


hello out there can any english xpats out there help me
i have been liveing hear near lisbon for nealey 2 yrs i have been looking for work none stop ive sent out nearly 500 emails with my c.v but had no responce dose anyone know if there are english companys hear in portugalor transport companys as i have more than 20 yrs in this business.i can speak german romainan little french and italianand others  were thay may need a english worker in some one can help me i would be most gratefull as thease people are just anti english i am sure thanks

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Hi Kevk,

I'm portuguese and i am not anti english and i don't think that portuguese people are.

What type of job are you looking for? What are your capabilities and expertise area?


hi sorry i did not mean it that way but i was just thinking why you dont get replys to emails hear in portugal like in the uk even if you dont get the job people still reply and say at least sorry but hear no nothink  i am looking for somethink in the transport business manager even driver but yet again i saw that thay dont take on people over 35 yrs hear wich to me is not good idear


Yeah i know what you mean. Here in Portugal the HR are crap.
What i can say is that since 2010 the transportation of goods/cargo is going down. So there are many people in Portugal that had been truck drivers and now they don't have a job.

And yes if your age is like higher than 40 it's difficult to find a job on that area and on many more.

I would like to help you on that but i don't know any companies that are hiring drivers or something related to that. Try companies that are related to "Autoeuropa" ( Volkswagen automotive fabric in Palmela ).


ok thats fine i will try what you say and thanks again for your tips but its only in portugal with age why rest of europ its not like that


ok thanks but were do i serch do you have iders as i have looked evry were net emprego all them sites thanks kev


hi out there were are the companys in transport who go to others parts of europ hear in lisbon and what are the names of them dose anybody know in what parts of this city to look or web sites with address