Why can't there be one and only religion?
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mas fred wrote:Nice idea but people have different views.
No problem until an extreme group know they're so right, they kill people who are wrong.
Just the same as with religion.
HaileyinHongKong wrote:JasfurJQ wrote:Islam is the religion of all prophets since Adam to Mohammad (Peace beupon them all)
So Adam, Moses and Jesus were all Muslim? I'm sure that's news to them.
He said that they were prophets, not Muslims.
Adam's only rules were hang out, don't eat apples, and have sons that bang their sisters.
Have you ever thought about when they don't bang their sisters, the amount of people in those days never expanded?
So we are all sisters and brothers.
Why? Because is writing on the scripture when all the apostols died the apostasy will come. That is when the men involve philosofy and traditons with the true frm the Bible and get the people confuse. But that do not mean that the real one exist. You just have to study the Bible and God will show you were is the "only religion" doing what God really want us to do (John 17:3)
I hope I answered your question.
mas fred wrote:Nice idea but people have different views.
No problem until an extreme group know they're so right, they kill people who are wrong.
Are you talking about politics or religion?
Primadonna wrote:Have you ever thought about when they don't bang their sisters, the amount of people in those days never expanded?
So we are all sisters and brothers.
I've thought about a lot of the flaws in those stories.
rosaroja123 wrote:Why? Because is writing on the scripture when all the apostols died the apostasy will come. That is when the men involve philosofy and traditons with the true frm the Bible and get the people confuse. But that do not mean that the real one exist. You just have to study the Bible and God will show you were is the "only religion" doing what God really want us to do (John 17:3)
I hope I answered your question.
You did not. Your only one relgion is completely different from all the other only one religions.
It's a rare religion that has only one god. Christianity has at least two too many, even if you don't count the saints as gods, which most of them were before they were cruelly demoted. Serious students of religion (smile) might like to read my blog post of December 2011 called "Too Many Gods". Actually - I've just checked - in that one I dismissed some of the godly incidents as "fairy tales", so rosaroja and other believers should resist the temptation to read it. Sorry!
More recently, in April 2012, I posted "One man's meat..." about the intolerance religions have for each other. It's a pretty heavy topic for Expat Cafe, I guess, but unfortunately we all get tangled up in religious issues in our lives, one way or another.
I myself acknowledge a plethora of gods, each of which has its separate place in my life. Currently, the god of computers is smiling on me and my efforts, so he stands higher in my pantheon than he did yesterday, when he wasn't. Sigh. They're so fickle!
HaileyinHongKong wrote:Primadonna wrote:Have you ever thought about when they don't bang their sisters, the amount of people in those days never expanded?
So we are all sisters and brothers.
I've thought about a lot of the flaws in those stories.
That's why I don't trust the Bible anymore, the men changed the stories by their own hand.
And for what?
HaileyinHongKong wrote:mas fred wrote:Nice idea but people have different views.
No problem until an extreme group know they're so right, they kill people who are wrong.
Are you talking about politics or religion?
Pick one.
I think having only one political party would be boring. It also wouldn't be very democratic. I wouldn't want there to be only one religion either.
hong kong animator was correct, shud be only one God, yet there seem to many "gods", as we imagine them. The Bible is true, the one and only true God is the Designer, Creator and Sustainer of all creatures.Of even one of His own creations, who has chosen to rebel
and is the source of many other "gods", each to try draw us away from the True Creator
bum7. Why does there have to be only one god? And why would he/she/it feel the need to be worshipped, with a priesthood to curse non-believers with the threat of hellfire? You believe because of your holy book. But I'm writing my own holy book, and what's going to be in it is that all false gods - that includes your needs-to-be-worshipped god - will go straight to hell, if I decide there is a hell.
If there IS only one god, it's probably the Flying Spaghetti Monster (see Wikipedia for details).
None of my gods are psychopaths. They all flinch at some of the things your god is worshipped for, such as this incident below, which I quoted in my blog "Too many gods" in December 2011:
"And the children of Israel took all the women of Midian captives, and their little ones. ..And Moses said unto them, Have ye saved all the women alive? Behold, these caused the children of Israel to commit trespass against the Lord. ..Now therefore kill every male among the little ones, and kill every woman that hath known man. But all the women children that have not known man, keep alive for yourselves." Numbers 31:9-18 KJV
It's not a real religion until people tell each other what you really meant long after you're dead.
There can't be just one religion. Just as people around the world speaks different languages and not only one. Religion is only there to live our lives with rules and to respect one another and not to judge eachother.
HaileyinHongKong wrote:Because there are over 6 billion people. We don't all like the same ice cream. There's no way we're all going to believe the same thing.
i agreed with Hailey
doesn't matter many different religion in this world, as long as life in peace.
and to be honest, it gonna be impossible, one religion for various kind of culture and countries.
Different people with different thought processes, points of view, way of living etc etc etc, means we are a diverse lot and so we think differently. Hence a diverse number of religions.
kshah wrote:There can't be just one religion. Just as people around the world speaks different languages and not only one. Religion is only there to live our lives with rules and to respect one another and not to judge eachother.
Then a lot of people are doing it wrong.
princess sandra wrote:i agreed with Hailey
doesn't matter many different religion in this world, as long as life in peace.
and to be honest, it gonna be impossible, one religion for various kind of culture and countries.
