Baby meet ups?

Hi ladies

We're due to arrive in Mauritius towards the end of this year.  Just wanted to find out if you ever met up and if so, how the meetups are going?  How many moms and kids (what ages) are meeting up now and where please?

Hi Urcelia and mom2cc

Delighted that you are both interested in joining our small but growing group.

At the mement we have between 5-7 moms meeting not always at the same time, kids ages range between 0! we have a (an expecting mum)and 2/3 years old but any ages are's just as much about us making girl friends it need not be just mums..Mauritius can be a lonely place when u have left good friends behind.

So far we have been meeting up somewhere that is midway for all of us that is in Floreal or at Trianon near cyber city. Mauritius is lacking in baby/kid friendly places to meet and eat but things are changing here every week.

Please do join us when you arrive and settle in

Hi All

I am also really keen to meet all the moms, kids and ladies in the group. We are moving to Mauritius in October and have 2 children, a girl who will be 1 when we get there, and a boy who has just turned 3.

We will be living in Tamarin and I am happy to drive to meetings whenever they are scheduled.

What has worked well for us as part of a "moms and tots" group in the past is to have these meetings on a rotational basis at our homes - that way we know there are enough toys to keep kids busy, that the environment is controlled and somewhat safer. Its just a thought, can anyone give feedback? not sure how practical it might be on the island.....

Hi Ladies
Could someone let me know where is the best place to buy baby gear, things like monitor, gates and potty. Are these things easy to find? Is there good shopping that one can get things like this, food and houswares all in one stop shop, like a Walmart? I am sorry if this sounds like a silly question....

Hi Ladies..milton's mom and mom2cc

yes please do join us the more the better for kids and mom's alike.

Yes rotating in each others houses would be great but at the moment we are meeting at a half way point as we are coming from the South and some from the West. I would be very prepared to rotate houses if moms didn't mind traveling to the South. It can be over an hours drive. I will for sure Travel to the is worth it for me and my little boy just to get out and about and not trapped at home. We can work on trying house visits.

Mom2cc your question about baby gear. There are many shops for baby gear here in Mauritius but it is a question of how much you are willing to pay and how much choice. I got everything except a baby monitor. I really wanted the Angel care one so had a relation send it to me. Everything else is here but good brands can be expensive. If you want to ask any more baby gear question do PM me I will make up a list..but to can buy 99% od baby things here.

looking forward to meeting you both and more moms/ladies

Hi Ladies

Anyone up for meeting up next week? Tues/Wed/Thurs

I was talking to Maple1 and we thought maybe to try the cafe at the Quality Living Center..I will make up directions if anyones is interested..and there is a baby shop there too...It is in Castel which is not far from either Pheonix or Floreal..just for a change!

See you all soon


My husband and I will be moving to Mauritius with our 8 months old baby girls in the next few months. We currently live int he US, where our baby was born, but I am French and my husband is British.

The play dates concept is really well developed here in the US: we go play at the park, at home (we take it in turns), go to the pool/beach, go to story time at the library together. I would love to join you soon!

Could you tell me about the health care in Mauritius, how was your hospital experience having a baby there?

Thanks to soothe a worried mum :)

Thanks Irish Gal!! LOL

I do have a angel Care to not that mine needs this anymore, but I do wish to hear what is going on in her room. I will ask hubby if mine will work over there it just might with an adpt.
I am really excited and nervous all at the same time.... I am sure you all felt this at one time, more questions the better!!!
Thnaks T

Is there a store like walmart????

Hi Frenchie2010 and mom2cc

I had my baby here in the Apollo Bramwel Hospital in Moka. We were very happy with the care given, and the experience of the staff. I can give you recommendations on Doctors for you and your kids. Apollo is open about a year so everything is brand new and working! there are a couple of other clinics ut you would habe to ask others for opinions on them..all in all health care is very good here and in my opinion compaired to Ireland ..afordable!

Mom2cc there is no wallmart but there is tha South african store GAME i think they have a website? I guess it's the nearest thing to wallmart. There are other supermarkets with homeware and furniture but not on a big scale loke they would in the US. Shipping in Mauritius can mean going to a few different shops/towns a week to get everything you might need.

that's all for now!

Thanks for all your invaluable information Irish Girl.

Yes, thank you!! This topic is so helpful!!

Thank you so much Irish Beach girl! Yes I wouldn't mind Doctors names when you have time! Thanks :)

HI All
I too would love to join your group. I am an Indian been in Mauritius for the past 7 yrs and believe me this place is very beautiful and lifes a lot better in this country compared to the fast worlds...that most of us come from.
But sadly, its hard making friends here, the ice-breaking point itself doesnt exist.

