
I'm surprised there's not a single topic on dating in Ecuador


Hi, there. Do you guys date Ecuadorians? Any tips or suggestions?  Any fun stories to tell?  I'm visiting soon on a mission to explore Ecuador as my semi retirement destination. So, naturally, I'm quite curious about your dating experience there. Thanx

See also

Living in Ecuador: the expat guideBest swimming beaches in EcuadorNew members of the Ecuador forum, introduce yourselves here - 2025Latest updates in labor regulations in EcuadorHow to adapt to the expat challenges of everyday life in Ecuador

Garick, my Ecuadorian wife of 43 years has strict prohibitions on that.


If Ecuador is anything like Costa Rica, you'll see old, ugly men with young girls. The Ticas want money and security. I'm sure Ecuadorians do, too.

I may be old and unattractive, but I would not have dated those men when I was young and attractive.  Ech!!

Lots of them are in AA, which holds local weekly meetings in the local Gringo restaurant.


This is a link to Single Persons group that meet in Cuenca. Not a dating site per se. I think more of an opportunity to meet and greet. I suppose it's always possible something could develope;)
From what I've seen, the majority of folks on this site are Gringos, with a few Ecuadorians sprinkled in. Might be a place for you to start.
Good Luck in your search!


barbaracjohnson wrote:

If Ecuador is anything like Costa Rica, you'll see old, ugly men with young girls. The Ticas want money and security. I'm sure Ecuadorians do, too.

I may be old and unattractive, but I would not have dated those men when I was young and attractive.  Ech!!

Lots of them are in AA, which holds local weekly meetings in the local Gringo restaurant.

I'm an old, ugly man. So there is hope!:)


Barbara, a US passport, some hair, a little money in the bank and we all start to look like George Clooney.

I thought Miami had the corner of young women and old guys.


Not according to your picture.  Unless you are using one from decades ago.


That was June of last year. I was taking the obligatory bus ride in Cuenca. The bus took off from in front of The New Cathedral. I will be back in June for my Retirement Visa, and will be able to again enjoy the festival of Corpus Christie.
Stay Well


That ad=I don't know whether it will appear again== promotes international pedophilia.


Ok thanks Zenspike. I'll definitely check out Cuenca during my trip which begins in two weeks but my first choice is a nice beach town. I'm an avid swimmer and windsurfer, so I need to be near the ocean. Any suggestions on the coast?


ZenSPIKE wrote:
barbaracjohnson wrote:

If Ecuador is anything like Costa Rica, you'll see old, ugly men with young girls. The Ticas want money and security. I'm sure Ecuadorians do, too.

I may be old and unattractive, but I would not have dated those men when I was young and attractive.  Ech!!

Lots of them are in AA, which holds local weekly meetings in the local Gringo restaurant.

I'm an old, ugly man. So there is hope!:)

Your post seems to imply that a man interested in dating in Ecuador must be an old, ugly sex tourist. Well, I'm not. Nor am I ugly or old. But I do like to meet and go out with young women. And, I am strong and successful enough to start a new family. As for the Ticas looking for money and security, Don't we all? I spent enough time in NYC and S Florida to know that American women are as much in love with $ and security as anyone else, if not more.
Hasta  luego,


Ok I get it. There are so few spirited replies to my inquiry... Dating must be a taboo subject on this forum. Unless, of course, everyone here is at least ninety years old.


mugtech wrote:

Not taboo, just uninterested.  Ecuador for most is a place to retire before age 90.

Thank you for a good reply. I'll explore on my own then.


Garick wrote:
ZenSPIKE wrote:
barbaracjohnson wrote:

If Ecuador is anything like Costa Rica, you'll see old, ugly men with young girls. The Ticas want money and security. I'm sure Ecuadorians do, too.

I may be old and unattractive, but I would not have dated those men when I was young and attractive.  Ech!!

Lots of them are in AA, which holds local weekly meetings in the local Gringo restaurant.

I'm an old, ugly man. So there is hope!:)

Your post seems to imply that a man interested in dating in Ecuador must be an old, ugly sex tourist. Well, I'm not. Nor am I ugly or old. But I do like to meet and go out with young women. And, I am strong and successful enough to start a new family. As for the Ticas looking for money and security, Don't we all? I spent enough time in NYC and S Florida to know that American women are as much in love with $ and security as anyone else, if not more.
Hasta  luego,

I agree that $$$ are an aphrodisiac.  The type of girl you want or date is a factor.  Many women seek love or the illusion of love, or companionship, or friendship (which also can deceptive).
I am not implying any ONE particular thing, BUT the OLD men who are looking tend to be unattractive. That is maybe why they are still looking. The young or younger men who are looking are still married. If they are looking, they are less easy to spot.

If you have $$ and are succeessful and have no woman with a ring or promise looking over her shoulder at you, then you'll easily have luck on your side.

Bon chance!

Nards Barley

Maybe it was Edd who Said that the single expat women in Cuenca are amazing. Or maybe he said there is an amazing number of single expat women. In any case..........