I agree with Sandra's agreement with me.
I am no longer sure if the conversation here is going to change. As long as numerous people have various thoughts, the dream of one religion is not going to be near.
@ HaileyinHongKong and others. Try reading "The great controversy"
Religions are men made. That's why the problems started..
customade wrote:@ HaileyinHongKong and others. Try reading "The great controversy"
I have enough crazy in my life.
Religion is made by man. As you know people of different countries speak different languages, are of different culture,have different tastes...... Like wise religion is man made. But the motto here is to spread the same message, "Love one another as I have loved you". If you believe in God, then you must remember God created you because he loves you. And so believe in the message religion imparts and try to live life accordingly.
Whatever the religion be, where ever people come from, respect their beliefs, and live with love and peace. Religion is to unite one to the other and not otherwise. In a nutshell, all religions teach you the same message, interpreted differently.... all believe in one GOD!
If only everybody realise there is only one GOD....the rest are GOD's agent, through Islam, Buddhism, Jesus, Taoism, Jehovah, etc etc. They all preach the same thing like what bradley.pinto said.So everybody...good health...good luck...GOD bless you. Respect everybody and the world will be a better place. To those that have great power and influence, please take better care of those under you. Do not let them suffer through hunger. You may live in great comfort, please spare a thought for those under privilege. If you are in the position to do good, do it and not start a war that nobody's going to win. Especially the country affected.
Wrong, Shayne. There are millions of gods. Just to take one simple for-instance: the god who takes care of my computer is doing a first-rate job; the one who is supposed to keep my wife's up and working is a slacker. Neither of those gods has a name, by the way; why would anybody bother giving them names?
Some gods have bigger responsibilities than others, of course. The one that we should all be wary of is the god of luck. Nothing can screw up your day like getting on the wrong side of it.
Among man-made gods, tribal gods are the silliest, largely because they have man-made names in man-made languages. Whooh! My Jesus can beat the bejesus out of your Allah! No he can't! Yes he can! Arrgh, take that you bastard! And so ad infinitum...
Think about it.
well , i think there are three religions Judaism , Christianity and the final one is Islam . and all these religions come from One God who is in Judaism "ël" in CHristianity God or dieu and in islam call him ALLAH .
To be more clearly god sent prophets to his creatures . so , jews God sent to them moses and their book is Torah . chraistain God sent to them jesus and their book is the bible and muslim god sent to them mohammed peace be upon him and their book is qu'ran .
But what's happen to Torah and bible both of these books has been distortion . so God sent other prophet who is mohammed to all humanity with other religion which is islam and it's the last one . and God prmoise to save the last book which is qu'ran from distortion .
if we back to the old statmenet of the bible we 'll find the messages in it are the same in qu'ran . and we need to know what the word islam means .The religion of Islam is not named after a person as in the case of Christianity which was named after Jesus Christ, Buddhism after Gotama Buddha, Confucianism after Confucius, and Marxism after Karl Marx. Nor was it named after a tribe like Judaism after the tribe of Judah and Hinduism after the Hindus. Islam is the true religion of "Allah" and as such, its name represents the central principle of Allah's "God's" religion; the total submission to the will of Allah "God". The Arabic word "Islam" means the submission or surrender of one's will to the only true god worthy of worship "Allah" and anyone who does so is termed a "Muslim", The word also implies "peace" which is the natural consequence of total submission to the will of Allah. Hence, it was not a new religion brought by Prophet Muhammad (PBUH)
HaileyinHongKong wrote:Why can't there be only one donut?
When you have children, you will understand exactly why there can't be only one donut.
Moroccan1 wrote:well , i think there are three religions Judaism , Christianity and the final one is Islam .
Well, there are a few more religions in the world than those three, Moroccan! The latest one I can think of is the Church of the FSM, which you can check out on Wikipedia. It is actually the most believable of all. One day the Pastafarians will take over the world, just you wait and see.
Gordon Barlow wrote:Moroccan1 wrote:well , i think there are three religions Judaism , Christianity and the final one is Islam .
Well, there are a few more religions in the world than those three, Moroccan! .
yeah i can't deny that but all other religions has made by human .
Buddhism after Gotama Buddha, Confucianism after Confucius, and Marxism after Karl Marx. Nor was it named after a tribe like Judaism after the tribe of Judah and Hinduism after the Hindus.
you see all of them men . Téll me why we see Christian people become muslims day after day ?!! do you know that muslim people if they don't believe in jesus they are not muslim
Moroccan1 wrote:But what's happen to Torah and bible both of these books has been distortion . so God sent other prophet who is mohammed to all humanity with other religion which is islam and it's the last one . and God prmoise to save the last book which is qu'ran from distortion .
This is where they always lose me. God is perfect and infallible, but his first book of rules wasn't good enough so he had to do a rewrite. Then that one didn't cut it so he had to do a 3rd draft. You'd think an omnipotent author could get it right the first time.
Moroccan1 wrote:Gordon Barlow wrote:Moroccan1 wrote:well , i think there are three religions Judaism , Christianity and the final one is Islam .
Well, there are a few more religions in the world than those three, Moroccan! .
Téll me why we see Christian people become muslims day after day ?!! do you know that muslim people if they don't believe in jesus they are not muslim
Some Christians convert to Islam so that means there are only 3 religions?
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