I have lived a very lonely life here, infact still am. Looking forward to join your group and making a few girl / lady ;)friends..

I have a 19 mnths old daughter...looking for a few friends for her aswell. I live in the East, it would be wonderful to know a few ladies who live in the east aswell.

Do keep me updated, if and when your group meets.

Tinywonder :)

Tiny wonder!

You are not alone!..a lot of us feel that way here in Mauritius, I'm not sure why Mauritius is this way..I have lived in a few different countries and have not found it as hard to make friends..I guess it's having a baby too..less social life at night!

Please do come and meet us next you have transport? we usually meet somewhere near Floreal.

I live in Blue bay in the South east..where are you living. We can meet ourselves somewhere in the little guy is only 3 months, but there is another mum here with a 14 month little girl.

hopefully see you soon

Hello all! Just typed a long post and lost it all! How annoying! Arghh...

Irish Beach girl, I am so up for meeting at QLC next week. Car is in the workshop at the moment but should get it back in time. Any day is good with me. Will let you know if anything changes (btw, my internet isn't working so having to use hubby's dongal after his work when he's not burning the midnight oil!).

Hi Tiny wonder, hope you come next week. Would be great to meet you and your little one :)

Hello to all the ladies who are coming to Mauritius in the near future to reside and looking to join us. Looking forward to meeting you all and your little ones. Saw the many questions that you all posted online and definetly agree with Irish Beach girl's replies to them.

I do have prices of items (baby stuff) from various shops which you might be interested in. Mom2cc, there is also Mr Price store which sells various household items (website is online).

By the way, I'm up for rotating to various houses/ different locations to meet up with mommies and babies/tots.

Can't comment on hospital as I am yet to give birth :) And haven't decided the final destination... :)


Irish Beach girl wrote:

Hi Ladies

Anyone up for meeting up next week? Tues/Wed/Thurs

I was talking to Maple1 and we thought maybe to try the cafe at the Quality Living Center..I will make up directions if anyones is interested..and there is a baby shop there too...It is in Castel which is not far from either Pheonix or Floreal..just for a change!

See you all soon

Wednesday is better for me :)
If her car is ok, I will come with Biggy !


Hi Ladies

Your forum sound very interesting baby meet ups.

Well me and my husband has just moved to mauritius from London its been 2 months and we are living in La Preneuse - Tamarin.  We are finding it so hard to find friends here. I was actually born here but have lived my life in UK.My husband is from NZ.We thought life will be great here but finding it quite tough not having any friends specially at the weekend when you want to do something.

I am due to have my baby in october and would have love to join your group.But my only problem is transport. We only have one car at the moment which my husband used everyday for work. But hopefully i can manage something or if you guys would like to come on my side one day - that would be great as well. Not trying to be cheeky or anything

Irish girl - if you don't mind me asking hows was Apollo hospital? I am due my first gynea visit on saturday with Dr Gandhi there. I went to clinic Darne in Floreal last week for a dr visit but was very disappoitnted. Aslo do you know where can buy cot etc?

Anyway hope to see you all one day.xxxx

Hello Neave,

Where did you live in London? My husband is british and we lived there before coming to the US.

Congratulations on your move and most importantly on your baby :) I hope you find a good hospital and doctors. Let me know!

I am getting worried a few months before my move, as so many people seem to say that it is difficult to make friends. Our social life is so well developed here in the US, even with a baby. Why do you think that is? Don't the locals make you feel welcome? Or do you only meet up with expats? What's the culture there?

I hope you find a good support network soon, it is so important when you will first have your baby. We will be there by then, so please feel free to ask for some help. I had my baby far away from my family too, and you do need people around, for your own sanity ;)

Take care, please keep me updated on your pregnancy :) What a joy.

Hi Neave, Frenchie2010 and biggy

Firstly Biggy..I talked with Sita and she also has transport problems so we suggested next week at Neave you can join us too and jea does that sound for Wednesday morning?

Neave I was very happy at was our first baby so we were nervous. It is a top quality hospital, very modern. There is every specialty of doctor there. I had a normal delivery so was only in two nights. I had a private room, there are only private in the maternity actually. My husband stayed the two nights with me in the room. The nurses were very good and really helped with getting started breast feeding and showing you how to bath and dress baby. A nutritionist came too to discuss post par-tum diet. The food is good and it is very very clean. We my husband and I still continue to go to Apollo for other health care needs.

Frenchie2010 my Gynea obs was a Doctor Beebeejuan, there are two (cousins I think) I had Heroon Beebeejuan. I would highly recommend him. He does one day thursdays at Apollo and the rest of the week at his Beau Bassin clinic. For a pediatrician I have Doctor Maura . She is also in Beau Bassin as is her husband also a pediatrician. She's a lovely Irish! Doctor and very kind. I can give you both numbers if you like.