Denise in Denver


Joseph K

Well, I see attitudes for dating haven't changed much over the years. But one thing is true everywhere; people date other people they really like. It is no different here. Two things I have noticed. First, women in Ecuador seem less interested in physical characteristics here and are more interested in security for their family (and I don't mean that in a cynical way.) I don't know the birthrate here, but from appearances, it must be pretty high.

The other thing is that your friends and their families may be more interested in your getting a girl/boy friend than you (depending on how badly you want one.) If you don't work here, you will probably get lots of offers from friends who want you to meet someone. Otherwise, work lets you get to know people by yourself. It doesn't take much to be both nicer and more respectful to women than most Ecuadorian men. In that way, you will be more attractive to Ecuadorian women. But, I think the characterization of women here being gold diggers is a little over the top, but may have been just an attempt at humor. Also, keep in mind the role of family in this culture. Many North Americans will find the constant attention of their intimate other to family odd, but it is perfectly normal and can cause lots of problems if that is not understood. They will love you very much, but will love their family no less.


It is the same way in the Philippines and many other third world countries, where often family is all one has.  And being a good Catholic country causes big families.  Big problems crop up in the Philippines when the entire extended family expects the American or other foreign spouse to help support everyone.  Is there enough of a sampling to know if this is also a potential problem in Ecuador?


Dating Ecuadorian is what has been told to me...the woman will choose her man, then allow him to get her pregnant....check mate!!!


I'll be down to Ecuador for the entire summer. I'm just going to start off all my conversations with Ecuadorian girls by saying, "I'm broke. Wanna hang out?" Maybe that'll deter the golddiggers. :) I'm not fat or bald or elderly, so hopefully my charm, boyish good looks, and quick wit will carry me far.

I've been to Colombia and agree with the consensus that Colombian girls are stunning. I've never been to Ecuador, but the internet rumors seem to be that Ecuadorian girls aren't the lookers that their Colombian neighbors are. Anyone willing to use the anonymity of the internet to confirm or deny this for me? The pictures and videos I've seen of the nightlife in Quito mostly show what I would consider to be some very attractive local women, but I know you can't ever tell what a place's deal is by watching youtube videos.

It won't be a bust either way. I'm coming to enjoy the country regardless of the hotness or unhotness of the ladies, but hot chicks are always great to have around.


The difference is more cultural than in the appearance. Some lives with their parents until they are married, and then want to trade their family for another one. Not sure they even understand the concept of just dating someone. My friend could not even sleep over because.. "it is not accepted by my family", and she is 30.

The Colombian girls I've meet in Ec, were alot more 'open for business' and overall more evolved then their southern counterparts.


Nemesis5 wrote:

My friend could not even sleep over because.. "it is not accepted by my family", and she is 30.

That sounds like something I don't want to even mess with. It's not that I have to sleep with a girl to go out and have a good time - at all. But the other end of the spectrum is a real turnoff for me. I shouldn't have to promise or insinuate a commitment to some girl just to go on dates and have some beers. If men have to respect the fact that some women want to date without the pressure of sleeping together, then women should respect that men might want to date without the pressure of marrying her.

And if I were dating a grown woman that had a curfew, I think I'd just find something else to do with my time. I dunno; I've also learned to never say never, so I'll just roll with whatever happens.

It sounds as if Colombian girls are a better option for hanging out and partying with. Thanks for the info, Nemesis. I realize that these are generalities, but it at least gives me an idea of what I can expect to encounter. When I lived in California, I dated a girl across the border, and she was pretty conservative in the way you described. Was a pain having to take a grown woman home at midnight lest her parents think her to be a tramp. But I was early 20's then and was a lot more enamored by women and willing to jump through hoops to put up with their bullshit. :) Now that I'm older, if a woman requires a lot of hoop-jumping, I'm more apt to say eff it and go watch football.


I HOPE ALL YOU GUYS AND GALS FIND HAPPINESS I  am married for 28 years and I hope those people on the forum do find happiness I think as we get older it's a beautiful thing to find someone you can share you life with...and listening to SUAVECITO BY MALO with hubby


If Ecuador is like Mexico and the Philippines, then there are only two classifications for unwed women, they are either virgins or whores.  There will be families that insist on your being engaged BEFORE the first date.  Good Luck

Joseph K

That is just plain cynical.


Joseph K wrote:

That is just plain cynical.

But it was sort of entertaining.

Joseph K

You may want to rethink thinking that Ecuadorian women are gold diggers. That attitude will be reflected in your behavior and, besides, it really isn't true. Cultural differences can be complex and not understanding these differences is a bad way to start a relationship.

A few important things to understand. Catholic and family values rule this culture (generally speaking). Many unmarried children live at home until they marry. Privacy for this group is almost non-existant. You will often see young couples sitting on park benches "petting" as the old-fashion phrase goes. Oddly, that feels more private to them because around the home with the parents watching would be much worse.

If the women are older, they will probably be married and likely to have a child. So, many divorced women will also have children. Privacy in this situation can also be a challenge. Family seems to always be around. This is not a problem for Ecuadorians, but it may be for you. But, not welcoming their family would be unadvisable. In Quito, Guayaquil, or Cuenca, the situation may be a little more like you are used to, but, of course, these are just generalizations.

