
Looking for a hostel in Auckland..., feedback..., an advice....


hello my name is Felipe, I'm moving to NZ in June ... to work, to live, etc.. and initially I'd like to find a good hostel, nice and cheap .... something convenient in price and hospitality ... security and all that basically ..., I'd appreciate if someone already knows of any good hostel and could give me the info, although I'm researching (of course) on the Internet ... but if someone came to a perfect place before maybe I could get some feedback.. . it would be great... really appreciated!. ..

I'm thinking to stay in a hostel for about 15 days or something..  ... and then to try to find a room-mate... or a place to share in an apartment or house....  I guess it's gonna be cheaper and more convenient for me.... I guess. what do you guys think?

I know I've got plenty of time yet but it's good to try to have everything planned before my date of departure ...
Any info or advice will be really appreciated! ... :)


See also

Accommodation in AucklandBuying property in AucklandPopular neighbourhoods in AucklandAccommodation in New ZealandAccommodation in Dunedin

Best thing is to get a place secured in YMCA hostel ( Auckland City ). You can contact them on-line before arrival. there charges are around 135 to 150 per week.

Or else you can stay in a motel or so for a week which may cost you 49 to 69 bucks per night.



hi there

when are you arriving to auckland? and what is your budget?
my bf is going to be away from june for short term work elsewhere and we have a discussion that we don't mind to rent the spare room we have out for short term - which will cover room and internet.

however, we do not want smoker in the house. if you are a smoker, please do so only outside the deck and would appreciate if you don't throw ciggies buds.

do let me know the date if you're interested.



Hi I'm going to arrive in June 18th.... however I booked a bed in XBase hostel for two weeks... .after that I would be interested to rent something for long term .... although something for short term it would be interesting for me.... cause I'll be moving around in Auckland to get job....  write me internally, perhaps we can meet and be friends... I don't know anybody there ... :)