Regarding the worry about making friends...Frenchie2010..I am not sure if you have been to Mauritius before? It is a tiny Island but yet distances between towns and traffic make it feel huge. There are not a huge amount of cafes and pubs where you would usually make friends at home or libraries for kids story times or play centers, So it is just play schools that mums meet..I little guy is too young. You really have to make an effort to meet people..please don't let this put you off, Mauritius has many other benefits for family life.

Thank you so much Irish Beach girl! How is your baby doing? Did you have a little boy or a girl?

If you don't mind giving me the Drs phone numbers, I would really appreciate. I am SO HAPPY to hear the healthcare is good, as we are planning on having other babies :) and it's difficult to beat American standards, but I hear Mauritius is even famous for medical tourism!

You are making me feel much better, thanks! We have never been to Mauritus, but it will be the 5th country we live in, so I guess our experience as expats has been well tested ;) I am more excited than nervous.

What other benefits would you say the island offers for families?
Is traffic really heavy?

Take care!

Frenchie2010 wrote:

What other benefits would you say the island offers for families?
Is traffic really heavy?

Well, may be you should start a new topic. The discussion is slightly getting off topic! Thank you :)

Hi Irish Beach Girl

Thank you so much for the great ressurance regarding apollo hospital. it sounds it has a great standard.

Anyway wednesday morning will be fine with me. Do you know Tamarin? Or would you rather i suggest somewhere? Again many thanks for doing this. I am really looking forward to meeting you all.



Irish beach girl, yup I'm good for wednesday morning. What time? Where abouts in Tamarin? Thats great that 2Beans can join us.

Maple, coming?

Jea Jea, you ok with this?

Neave, hello! When are you due in October? I'm also pregnant, due September 11th and we also came down from London but in December :) I live in Flic en Flac, so we should definitely meet up and exchange baby notes, if at all I can help, this is my first so am still in the learning curve route :)

Frenchie, when are you touching base in Mauritius?

Yes ok for me. Your car is ok?

Yeh got it back yesterday :)

Hi Ladies,

So Biggy ,how are your ragging hormones today? :)
Hope you are feeling great.

We will have a definitive answer on our move in the next 2 weeks, then take a first trip to find house, etc etc.... go back to the US for a few weeks to pack up, then move. So we should be visiting for a 1st time around early september, and I am thinking we would move by October. they want things done fast when they transfer employees like this, which is great.

I hope to meet you soon, meet those little angels due soon, and help if I can, as my baby girl is now getting a bit more independant.
A friend of mine here is due with her 1st one in October, her hormones are really bad, and she calls everday in tears, we take weekly trips to babies R us so I can tell her what she needs ;)

Talk to you soon!

Hi all

So what's the plan on wednesday? What time and where in Tamrin do you ladies want to meet?

Biggy, yes it would be great to catch up and exchange baby notes etc. This my first one too. I am due On Oct the 14th.I live in La preneuse - Tamarin.

Frenchie2010 - Pregnancy is going well at the moment. I've found a good gynea/OB which i am very happy with. So you lived in London as well. We used to live in West Hampstead. Anyway hope to see you soon in Mauritius.


Hi Ladies,

I thought that the restaurant at Riverland Sports Club in Tamarin would be a good place to meet on Wed. morning. It has outdoor seating and plenty of room for little ones to run around if any are coming. They have coffee drinks for rs60-70, cakes etc. for rs60 and paninis and sandwiches for rs110-170. How does 10:30 sound? Or would 11:00 be better for those driving a long distance?

Any other ideas are welcome!

(230) 483 8956

Hi 2beans and other ladies!

Wednesday at Riverland is good for me as I don't know many places in Tamarin and it does seem spacious.

Can we do 11 am just because it takes about 45mins for me to travel up..?

looking forward to seeing you all and meeting new mum to be

2Beans wrote:

Hi Ladies,

I thought that the restaurant at Riverland Sports Club in Tamarin would be a good place to meet on Wed. morning. It has outdoor seating and plenty of room for little ones to run around if any are coming. They have coffee drinks for rs60-70, cakes etc. for rs60 and paninis and sandwiches for rs110-170. How does 10:30 sound? Or would 11:00 be better for those driving a long distance?

Any other ideas are welcome!

(230) 483 8956

Is it the Melting Potes?

Hi Jea Jea,

Yes, Ze Melting Potes at Riverland.

I can make a reservation for 11:00 if I know how many are coming.

So far, I have 5 of us:


Let me know if anyone else can make it.

Hi Ladies!

