....!
Then I came here and DID NOT post any ad for Belize.  Just wanted to know if the same censors were at work that don't read - just slash at will because they can and don't seem to know any better.  That's what's weird....
I see they are - so to hell with this site.  Need to interact with brighter people.

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