Ecuador is not a culture of one-night stands or casual relationships. But, if you want a real, long-term relationship, you will not find women more kind, tolerant, and understanding. They are hard workers and will make sure your home your palace, not matter how modest. I find them much lower maintenance that women from North America and less prone to drama. When a crisis occurs, everyone pitches in and suddenly the problem is soved and everyone goes back to being content.

Now, about the beauty of the women. My Columbian friend, who is truly gorgeous, also claims that Columbian women are the finest. If she is an example, that it must be true. They say here, however, the prettiest women are in Zaruma (not to be confused with Zamora). I have been there many times and it is my favorite Ecuadorian city. I would say that, yes, the women there are very nice looking. But, you won't see red hair and freckles, or many blonds. But, don't lose site of something very important: beauty is contained within the heart. In that respect, Ecuadorian women are among the most beautiful in the world.




Is divorce actually allowed in Ecuador?  In the Philippines an annulment is required.


I have heard women in Ecuador use the term divorced, not annulled. I don't know what the criteria is for an annulment here, in Ecuador, but in the US you couldn't have children and apply for an annulment. Maybe my old Catholic teaching's, but back in the day, if you had consummated the union, an annulment was out of the question. Guess we'll have to ask Kris Humphries and Kim Kardashian, huh?


In the Philippines you need church approval to get an annulment, there is no lawful way to get a divorce.  It is Catholicism as the law of the land, but it sounds like divorce is possible in Ecuador, but if like in the USA being divorced means you are out of the church. Just wondering how it works in Ecuador.

Just read that the divorce rate is 4.2% in Ecuador, considerably less than the 50% USA rate


Give the dating stuff up that is not what you go to Ecuador is it. If so stay in usa


HelenRudd wrote:

Give the dating stuff up that is not what you go to Ecuador is it. If so stay in usa

So I should become asexual if I decide to move to another country? That's logical.

Joseph K

ZenSPIKE wrote:

I have heard women in Ecuador use the term divorced, not annulled. I don't know what the criteria is for an annulment here, in Ecuador, but in the US you couldn't have children and apply for an annulment. Maybe my old Catholic teaching's, but back in the day, if you had consummated the union, an annulment was out of the question. Guess we'll have to ask Kris Humphries and Kim Kardashian, huh?

It is like the United States. You go to a lawyer and sign papers. They take it from there and it is called divorce. There may be alimony. If you fail to pay, you can, and probably will, be jailed. There are zero excuses for not paying alimony and it is strictly enforced. I know a few here that have served a night or two in jail before their friends helped them come up with the money.

From what I have seen, women get very modest settlements. Thankfully, most Ecuadorians are very motivated to work out their problems and the divorce rate, as someone pointed out, is quite low. I have also noticed, like in may other places, once you are married, that first baby can come pretty fast, but the ones after that always take nine months. People grin broadly if you mention this.

Lastly, having a baby our of wedlock is not common. In other words, in Ecuador, catholic values are strong, but Christianity has has an element of Pachamama from indigenous influences, so there is some feminine energies that temper the predominantly male-centric catholic view. In fact, it is my observation that the Pachamama views are what drive the Ecuadorians' deep sense of commitment to each other and to the land. They are, after all, the only country that gives constitutional rights to mother earth (unless Chile has recently passed it's similar, proposed legislation.) As you can imagine, the cultural differences in what North Americans know as a certain spiritual belief, and the actual, operating beliefs here are fascinating and helpful for explaining some common cultural misunderstandings. As I often say, it is quite complex and subtle... and easy to miss.


mugtech wrote:

In the Philippines you need church approval to get an annulment ...

And annulment is tough to get -- unless you're rich and/or powerful. Senator Legarda got an annulment after nineteen years of marriage and two kids.

Sorry for being off-topic, but that just annoys the heck out of me.



BobH wrote:
mugtech wrote:

In the Philippines you need church approval to get an annulment ...

And annulment is tough to get -- unless you're rich and/or powerful. Senator Legarda got an annulment after nineteen years of marriage and two kids.

Sorry for being off-topic, but that just annoys the heck out of me.


And the USA denied the Philippines independence for 48 years because they were not ready for it, but it seems they learned USA ways very well, allowing power and money to obtain a basic right which is out of reach for the common folks.  Glad to know this is not the case concerning divorce in Ecuador.


How did this topic arrive at us all getting a divorce in Ecuador? I haven't even been on a date in Ecuador yet.


Yes exactly get back to the point of this blog plz


BrandonBP wrote:

How did this topic arrive at us all getting a divorce in Ecuador? I haven't even been on a date in Ecuador yet.

I believe the idea was to give you some incite into the mindset and customs of the locals so you know how they generally think and act.  Other than Helen's snide remark, hopefully you have gained some useful knowledge concerning Ecuador's society.  Wishing you nothing but the best.


I was joking about the divorce talk. I have really enjoyed the thread.