Frenchie, my raging hormones are okay until I get behind the wheel! Haha.. road rage :) jokes.. Nah my hormones are up and down but on a whole its good so far. Touch wood :) Goodluck on your move, look forward to meeting you. How exciting!

Neave, I used to live in Maida Vale in London for quite a while before I moved to Royal Victoria Docks, near the Excel.

Venue and Time, good for me. Can't wait!

Think JeaJea is bringing her little one?

Irish Beach girl wrote:

Tiny wonder!

You are not alone!..a lot of us feel that way here in Mauritius, I'm not sure why Mauritius is this way..I have lived in a few different countries and have not found it as hard to make friends..I guess it's having a baby too..less social life at night!

Please do come and meet us next you have transport? we usually meet somewhere near Floreal.

I live in Blue bay in the South east..where are you living. We can meet ourselves somewhere in the little guy is only 3 months, but there is another mum here with a 14 month little girl.

hopefully see you soon

HI Irish Beach girl,
Thankyou so much. I do not have a transport but can mange to uase the local transport system, its very easy.
Surely, we could meet up in the East, I live in trou d'eau douce. You could come down with your friends.

Lets just exchange our contact details in a message.
what would you prefer the beach or some shopping mall?
Awaitng your reply.

Tiny wonder.

hi Ladies,
I have seen many rewuest for information on shopping baby stuff.
So far we read the easy shopping going to Game and shoprite and Jumbo.

I discovered this myself after my liitle girl was already 1, and I didnt need the things anymore.

This should be helpfull for those who are looking for value for money:
Port louis is full of shops and they do have very nice and beautiful things and their prices too are better than the shopping malls and the variety is very broad.
Clothes / baby gear / toys / toileteries.

I know its quite a sacrifice walking around frm shop to shop and shopping. But there are a few shops dedicated to the same.

Give it a try, it surely is worth it. you will return home with a lot more bags and things for the same amt of money that you would spend at the super / hyper markets.

I wonder if I can post this here; but it can really be very helpful to someone:

My baby is 19 mnths old and i had bought everything brand new for her with alot of luv and joy,[not planning on having another one for a good time now, want to enjoy her to the fullest]
Have no-one to give it to,so its all accumulated here, another baby can make good use of it in the eman time, and it can be passed dwn to a few others. The things are in perfectly good condition, used very preciously....still have its packaging intact.;)

I know what it means to go out and buy everythng new for your baby, its exciting!!

Any Moms wanting to take these, plz let me know.

A baby walker / rocker / sitting ring (used when a baby is just learning to sit up) & bath tub.

These things are used for a very short period of time.

Cheers :)
Tiny Wonder.

Hey Irish Beach grl,

Are there any Moms/expecting Mums on the East coast who can meet up more often..

Honestly speaking Mauritius although we call it a small island, its not as small as it looks..few places are quite far to drive dwn to & its very time consuming aswell.

I can make it only to the centre of the island at the most.

Tiny wonder.

Hi Girls
We are on our way with little one 2.8 yrs old. We will be in the Black River Area for the first month then on to bigger and better things?? Can't wait to meet up with you all soon. Arrive Aug 28th so give me a few days to recover from this long flight +24 hours?? OUCH!

Hi ladies

It was really nice to meet you all yesterday and had a lovely afternoon.

2beans & Biggy  - thanks a million for the ride.

Look forward to see you all again soon.


Hello moms
My husband has had a job offer on Mauritius - currently looking at pros and cons. He is South African, I am English. Very pleased to see this forum and to see lots of moms in same position as me. We have a 2 year old daughter and I am 8 months pregnant!! Great time to move hey!! The move would be a few months after the birth but would be lovely to hear from you all. We will probably stay on the West Coast - Tamarin/Flic en Flac area.
Any reassurance that we are doing the right thing from other moms would be great!!!


Tiny Wonder, hope your getting on well. In regards to the meet ups, the furthest I can go is if down South East area like Blue Bay way, but up to your sides is too far for me as its more than an hours drive and don't think its a wise idea as I'm heavily pregnant and get cramps :) Sorry. Do you drive? If so, might be easier if you could come down to Blue Bay area? By the way, might be an option to put your baby goods on the classifieds section of this forum. Goodluck!

Mom2cc, how exciting! Look forward to meeting you and your little one. Don't envy your flight duration though :) Have a safe trip down. See you soon.

Kamandizi, congrats on your pregnancy and your husband's job offer. When are you due? I've got less than 6 weeks to go! When are you looking to come down? Goodluck in looking into the pros and cons :) If you need anything, let us know.

Rest of the ladies... anyone wanna meet up sometime next week? Just so you know, I'm free any day of the week but if on Wednesday I can only do West coast and anytime in the morning till 3pm latest (after next week, I can do anywhere on wednesday and other days of course) :)