
Learn about the French culture


Good afternoon everyone!
I wish all of u happiness in the Chinese New Year!

I have a friend who is originated from Egypt
and we exchange our culture, which is a very eye-opening experience!
This motivates me to meet friends from different countries.

Recently, I am very interested in learning about the French culture.
Hence, I am looking forward to meet French!
Hopefully I can find it here!

If you are a French, or if you know many French culture,
feel free to contact me!
I can also take you around HK, visiting different places.
Hope we can be good friends.
Thank you.

See also

Living in Hong Kong: the expat guideCantonese and English language exchangeWitness needed to attend my wedding!..Hk Expat Whatsapp groupIm new here, n looking for a good friend/community

Hi arandomgirl!

Welcome to!



They like wine, cheese and surrendering.  :P

What more do you need to know?


Not that I'm mocking cheese.  I love a good cheese.


I'm for some days in HK... If you can be me "guide", I'll tell you all about the french culture (From France, belgium & also from Quebec :)



There is much more than wine, cheese...

& concerning "surrendering" you talk about your personal experience or so...


That doesn't make any sense.


sorry probably my lack of vocabulary in english


And not very good at business deals. Does the Louisiana Purchase ring a bell? :lol:

First country to allow gay marriage (by law), while restricting muslim women from wearing veils/burkas. :sick


I like the romance, Paris, french kisses, art gallery museum, or the way they cut off their king's head in the revolution. or the film run-in that's base in Paris and everyone just shoot everywhere on the street. or the french guy in that film call the Leon.


jj00j wrote:

I like the romance, Paris, french kisses, art gallery museum, or the way they cut off their king's head in the revolution. or the film run-in that's base in Paris and everyone just shoot everywhere on the street. or the french guy in that film call the Leon.

Well, Paris isn't a place for romance, that's for sure. Perhaps you watch too much TV and movies. All of your ideas are based on fantasy, not reality. I suspect you, like most others, have never even stepped foot in France. You base everything off of gossip and movies.


o, you got me, I m only here to learn about the french culture. only could you have the kind of detective skill to see through fantasy and reality and even raise enough suspicion to see me as a suspect who have never been to France.
great job A + for your effort.
you are correct.
Paris isn't a place for romance, Paris is the place for romance. as life is just one less thing to say you have live enough if you never went with someone ( not your family if you need to know )to Paris, even if you might lose all your expectation of it, or even heart broken.


I've moderated a few posts here, and banned someone who didn't respect our terms and conditions.

As arandomgirl never replied, I guess she lost interest this thread, so I close it
